Information Gathering (Long time members of BBS, please

Hi everyone,

I’m actually very keen on information gathering when it comes to things I’m interested in - such as bishoujo games. This includes its history, particularly during PPs and G-Collections days when games use to come out monthly. I hope to use the information on Anime Advanced somehow and make the site more complete.

I would appreciate it if anyone here can help answer the following questions. Long time users on PP BBS will probably be the only ones that can answer these questions though, but please feel free to give it a try. Thank you everyone, I appreciate it. :slight_smile:


  1. Information extracted!

  2. Can you recall and provide pictures of giveaway items that Peach Princess or G-Collections has offered before? Examples include Crescendo bookmarks, Sensei 3 mousepads, Little My Maid Cards, etc.

2a. How about convention giveaways such as the Kango Shicyauzo 2 mini-poster? Can you please provide pictures or scans?

  1. Approximately when did the the BBS start to have less users coming frequently?

3a. If you were one a long time user who stopped frequenting Peach Princess BBS, why?

3b. Information extracted!

  1. Before it was released did you pre-order Enzai -Falsely Accused-? If so, when did your order ship.

  2. Information extracted!

  3. Information extracted!

  4. What was the difference between Critical Point and Critical Point Limited Edition? Was the art for the U.S. version drawn by a different artise? Any chance you can provide a picture of non-in game content differences, if any? Can you provide a picture of the boxart?

  5. Do you know of any Peach Princess or G-Collections titles that have varied cover images. Some possibilities may be Pick Me, Honey! or I’m Gonna Serve You 4.

8a. Can you provide an image of that/those cover image(s)?

  1. Can you provide a scan of the cover image of G-Collection’s release of Kango Shicyauzo (without voices version)?

10a. Do you have a first pressing of X-Change (released on March 2001), which contains a full-color art on the CD-ROM Can you please provide a scan of the CD-ROM?

10b. If you do not have a first pressing of X-Change do you have a second or later pressing? Can you provide a scan of the CD-ROM?

11. May I have permission to use the images you provide on Anime Advanced - ? Credit will be given to the image providers.
Thank you.

Part of the reason I’m asking these questions is just because I want to see it, such as the promo items. Questions asked regarding release dates is so I can update Anime Advanced with the proper dates. It kind of bothers me that I still have some games without release dates in the database.

All the dates that are on the site by the by, were found by myself via hours of searching through PP BBS archieves. Gamefaqs just ripped them of Anime Advanced. Though I’m glad that proper information was updated to gamefaqs, I can’t help but feel some slight anger because the contributors had easy access and I had to work hard :o

I will continue to add more content on Anime Advanced in order to make it a good bishoujo game site. I really want to make it the #1 place for North American visual novel related things but I still have a ways to go. . .

[ 02-08-2007, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

There’s still an image of it, along with an image of the key chains, on Peach Princess’ Little my Maid page.

A couple of months after Little my Maid was released, I think. That’s almost two years ago…

I recall reading that the only difference was that the CGs weren’t uncensored, and maybe a bonus item…


It had a bonus trading card
I found the original announcement, though it doesn’t say anything about a trading card

Thanks a lot Benoit! The Trading Card thread also gave me the date for the relase of Critical Point LE. Though I’d still like to getthe cover image for it.

mockingbird, do you REALLY want to know the reasons for 3 and 3a? :stuck_out_tongue:

i am afraid that you might not be able to handle the truth :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 02-06-2007, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Is it because Kimiko stopped frequenting?

i took over at around 2001-2002, around the time when brave soul was still at work so that was way before LMM was released, so nope that’s not the reason

Are you implying that they left because of me? :frowning:

alright, i will answer some of the questions for you but unfortunately i have no info for gc or release dates for any games; for some of answers you will either have to wait for me to get fired by peapri, or i resign/retire from peapri, or in my death bed :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. no idea

