Interesting E3 2010 Stuff

Well E3 is officially up in 9 days, so I’m sure there will be a lot of cool game announcements we’re all going to be hyped about. Figured it work best, to have them all concentrated in one thread. :o

To get the ball rolling, some pre-E3 leaks I’ve caught here and there:

  • There’s going to be a Rockman Online.

  • Devil May Cry 5 is in the works by a UK company (was outsourced).

  • Kojima Productions and Microsoft Games have been holding closed door meetings over something.

  • There’s a new 2D sprites with 3D background Contra for XBOX360 and PS3.

  • (Japan only) Tokimeki Memorial: Girl’s Side 3 uses a 4 gigabit DS card. That’s the largest they come in… I believe it’s the only game that uses a 4 gigabit card. For the record, Girl’s Side 2 was on a 2 gigabit card… so that’s basically twice the content.

Like to see what kind of games nintendo will be using with their 3D DS system and how good the 3D quality is that doesn’t require 3D glasses. The hardware in it is suppose to put it much closer to PS3/360 than the Wii.

I’m interested to see some info on DQ9 and how they are going to deal, if at all, with a US population that is more spread out and local play of DQ is unlikely (I know 1 person who will be getting the title beyond myself. I know of few others who will probably, but I don’t contact them anymore due to distance.)

Ouside E3, I am wondering how the money sunk into Sakura Wars and the sales has impacted them. That might not be until July.

I’ve got an official press release that claims DQ9 is out on July 11th in North America and July 23rd in Europe. It will be out before the DQ6 remake, which is quite surprising, but the reason for that is because DQ9 was released in Japan on July 11.

They wanted the same date. :slight_smile:

I believe I read recently that the next title in the Deus Ex series will make a showing at E3 this year. Here is hoping that it measures up to the original game to some extent, especially given that the main creative force behind the original (Warren Spector) is not involved in this game.

Well they want the same date for NA.

Let’s see on some of the more mainstream stuff:

Should already be getting and I think it leaked already an announcement for Mass Effect 3

(Since there isn’t going to be a whole lot of Engine tweaking, it’s mainly the Story (and all it contains) and the actors recording their lines. It’ll probably be out by at least June of next year. Bioware better not drop the ball on this one. The dlc for Mass Effect 2 has been decent (Can’t say the same for Dragon Age though) and the upcoming overlord pack looks good.

Couple of things to note:

-Really doubt FFXIV is going to be out this year, just because of some of the rumors I’ve heard about the 1st beta phase of testing.

-SWTOR should be making a showing and will probably highlight the companion characters.

now for the toatally unrealistic announcement

-JastUSA and Type-Moon announce that they will be bringing Fate / Stay Night and Fate Hollow /Ataraxia to the States.
(One can only dream :slight_smile: )

Edited for Clarity

On May 10, Jenni Lada from Gamertell made some E3 localization predictions (worksafe link: … edictions/ ). A few items on her list have already been confirmed, while others are still “I wish this might get translated soon” status.

So here’s some games which I hope might get localized before their systems go out of print. The list is from kinda-mainstream to definitely-not-mainstream. I didn’t include renai games for PC, because those are usually announced at Anime Expo:

  • Sakura Note (an action game for DS)
  • 7th Dragon (an RPG for DS, created by Sega)
  • Shining Force Feather (the only recent strategy-style “Shining” game, for DS, also created by Sega)
  • Atelier Judie (PSP remake of a PS2 life sim/RPG)
  • either E’tude Prologue Portable, or For Symphony: With All One’s Heart Portable (both for PSP, created by Takuyo, have male and female lead characters)
  • B’s-Log Party (PSP, from Idea Factory – somewhere in between otome game and board game, perhaps accessible to non-visual novel fans?)
  • Vitamin Y (DS, from D3 Publisher – somewhere in between otome game and mini game collection)
  • Natsume will release Rune Factory 3 in the US late 2010 or early 2011

  • Konami has a new Metal Gear on XBOX360

  • Square-Enix is working on a new Kingdom Hearts for DS

  • Altus claiming they have a “big secret” to announce in the next few days

That’s good. Since Xseed was reluctant I was worried about future of the series coming to the US. I wish they would look and see the DS titles, which have faired better from what i’ve seen, differently.

I will still likely make a personal version with Japanese VAs as i expect the English VAs to go downhill again.

