Ignorance about bishoujo games

Originally posted by tiger_of_the_wind2040:
I don't like that Virgo guy. no matter how many times people explain to him he still doesn't get the message. PIRATING BISHOUJO GAMES IS WRONG.

Pirates simply don't care. I didn't when I was pirating bishoujo games myself. You can't convince them to care, they have to change on their own.

You were a Pirate? never would have figured that. Oh well it doesn’t matter as long you stopped. But I don’t know, I think some of them do and they do somewhat feel bad at what their doing.

Yet feeling bad is obviously not enough because it does not stop them. It’s I guess sort of like the person that feels guilty about having loose change when all these ads of “pennies a day can save a life” come on television, so they end the bad feelings by spending the loose change on something for themselves. Only in this case they end the bad feelings by playing and enjoying the game, and then downloading another one to enjoy, if all of that made sense.

Speaking of Virgofenix you notice he put Illuminati under his name? Perhaps means nothing in this case or a slight ego to use the name of the organization that allegedly, amongst other things, controls most if not all of the world governments and money supply?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-26-2004).]

Originally posted by Mattitude_Inc:
sounds like a bunch of geeky teenagers who have never even looked at a female breast...or gays :S

Please don't say that because you make us sound the same as them. I also want to point out that someone posted a link on that thread that leads to this tread. If we are trying to support bishoujo games and turn potential fans into real fans then we can't just gather here and bash them non-stop. If anyone from that thread is reading these posts then please don't get too upset. The people who post on this BBS are usually very friendly and we only want you to see bishoujo games for what they are. Most of us don't want to offend anyone.

As far as being a bishoujo game pirate, I've heard some pretty unusual arguements supporting the download of these games. Someone once said that it's not any different than borrowing a game that your friend bought. Nobody is going to say that you can't share, right. Downloading is just "file sharing." I think that there is an easy defense against this kind of arguement. When people share games and movies with their friends, someone actually bought the original item and they are sharing with their friends. Who's going to care if someone copies a CD for their friends. It's people who make things available for everyone to download that do damage. That will provide limitless copies to anyone. I like to share my things with people I know and they do the same for me. But all of us are buying the original items. But because the English bishoujo game market is very small and weak, I generally avoid copying translated games. I will copy pure Japanese games for my friends because they are very expensive and the Japanese game market is not in danger. I'm buying the games, and I only make a few copies for a few people. I don't think that the Japanese market is too worried about a couple Americans getting copies of a game that their friend bought, especially since some of the games don't even have copy protection. I like to copy Japanese games that are unlike games that are on the English market. The people I give them to already like bishoujo games but they see that there's even more diversity out there. That doesn't mean that I'm going to make these games available for download. No way! It's just a favor for fellow fans. I don't give anything to free loaders. I just don't like to be the only one who knows about a game just because nobody else imports it. I got a new game and I just made a copy for my friend. It's a game by Cronus, "Inukko Puni Puni." All of the girls in the game have dog ears and tails and are cute! The artwork is very soft and it stands out from other studios. But nobody has it. I made a special request to Himeya shop for this game. Now my friends and I can talk about it and we think it would make a great g-collections game, mainly because it's slapstick type of humor that seems like something you'd get from G-collections. But of course, it would be great if PeaPri got this title, too. I'd be glad to copy this game for members of this BBS because I know that everyone here is a good fan who supports these games. I'd just mail the game to you. It's okay with me if a few fans get copies of a Japanese game from me. I'd love it if everyone would buy it, but that's not going to happen. Just in case, here's where I got it:


I won't make more than a couple copies of anything, because I'm not a pirate. I won't accept any request from a junior member. So if you guys want to bash me for making a few copies of Japanese games for a few of my friends or other bishoujo game fans, that's okay. Bash away. I think there is a big difference between personally copying a few Japanese games for a few friends and fans compared with blindly letting anyone download the translated games that are hardly making profit. What do you guys think?

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I'd just mail the game to you. It's okay with me if a few fans get copies of a Japanese game from me. I'd love it if everyone would buy it, but that's not going to happen. Just in case, here's where I got it:

[Game Link]

I won't make more than a couple copies of anything, because I'm not a pirate. I won't accept any request from a junior member. So if you guys want to bash me for making a few copies of Japanese games for a few of my friends or other bishoujo game fans, that's okay. Bash away. I think there is a big difference between personally copying a few Japanese games for a few friends and fans compared with blindly letting anyone download the translated games that are hardly making profit. What do you guys think?

Pirate...Pirate...PIRATE... Let's bring out the torch and BURN him...

But...Before that...Can you send me a copy of the game so I shall enjoy that game for free... eh? EH?? Pleasessssss.....

ok...I'll stop my joking here. Actually, I have and AM playing the particular game that you posted above alone with a few other game titles that I ordered from Himeya.

I too am a sucker for doggirls/catgirls/ratgirls/deergirls/sheepgirls...and any girl with tails and ears. Who can resist such beautiful creatures...

I got to say. I love what I have seen so far.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 05-26-2004).]