  2. gc has postcards/trading cards and of course g-money i believe. for LMM stuff besides key chains i believe mousepads were also offered to those who ordered the game (basically after the key chains ran out), there may be a short comic book too but i have no idea if those were given along with orders but i know key chains and mousepads were given as freebies with orders…it’s basically goods that were from the japanese version of LMM Pandora Box which was canned in terms of an english release (and i was personally against doing Pandora Box anyways) so if you want images you may want to try google and search for japanese websites for pandora box? i have the comic book but i think i threw the mousepad away because its very optical-mouse-unfriendly :stuck_out_tongue:

there is also a snow drop tapestry/wall scroll as well as LMM trading cards…and i believe a will pink bath towel was also sold during conventions but i forgot what game it was from (dont think it was from snow drop or LMM)

2a. i believe those were a little newsletter thing peter made and give out at conventions to people who purchased a bishoujo game. one side has a kango2 poster that folds into 4 and i believe it’s B2 size unfolded (i actually have the prepress file here in my computer at home), the back has a short article introducing bishoujo games in general and a catalog of games from peapri/jlist/gc; i believe this was before peter took over gc, when kango2 and sercet wives club were the new releases at the time

  1. and 3a. can you really handle the truth? :stuck_out_tongue:

3b. wasn’t all their bbs accessible from their website just like any of their other bbs?

  1. and 5. and 6. no idea

  2. The only difference was that the graphics were still censored and it was released before the uncensored version came out and it was in limited quanities, and i believe (not sure on this) there is a badge that came with the limited edition, although i also believe that the badge was also included in the uncensored version as well

  3. the only one that i know of, off the top of my head, is kango 1 with voices and without voices, and pre-vmate vs with-vmate vs post-vmate package versions, and possibly new packaging of gc games after peter took over gc

  4. maybe try ebay? but i believe gc offered a recall/exchange of the voiced version if you bring in a voiceless version (that was back then, doesn’t mean it still applies now) so i have no idea if anybody is still holding on to the voiceless version

10a. i got mine here

10b. and why would i want to keep multiple copies of the same game? :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. maybe, if you are nice to me, but since you are not recently, so…nope :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 02-06-2007, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

that’s not something i can answer as i am still here and didn’t leave; maybe you should ask those people yourself?

[ 02-06-2007, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Wait…when was I not nice to you or anyone on this forum (serious question)? I don’t recall being rude or saying anything that could be considered offensive in the other thread (I even went to go check). The post in the other forum however, did lack professionalism, but I attribute that to being on a roll. . .

And was Peter really the one that wrote the bushoujo game news letter? Do you recall if there was more than one issue? I have the first issue with the Kango 2 mini-poster on back and I thought it was pretty cool. I picked it up at Anime Expo 200X (don’t recall what the exact year was).

Hmm I wonder what game that bath towel came from. I could only guess it would Tokimeki Check-in! That’s a pretty cool give away though. Perhaps the best giveaway item out of all (though I give the Crescendo bookmarks a lot of points because I love the game so much).

I somehow want to make a page or article with all the various promo items (since there aren’t too many)
and show the various differences in cover arts.

I didn’t realize that there were so much variations in cover images (possibly up to 3). That would explain why Figures of Happiness on JList has an orange border and my copy has a Green Border, I guess.

Here is what I’ve been able to find thus far (cover variants):

Pick Me, Honey!:


Figures of Happiness:


I thought there was a difference between I’m Gonna Serve You 4 covers but I havn’t been able to find it (might have to time travel).

Hey Lamuness (or anyone else), do you know if X-Change 1 is the only title to feature disc art variations between pressings.

