Ignorance about bishoujo games

You know, I’ve noticed something in all my time reading these threads here and comparing it with other forums I’ve been to. And to my conclusion, you people here are the most well-mannered most polite group of people I have ever seen. Unlike some other forums, I mean when you argue, its in a formal and polite manner with absolutly no swearing or insulting of the other person. Wow, I salute you all.

it’s the lemons, tiger…they keep us in line

Originally posted by tiger_of_the_wind2040:
You know, I've noticed something in all my time reading these threads here and comparing it with other forums I've been to. And to my conclusion, you people here are the most well-mannered most polite group of people I have ever seen. Unlike some other forums, I mean when you argue, its in a formal and polite manner with absolutly no swearing or insulting of the other person. Wow, I salute you all.

Aren't adults supposed to be like that?

Originally posted by Noirbo:
Aren't adults supposed to be like that?

Yes but some of those I know are more like children then their children.

I have noticed what tiger_of_the_wind2040 mentioned too, and that is what makes this perhaps the most enjoyable board I have ever posted on to come back to time and again. It is a good group of people here, which is another reason I am thankful for finding this board.

Originally posted by tiger_of_the_wind2040:
You know, I've noticed something in all my time reading these threads here and comparing it with other forums I've been to. And to my conclusion, you people here are the most well-mannered most polite group of people I have ever seen. Unlike some other forums, I mean when you argue, its in a formal and polite manner with absolutly no swearing or insulting of the other person. Wow, I salute you all.

I try to stick to pure logic as much as possible in my arguments. You tend to win more often that way ^___^.

Well, that, and I can always steal someone's soul and make them agree with me to get it back.

Seriously - thanks; I appreciate it. That's one of the things I appreciate about everyone else around here, as well.

You salute us? What for? I thought that b-gamers like to get together and play dirty games to get horny.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
You salute us? What for? I thought that b-gamers like to get together and play dirty games to get horny. :rolleyes:

Horny bunnies. Or lesbian strippers. Whichever comes first, really...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Horny bunnies. Or lesbian strippers. Whichever comes first, really...

Why not wait for the second faction after the first already showed up? Would be twice the fun... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Unlike some other forums, I mean when you argue, its in a formal and polite manner with absolutly no swearing or insulting of the other person. Wow, I salute you all.

Except me, I guess, since I don't fit that profile... (there are always complaints about me)

three words here:

I give up

Sorry guys, I tried, but I am not going to keep fighting this guy…he has no interest in listening to reason or logic and seems to feel no need to realize his arguments are rather faulty

But i send full support to those who are still trying

I actually hoped that with your previous post you would be able to change some of his thinking at least since you work in the industry. However, it seems all he does is “feel sorry” for anyone he drives to unemployment through his actions.

Not to mention that he does keep repeating the same things over and over and never answers new questions or realizes his position is shakey at best.

Even though I am too lazy to participate in such debate this time, I have been following the thread closely…

My opinion… I believe he does know his position is shaky at best but doesn’t want to admit the false in his way/argument. That’s why he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again without answering any new question. What’s the point of arguing aginst such individual???

I haven’t really been playing close attention to this thread, but it seems to me, anyone that stubborn not to at least look at other people’s views is either Christian, or underage. And I doubt it’s the former. :shrugs: That’s just my opinion.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 05-28-2004).]

It actually reminds me of a debate I was in with someone who was very much a Conservative my being a Liberal made this debate all the more fun.

This debate reminds me of it a lot of that time with his continual stating of “I think pirating is good”. No matter what we say it is always the same thing, we could ask him if he would pirate if the punishment if caught was death, and his reply would still be “I think pirating is good”. I am trying to count how many times he ignores our questions.

Why argue with him? Because it is in a strange way fun to see how many different ways he can say the same thing before he gets ticked at all of us and starts not responding.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-28-2004).]

well, I’ve made my final statement to Virgo…it’s awfully harsh, for me…but somehow I enjoyed it…

good luck prodding him, guys

I actually think it was a very good final message to him, and a nice touch at the end too, something I am glad one of us has said at this point.

He just doesn’t get it and I wonder if he ever will?

but it seems to me, anyone that stubborn not to at least look at other people's views is either Christian, or underage.

I understand that Christians in the US seem to be very conservative and strict, but please don't generalize that view on the whole world. I am a Catholic Christian and was not raised as strictly as you would expect, and as you can see from my stay here, I do look at what other people say. The same goes for other people I know.
Why argue with him? Because it is in a strange way fun to see how many different ways he can say the same thing before he gets ticked at all of us and starts not responding.

well, I've made my final statement to Virgo....it's awfully harsh, for me...but somehow I enjoyed it....

I have to say that I quite liked that post. It was justified, clear, and straight to the point. Good job, I say.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-28-2004).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
well, I've made my final statement to Virgo....it's awfully harsh, for me...but somehow I enjoyed it....

good luck prodding him, guys

No, I think he had it comng. Good for you.

This "man" has demonstrated an amazing capacity for cognitive dissonance. Trying to talk to him is not going to work. When he retreated to the "I don't think anyone ever has the right to make moral judgement against others" statement I knew he was full of it. I am sure he would be the one loudly complaining if I were to (for instance) break into his house and steal all his possessions, or if I snail mailbombed him (mailbomb in the computer sense; sign him up for say 5000 catalogues a month). No, he'd be very insistent that I was wrong for doing that.

In short, time to give him the "smile and nod" treatment.

Originally posted by Benoit:
but it seems to me, anyone that stubborn not to at least look at other
people's views is either Christian, or underage.

I understand that Christians in the US seem to be very conservative and strict, but please don't generalize that view on the whole world. I am a Catholic Christian and was not raised as strictly as you would expect, and as you can see from my stay here, I do look at what other people say. The same goes for other people I know.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-28-2004).]

The original poster didn't say ALL Christians thought that way. Many, in fact, do not. The poster said that most people who think that way, are Christians. There is a tradition of strong doctine that promotes blind unquestioning faith. Some denominations in particular are far worse for this than others.

When insurance was just starting to emerge, the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod (among others) opposed it as it demonstrated a lack of faith in God. This position was reversed when it became clear that they weren't any more protected against disasters than the "heathens".

But the original poster was a bit too harsh in singling out Christianity. Any religion has the potential to be used in a cult-like manner, where people are encouraged to do whatever the cult leader says. Christianity is just the most prevalent (in the US and Europe) and therefore has the most examples of this.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
In short, time to give him the "smile and nod" treatment.

Treat him like a child who is telling you all about why someone is a bully for stopping his bullying?