I am not sure if there is a real difference or if it is a difference in the mind. It’s like the old story of one person alone cannot harm a driveway by taking five stones from it, but then imagine if 200 or 300 people are doing the same thing, that’s say 10,000 to 15,000 stolen items.

So yes one alone might not make a real difference but 200 or 300, which is probably a great underestimate of the true number, all thinking they are doing it alone or even knowing they are not but thinking their small addition to it might not make a differene, does in fact make a huge difference.

Illumaniti? Isn’t that the secret society that controls everything in the US?

It is the society that supposedly controls a lot of things in almost every to every nation, but behind the scenes, sort of shadow governments, yet powerful enough to cause say the fall of the U.S.S.R. since they also controlled the Soviet Union, that is if you believe they exist, and for me the jury’s out, not sure if they do exist or if they do not exist.

If you believe it some say the evidence is on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill which has their symbol, the eye over the pyramid, which is suppose to be evidence of their involvement in this government. Other evidence is supposedly seen in flags, money, government symbols of other nations.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-26-2004).]

Originally posted by Noirbo:

I too am a sucker for doggirls/catgirls/ratgirls/deergirls/sheepgirls...and any girl with tails and ears. Who can resist such beautiful creatures...

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 05-26-2004).]

I know what you mean. I am cannot resist them at all. I think that everyone like them even if they don't admit it. I'm glad that you bought the game! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I have to ask, how much Japanese do you know? I have taken classes for 2 years so I can almost grasp the jist of what the story is about but I miss a lot of it. Of course, the story isn't too important in this game. There are a lot of jokes in it too. Or, do you don't know Japanese at all and you just bought it because it's a dog girl ADV? Do you think this is feels like something that G-collections would release, or PeaPri?

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:

I know what you mean. I am cannot resist them at all. I think that everyone like them even if they don't admit it. I'm glad that you bought the game! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I have to ask, how much Japanese do you know? I have taken classes for 2 years so I can almost grasp the jist of what the story is about but I miss a lot of it. Of course, the story isn't too important in this game. There are a lot of jokes in it too. Or, do you don't know Japanese at all and you just bought it because it's a dog girl ADV? Do you think this is feels like something that G-collections would release, or PeaPri?

Well, I have been taking Japanese for 2 years now and am going to take the 3rd year Japanese next year. However, I did live in Taiwan for a while when I was a teen; therefore, I can read quite a few Mandarin characters with no problem, which also means I can pretty much understand most of the kanji characters in Japanese even though I can't pronounce them. kanji + 2 years of Japanese grammar/language = my current Japanese level. You be the judge [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

I do not think it's likely for G-C or Peachprincess to translate this particular game in the future. It is quite unfortunate but true. When/IF the Bishoujo game market in English speaking market is big enough, there will be many other games to be translated. So...Don't get your hope up...

Hmm… Forgot to post this in the previous post.

For people who like catgirl… a great game is coming out which I will definitely buy.


Other few games I am planning to purchase are these…Check them out…




Around 300+ bucks… which is my budget for bishoujo game per month…

I’m not really into lolicon characters and that’s why I didn’t pre-order pure/pure. This same factor scared me away from Tail Tale but the faux newspaper “PC News” that I got in my last package from Himaya shop had a really pretty poster/ad of Tail Tale that may make it worth buying. It seems that not all the characters are lolicon.

So Triangle Heart is an adult game,eh.I read in a mags about it having anime version so I thought it was for all age.

Well,if it was made into anime then I guess it’s a good one.

Another thing,we can’t rally say if pur-pure is a lolicon game or not because the screenshots only show one character

[This message has been edited by RedHell (edited 05-27-2004).]

Originally posted by tiger_of_the_wind2040:
Illumaniti? Isn't that the secret society that controls everything in the US?

No, that would be me.

Heavens, this Virgo guy have no shame at all. Take a look at his bad excuses to keep downloading BGames. He’s really a pirate all right!!
Okay… i think i will send him a reply too. He’ll sorry to mess with us, legal b-games fans!

His ideas on morals are very interesting, and justifying it in part by saying the customer is always right, it is also kind of sad he will hide behind moral beliefs in attempting to justify pirating these games.

Yeah I just posted a long reply to him, he will probably try to find a way to box most of us out eventually.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-27-2004).]

I also want to point out that someone posted a link on that thread that leads to this tread.

Please, just call me by my name. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

He’s gone to standard pirate behaviour. Don’t respond to specific pointing out of the flaws in his arguments, just ignore it and keep writing the same answers all the pirates give.

I swear, it’s like they are all handed a book along with their internet connection; “how to argument for piracy”.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-27-2004).]

I just wrote another reply too, speaking as as someone who works on these games and puts in the actual work…I wonder what he will think reading something directly from someone on the other side of the “war line”…I hope it will at least make him think for a few minutes

I just get this feeling he will find some way to blame anyone working in the industry for working in the industry. Which is why I asked him what I did in one of my recent posts.

It does seem like there is one playbook for these pirates and they all are using it. That or they all act like children by ignoring any evidence that what they are doing is bad and instead just repeat a phrase like “Well those companies are evils so I am a hero for doing this.”