Wait…when was I not nice to you or anyone on this forum (serious question)?

didn’t you see my line ending with a :stuck_out_tongue: ? :stuck_out_tongue:

And was Peter really the one that wrote the bushoujo game news letter? Do you recall if there was more than one issue?

i have no idea if there are any newer issues of that newsletter thingy. but i believe it was a collab thing between gc and peapri at that time so i wouldn’t say peter was the one who wrote it

Hmm I wonder what game that bath towel came from. I could only guess it would Tokimeki Check-in!

i’m dead sure it’s a will-brand game (therefore not TCI) but i believe that game was not released here (it was some leftover goods a japanese staff from will japan brought over to sell at conventions) and it’s at least 5 years ago since i last saw it so i can’t really remember anymore; and just to clarify: it was NOT a giveaway/freebie, you have to pay for it but i believe it was pretty cheap

I didn’t realize that there were so much variations in cover images (possibly up to 3).

well, many titles will have at least 2 variations since peter has to take out the vmate text at the front cover saying “internet connection required”

Hey Lamuness (or anyone else), do you know if X-Change 1 is the only title to feature disc art variations between pressings.

search for brave soul in this bbs, i believe there are reports of different printings on the cdrom (pre-patch and post-patch) but i am not sure on that one myself since i only have the pre-patch version

just fyi, i have only attended 2 peapri conventions ever so my knowledge is somewhat limited

[ 02-07-2007, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Ah I’ll search for the Brave Soul disc variant.
By the by, so why did people stop visiting the BBS? I would guess a software drought but the BBS stopped getting packed before Sagara and Shiawase came out.

i am going to repeat one more time:

can you REALLY handle the truth? :stuck_out_tongue:

This made me think about it some more, and I think I know the answer as to why many people stopped visiting.

Virtual Mate.

When it was initially announced, it upset a lot of people. Some others were indifferent, others didn’t think it was that bad of an idea. This started what I call the “V-Mate Wars” on this BBS, spawning a big thread that has only been outmatched by the insanity thread.

The wars made the BBS an uneasy place to visit. ekylo’s (now previous to) last post made this clear. This had been a happy place before, with bouncing lemons, vampire lemons, lesbian strippers, the occasional joke, etc.

The final nail in the coffin was the death of G-Collections (I know, they didn’t really die, but work with me for a moment), which meant no more monthly bishoujo game releases to talk and speculate about, which led to much less discussion in general.

Things got a little better when I started my “I WANT DISCUSSION!” thread, but I still long for those happy times. :frowning:

I can do better then that small image of the cards as I can scan the front and back of all 8 cards but it’ll be an undertaking as I don’t have direct access to a scanner

I have a scanner sitting right here, but I can’t use it. Why? My brother lended the CD with the drivers and PhotoExpress to a friend years ago. We never got it back.

I called recently, after figuring that I would have to do something myself to get it back. I haven’t heard back since…

The drivers I found on the Internet didn’t work, and now I can’t even turn on the scanner because our rabbit bit on the wire (according to my mom, it was already becoming unusable anyway due to hardening).

The remakes of X-Change 1 & 2 would be far more apart than just sporting different CGs.

Darn it, just tells us !

Pwitty pwwez ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if Benoit guessed it, I just want something straight from the horse’s mouth.

there were many different reasons, some made a bigger impact than others…

Yes, I can handle the truth. Please tell me. While you’re at it, please scan or take a pic of your X-Change CD-ROM. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I’ve done more digging and managed to get all the wallpapers of LMM that PP use to offer. I should be able to upload them to the site soon.

Hey Lamuness, I don’t suppose you can also tell us why PP decided to stop offering downloads too?

In the meantime, here are things from the past (via timemachine):

Sensei 3 Mousepad:

Ren-ai Joju Key Chain:

Pictures needed for the following items:

  • Crescendo Bookmarks

  • Do You Like a Horny Bunny? Bag

  • Little My Maid Card scans, Keychain closeups, mousepad images, and manga.

  • Critical Point Badge

  • Bishoujo Newsletter Scan (I can provide this later on if no one else is able to).
    I suppose making a list here on this topic would be pretty cool until I’m able to create an article.

  • Snow Drop Wallscroll

  • Kango Shicyauzo Cards

  • Tsukushite Cards (I’m Gonna Serve You cards) that were given out with Tsukushite Agechau 4 Pre-orders. I believe there were 78 cards in all but pics of 2-3 non-nude cards would be great.

[ 02-08-2007, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]