Japanese B-games

Originally posted by Benoit:
Well, in theory it is lolicon, since the characters seem and probably are under 18. But I make a distinction. There's to me acceptable lolicon and unacceptable lolicon. Acceptable is for me 14+.

So your game is acceptable lolicon to me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Haha, yeah, that's an interesting distinction to make. It's pretty true, too. I mean really, you can't say that a 16-year-old sex scene is "child porn." Since this is all anime, I just go by the looks of the characters regardless of what the age is said to be. Clearly the characters in Heart de roommate are not 18, but they just say so for sales purposes. Computermania probably wanted you guys to say the game isn't lolicon since I told him it was and he's feeling gulity about it! Hahaha. There really isn't a black and white with this issue. Even people who say "18 or over or it's wrong" probably have seen anime with characters under 18 with the ages changed in the English version. It happens all the time. But, there are very very gross lolicon games like this one. (link is not graphic)


So, it just depends on your tastes. I don't really care what other people play but I just don't see the appeal. I'm don't like the huge breast fettish games either, so I'm in the middle. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
But, there are very very gross lolicon games like this one. (link is not graphic)

http://shop.himeya.com/products/adult_win_jp_lo/little_little_election/littl e_little_election.html

Have they already entered elementary school? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

However, lolicon doesn't necessarily imply that the characters are minors. For Example, there is Chimaki in Do you like horny bunnies? who obviously is of mature age, but her behaviour still makes her a lolicon-character. On the other hand, there is Vanilla in Galaxy Angel whose age is 14, but her behaviour is more mature than the behaviour of the older characters (including the player's character).

Originally posted by Unicorn:

However, lolicon doesn't necessarily imply that the characters are minors. For Example, there is Chimaki in Do you like horny bunnies? who obviously is of mature age, but her behaviour still makes her a lolicon-character.

I don't agree with that. "Lolicon" comes from "Lolita complex." That comes from the book entitled "Lolita" where Lolita is a child. In English "lolicon" is translated as pedophile, although the difference is that "lolicon" is female specific. "Shotacon" would be for males. Even if a character acts mature that doesn't make the character an adult. Doujinshi featuring Ruri from Nadesico or Lumiere in Kiddy Grade are for lolicon fans for sure, even though she acts mature. And just acting immature doesn't make the character a lolicon character. That would just be a normal character that acts childish. Lolicon definately depends on the age and look of the character and not on personality.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:

I don't agree with that. "Lolicon" comes from "Lolita complex." That comes from the book entitled "Lolita" where Lolita is a child. In English "lolicon" is translated as pedophile, although the difference is that "lolicon" is female specific. "Shotacon" would be for males. Even if a character acts mature that doesn't make the character an adult. Doujinshi featuring Ruri from Nadesico or Lumiere in Kiddy Grade are for lolicon fans for sure, even though she acts mature. And just acting immature doesn't make the character a lolicon character. That would just be a normal character that acts childish. Lolicon definately depends on the age and look of the character and not on personality.

I do not agree, maturity is a major issue to consider in all actions taken with another person in real life so why is it discounted in these fields?

That is if you find a beautiful 25 year old women in real life that has the maturity level of 15 the courts back her if she cry's wolf, and not you even though you are both consenting 'adults' at the time.

That is why even within this field I think Lolicon more depends on personality then how the character looks, because once again in real life, there are people that just don't seem to age. What if the woman is 35 but still looks 18 somehow? Since it does happen in real life I think it should not be an issue in games. Also I think there must be a realization that these are not real people within these games and yes some see this and recreate it in real life, but how many out of every 100,000? How many would do these actions anyway? You cannot penalize the masses for the actions of a few nut-cases that try this stuff in real life.

The Lolita Complex is also greatly overrated in my opinion. Who cares what a person thinks in their mind about an anime or game or manga character so long as they know it can never happen in real life and/or so long as it only happens in their mind? Who cares if they lust after, to use your examples Lumiere or Ruri so long as they know that such a lust can only be in their minds and will never really occur in real life? Would anyone, could anyone justly deny people the right to free thought about non existent people just because they look or act young? Remember such thoughts about these non existent people does not bring harm to another living being on the chance, the chance perhaps one out of every 800,000 will mistake it for real and act on this issues?