I expect it is Persona 5 info or a new title.

wishful thinking
They’ve hired Matsuno and contracted with SE to finish the Ogre Saga.

  • Harmony of Despair is the Metrovania entry from Konami… surprise part: it’s for XBOX 360 and not DS. No sign of a Castlevania for Nintendo this year… quite unusual… maybe they’re waiting for the 3DS announcement.

  • There’s another expansion for The SIMS 3 on PC… no real shock on that.

  • Fable 3 is gonna have two DLC “episodes” around launch time. Sounds like the game is gonna be incomplete on the disc. :roll:

  • Nintendo having a closed door meeting. Nevermind. It’s a generic sales pitch event for getting investors.

Any news yet for KOF13 ?

2nd Wii Legend of Zelda title for 2011

More info revealed on Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Nintendo says it’ll be ready by the holiday season.

Looks like the 3DS will have a larger screen (3.5" as opposed to DSi/DSLite 3") with a 3D depth slider so you can add as much depth as you want. Confirmed titles: DJ Hero 3D. Kingdom Hearts, Saints Row, Madden NFL, Assassin’s Creed, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. Supposably you can also play existing 3D films on it.

  • Capcom has just confirmed Street Fighter 4 for 3DS.

  • Online access will be free. Sony and M$ should pay attention.

  • Has gyroscope motion detection.

  • Kid Icarus is the launch title.

  • Rumor has it Sony and Microsoft wept, as Nintendo turned water into wine and made the lame walk again. :wink:


Behold the E3 Trailer for Kid Icarus on the 3DS.

Music and laser beam spam, remind me of Macross… but more importantly, when did Pit ever become such a badass? 8)


  • Zelda is on 3DS

Fable 3 Trailer from E3:

I see what they did there… in the first two, you were saving or avenging a sibling. Now it has you killing one. :lol:

And of course, because the “Blood of Heroes” was limited to three people at the end of Fable 2… well… the loins of royalty really does have power. :wink:

Seems like the hero took lessons from Dante of Devil May Cry: (I’m sure the Sith choice has you letting the child die).

Long Live the King… and that King will be me!!! :twisted:

Gotta admit though… pushing the technological and cultural level to the “British Empire” era, really makes it seem more epic, despite my misgivings about them doing paid DLC episodes on launch day.

Really on the Fence on Fable 3. Loved 1 (Although I wanted to marry Whisper), liked 2 (Still haven’t finished the main plot yet though). but was really put off by the bugs (which most were fixed eventually), and the paid dlc which would have been much better if you could have brought your own hero over for the Co-Op stuff. Anyway, I’ll make my decision when it comes out…

  • There’s going to be a Silent Hill 8

  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadows has a vampire woman showing tons of cleavage and a lolicon daughter with lots of hair. I suppose they’re Drac’s wife and child… I guess… or maybe just harem girls.

  • Otomedius Excellent is being localized and censored for US release.

IGN got a hold of some Konami press pictures of the vampire chicks.

Harmony of Despair is not a “real” Castlevania game. It’s some sort of multiplayer party game. Suckage. If this is what Iga has banked his career on, he’d best start looking for a new game to direct.

  • KOF13 will be for XBOX360 and PS3 (of course the arcade version comes first). Fall or Winter release. No word if the console version will have extras… only the arcade version was on display. Game resets before the boss fight, so no idea who the boss is. Someone supposedly saw Adelheid though.


I noticed that Dead or Alive 3DS appeared in Gamespot under E3 2010.

hank you.
You’re still hoping for a twincst team ? :lol:

  • Zone of the Enders 3 is on hold… but still in production (or at least Kojima still wants to do it).

  • Nintendo is working on a successor console.

  • 3DS might have the ability to “copy” game cards, like how console HHD copy game discs, so you don’t need to carry the cards around. Questions arising how Nintendo would stop piracy, since that’s considered one of the death knells to the PSP from the retailer point of view (piracy on portables is a lot more ruthless than the consoles, since they’re easier to emulate). One answer: the touch gameplay and 3D technology should make people want to play the real thing.

  • Another Parasite Eve is in the works.

  • Square-Enix has been working with western game experts, to make Dragon Quest X more attractive to western markets. Their goal is to have Dragon Quest X be as popular as Final Fantasy in America and Europe, but still keep the DQ spirit. Maybe they should just outsource it to Bioware. :wink: :lol: