Image perceptions and sensations

Tell me…
Does this :confused:
CLICK here to enlarge…

No. Looks like a horny one to me.

I think so too…
But the one who gave me this told me that she was tired and is in need to lie down…and that she also has a fever…
No matter how many times I look at it…I can’t really picture what that human is seeing in this photo…
(Tilts head to the left) Hmmm…somehow…that one can see something that I don’t or can’t but let’s not get carried away…
Guess I have to read about this kind of visual perception…

[ 12-30-2006, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Boy…was that one’s visual perception/sensation weird… But…that can also mean that our visual sensations are too focus on Beep…heh heh… :slight_smile: Have fun!.. :smiley:

A penis?

You know, 13th… your posts would be far more interesting and detailed if you just put forth your opinion in words instead of having to rely purely on images. Then again, this is from the academic perspective.

No… It is not…Benoit…look again… :o
Well, it’s true…that most humans will understand what one is trying to say thru the use of words rather than using symbols or images…It’s just…well…I’ve been living my life doing mostly reading and analyzing my surroundings… It’s fun to somehow know humans by the way they move and make decisions and do things…rather than just listen to what they say or tell about themselves… :smiley:

And by the way…
The thing hanging in that images’s chest…
It’s a Baby. Probably…a month old right after birth…

You didn’t see that…didn’t you?..
This is why…I love finding hidden stuff inside images and other stuff!.. :smiley:

[ 01-03-2007, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Umm… 13th… are you talking about the thing where the liege’s heart is supposed to be ?

Cos’ it looks more like the heads of three babies then just one. Also, I can’t see any other baby, unless you circle it or something.

So you notice… :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 01-03-2007, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I thought you were talking about the thing to the left in the chest.

You probably look at close-up on the left…and yes, you’ll see half a baby head… But, if you look closely on the bottom part close-up…you’ll be able to see that the left and bottom close-ups are connected… :slight_smile: Thus, letting you see the three heads!..

Surprising… :eek: isn’t it…?

You know 13th… I don’t know whether you’re trying to be rude when pointing out something painfully obvious, or you are inable to verbally make a rather interesting and valid point. But that’s okay.


After all, I am guessing what you are trying to say is that one need not use a three-dimensional model to express a three-dimensional concept when a two-dimensional figure can do the same. To give an example, you simuale the experience of looking at a cubic figure by drawing a cubic figure.

Thus, while the two dimensional figure does not have a third dimension, it can give the same image and perception of staring at an actual cube… And yes, you don’t have to rotate the ‘cube’ image to prove it’s a cube image. Same goes for a real cube… and so on.


This could lead to a long discussion… but another time.

Yes…I’m percepting quite a long discussion…
So, another time would be a great idea…

What is this?..
He sure like to do odd things…T_T

You’re being vague, who are you referring to, 13th ?

I…am referring to the one who took over me, while I was asleep for a couple of weeks…

Bizaree as he was, 13th, that persona was attempting to put forth a rather valid point about perception, though he seemed to have lacked the vocabulary and time to write an entire paragraph dedicated to it.

No, seriously.

Besides,a s long as he doesn’t spam up this board, he’s fine in my book.

As far as bizare is concerned…
You may not believe, but…
That one and me…occupies only one physical form…
That one can gain control any time that one wills it…while, I can only take control by forcing and straining myself…

I don’t really think this is the right time to discuss this…How about you?..

13th, you freak me out at times.

M3 t00.


But as long as you don’t spam, you’re fine.

Also, 13th, I think you’re suffering from the Sickenss unto Death, and you’re human all too human.