In my opinion this is one of those many non-issues people blow way out of proportion because they don't know how to deal with the real thing in the real world or they themselves find this offensive, perhaps because it is their own weakness and they don't like to see it in themselves, so they try to regulate it out of existence, personal opinion no offense meant to anyone. It will always be a non-issue to me when it is about anime/manga/game characters who cannot be hurt by the thoughts that stay in people's minds about them since first of all they are not real and second when staying in the persons mind no one else is hurt by such thoughts. Thus to me people really need to move on with their lives and leave such issues of 'protection' to real little kids and not try to regulate out of existence ones that exist within animation, print or digital worlds.

Okay sorry for the slight tirade but most of you know my whole issue with censorship of any kind existing at any time, particularly when people are attacking the wrong issue in trying to protect children.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-04-2004).]

I can’t wait this game to show up^^;; Here. I see the screen shot and price are good price.Also, the demo movies are 2 hours and 8 minutes…

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
There are very very gross lolicon games like this one. (link is not graphic)

http://shop.himeya.com/products/adult_win_jp_lo/little_little_election/littl e_little_election.html

I saw the game and that is totaly lolicon.. Anyway, I saw the characters and the drawing are not good so I'm stay away from this game... If this game had good drawing I'm still stay away form this game.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I do not agree, maturity is a major issue to consider in all actions taken with another person in real life so why is it discounted in these fields?

That is if you find a beautiful 25 year old women in real life that has the maturity level of 15 the courts back her if she cry's wolf, and not you even though you are both consenting 'adults' at the time.

The Lolita Complex is also greatly overrated in my opinion. Who cares what a person thinks in their mind about an anime or game or manga character so long as they know it can never happen in real life and/or so long as it only happens in their mind?

Okay sorry for the slight tirade but most of you know my whole issue with censorship of any kind existing at any time, particularly when people are attacking the wrong issue in trying to protect children.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-04-2004).]

Woah, woah. Don't quote me and then say things like that as if you're trying to argue with me. I agree with a lot of what you are saying. It's just important to make a distinct difference in your mind between fact and opinion. Here are the facts. Lolicon is the word the Japanese use for pedophile. Pedophiles are people who are sexually aroused by children. There's really nothing to argue about that, it's cut and dry. Now, questions like "what makes a character a lolicon character?" are quite subjective. Of course, personality matters a lot in everything, real life and anime. You can hate characters for their personality or vice versa. The reason I define lolicon characters by looks is because I use the definition as my basis. Lolicon = pedophile = sexually aroused by children. Therefore, a lolicon character should look like a child. Of course, there is a lot of grey area with our concept of "minors." I don't like to use this idea because it doesn't apply well in the world of anime. The characters aren't real. You can tell if they are children or not. Ruri and Lumiere are children, and they act mature. They are still lolicon characters if they are placed in sexual situations. (doujinshi anyone?) Now, about freedom of thought, yes, of course everyone is free to think whatever they want to think. I'm sure that everyone has all kinds of fantasies that are not shared with anyone else. That's just part of being human. Having some lolicon fantasies or playing lolicon games doesn't make someone evil, nor do I think it will infulence their behavior. If it were so infulential then we wouldn't have violent video games, that's for damn sure. It's all just for fun. I must point out, however, that people who are attracted primarily or only toward children do have a legitimate mental disorder. Nothing should be "banned." In fact, lolicon games aren't illegal in the US. Anyone can have them or sell them. It's just that big companies don't want to take the risk in to licence such titles. And you are right, people are too touchy with this topic. It would be nice if everyone could talk about what they think and actually provide reasons to support what they say. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Woah, woah. Don't quote me and then say things like that as if you're trying to argue with me.

Damn...I am tempted to start another long debate...but...nah...never mind...

(...eating the Strawberry Ninjas which just happened to fall from the sky)

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Woah, woah. Don't quote me and then say things like that as if you're trying to argue with me. I agree with a lot of what you are saying. It's just important to make a distinct difference in your mind between fact and opinion. Here are the facts. Lolicon is the word the Japanese use for pedophile. Pedophiles are people who are sexually aroused by children. There's really nothing to argue about that, it's cut and dry. Now, questions like "what makes a character a lolicon character?" are quite subjective.(...) The reason I define lolicon characters by looks is because I use the definition as my basis. Lolicon = pedophile = sexually aroused by children. Therefore, a lolicon character should look like a child. Of course, there is a lot of grey area with our concept of "minors." (...) It would be nice if everyone could talk about what they think and actually provide reasons to support what they say. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Few people I know can distinguish between fact and opinion sadly enough and equal to that a lot state that what is opinion today is fact tomorrow, such as in 1860 'men will fly someday' and by 1990 the Concorde is crossing the Atlantic in around 2 hours. Please note that what I am saying is not arguing with you per say but since you sited something I am going off of from what you have said since you have said it.

Please note I use child in place of minors but I am guessing we mean the same thing?

No definition can be 100% fixed, set in stone, when it deals with an issue surrounding people. See I think if you can at least get a workable framework you can apply a definition in maybe 8 or 9 out of 10 times and then apply it to other fields then what you started using it to define. That is if you can always apply it to people then you can apply it elsewhere but because of the stickiness of aspects of what makes someone a child instead of an adult, and age is not the only nor final way to tell, I am not sure this can be used 100% of the time in real life. Therefore I am not sure we can apply it elsewhere because we have no fixed framework to work from to say "Oh she looks young but really is mature and smart and truly takes on the roles of a mother or a teacher or adult big sister, she's a kid."

See one could just as easily say "Oh she looks like an adult, but loves to play games, giggles all the time, often wears clothes with cartoon characters on them, has her hair in pig-tails, skips while singing to herself and eagerly tugs on people's arms when she sees something she likes, so she must also be a adult". Those then might be two ways to make a child, actions and looks and neither could be right, the first could be an adult in all but age and age is abritary definition decided on in part for ease of the enforcement of law, and the second could be an adult too that just acts that way because she truly enjoys life and really does not give a darn what others think of her actions. Yet both could also be children because of their actions and their appearance . So you see why I think there is no fixed way to define what is a child? Age I really don't think can ever be the only way people decide this issue since the only reason we think someone of age X is a child is because we are socialized to think that, not because they might be a child until they have a birthday when they magically go from infant to child to adult at certain given ages?

Maybe Lolicon = pedophile = sexually aroused by children, but then the problem is what I have been saying, what makes a child, and as you said or hinted at that is a much harder question to answer. So my main point is, we cannot even fixate this truly in real life, they have been cases of 12 year olds fathering their teachers child, Mississippi I think, and from what I remember reading the courts ruled they could marry and the 12 year old had the responsibility of an adult for his actions. So does that mean all 12 year olds are adults or just that one?

Until we solve the issue of what is and is not a child I don't think we can apply any definition to anything other then life which allows us to alter the definition accordingly. That is why I fail to see why people make a deal of it outside of life when we change the idea within it's application to life each day.

But those companies are self-banning it by fear of what others will think through not releasing it. Yes they have to be concerned about their costumers so set up dummy coporations and sell it through those, most people won't spend the time looking for the link between say the ABC Coporation which sells maybe Language Teaching Software, and the XMB Corporation which sells those types of games.

Oh yes it would be nice if all that are interested could post their views maybe get a nice dialog going on this issue and share views, bring understanding.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-05-2004).]

Caveat: I’m speaking of the US only, being a US citizen.

Here is the fundamental question/problem. The law cannot accurately reflect reality in this case, because that would be a great infringement on civil liberties for questionable benefit.

In this case the real question at issue is this: Is this person mature enough to participate in this activity? This question has been applied to many things other than sex; being a minor entails a lot of things (can’t sign contracts, can’t drink, can’t vote, can’t be drafted) that are arguably not tied to age but mental maturity.

The law does not even pretend to directly address the maturity question. In fact once upon a time literacy tests were required to register to vote; this was actually struck down as being too subjective (in this case “racist”).

In this particular instance, to directly assess whether people are old enough to have sex would probably require some form of “sexual intercourse license”. This would get very ugly very very very fast, and would never fly. Instead we choose a blunt approximation, because maturity is usually related to age.

No one goes to bed on the eve of their 16th /18th/21st birthday, totally unable to (have sex/drink/vote/drive) in a responsible manner - only to wake up the following morning completely capable in every way. It doesn’t work like that, but the law has to pretend that it does.

Therefore the question of “should these two people be having sex?” is extremely difficult to answer, especially for works of fiction. I’d continue but I have to run.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'd continue but I have to run.

To work, or from the extremist Christian "Save our Children" movement that is hot on your tail? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Personally, I couldn't care less what happens in works of fiction. I might not like it if I'm playing/reading/watching it, but I don't see any point applying real-life laws and ethics to them. That would only lead us back to the times when "acceptable art" was decided by the government, and anything remotely against public views were struck down and punishable by prison or death.

Some countries still don't have freedom of expression, do we really want to be like them? Even if we don't always like what is being said?

Originally posted by AG3:
To work, or from the extremist Christian "Save our Children" movement that is hot on your tail? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Well, the Christians are after me in general, but that's just because they're jealous of the wildly successful business I'm running.

Actually I have to work 10 hr days >_< so I gotta get to bed [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

No one goes to bed on the eve of their 16th /18th/21st birthday, totally unable to (have sex/drink/vote/drive) in a responsible manner - only to wake up the following morning completely capable in every way. It doesn't work like that, but the law has to pretend that it does.

Therefore the question of "should these two people be having sex?" is extremely difficult to answer, especially for works of fiction. I'd continue but I have to run.

Yes, this is quite true. The sad thing is that a lot of people like to pretend right along with the law. People have this "magic number 18" pounded into their heads just because that's the number that the government happened to make up at whatever time for whatever reason. The thing is, if you could take several pretty teenage girls of various ages and line them up, you'd find out something interesting pretty quickly. If you had two groups of guys, and told "group A" that the girls all sixteen, how many of those guys would admit that the girls are pretty/sexy? And if you told "Group B" that the girls are all 18, would you get the same response? I don't think so. So of course there is a huge margin and I am actually against the "All characters are 18 years of age or older" especially since half the time it's not even true. And I agree with everyone that fiction is fiction, and there should be freedom of expression. Lolicon games, or "Virtual child pornography" was already in court and the courts ruled in favor of the "porn." It's not real, no minors are ivolved, end of story. I must say that there is a difference between "minor" and "child." Despite this wide gap of "when is it okay to depict sex for this character?" we must still admit that there are times when the line is crossed. You see, lolicon is more of an "outside" word so I like saying pedophile at times. A good poing was brought up about the characters' personalities. It's true that a personality does matter, but here's the thing. If you're making a porn magazine, do you see personality? No, you don't. If I want to sell porn to a pedophile, then I'd sell him child porn. It's the children's bodies that the person is attracted to. Personality is one thing, but a pedophile could quite possible be very attracted to a child who acts very mature, and not attracted to a childish 20-year-old. The point is that many lolicon games are created for the purpose of being sold to pedophiles since actual child pornography using real children is illegal in the US and in Japan. But there is a big difference in those kind of lolicon games and other games that may have a school romance base. Lots of high school romance bishoujo games have characters who are more than likely under the magic age of 18. That doesn't mean that these games are for pedophiles. It's quite the opposite. So that's why I can understand what people mean by "acceptable" and "unacceptable" lolicon games, but I don't like the term. I would more likely apply "ren'ai" over "lolicon" to school romance games. (Unless it's teacher on first grader...) So I think that it's very hard to draw the line, but we should all know that the line does exist! It exists somewhere, and some games do cross the line, that's for sure.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
If I want to sell porn to a pedophile, then I'd sell him child porn. It's the children's bodies that the person is attracted to. Personality is one thing, but a pedophile could quite possible be very attracted to a child who acts very mature, and not attracted to a childish 20-year-old. The point is that many lolicon games are created for the purpose of being sold to pedophiles since actual child pornography using real children is illegal in the US and in Japan.
I seem to recall from a pathological psychology class way back when that true pedophiles have a hard time forming relationships with mature partners because of a fear of rejection. Thus they choose a 'safe' partner whom they can dominate and trick into submission.

That's the reason I personally find lolicon distasteful. It incorporates the essential characteristic of rape, i.e. sex with a non-consenting partner. I also don't understand why an adult would find the immature body of a child more erotically stimulating than that of someone past puberty, but that's a personal bias.

I wouldn’t necesarially equate the appeal of submission to rape.
Consider maid uniforms, lacey lingerie, and skirts, all of them are to some degree based on submission.
Lolicon in fantasy can be akin to these lighter shades of submission, not necesarially outright rape.

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 05-06-2004).]

As far i can tell, Lolicon is not the same than pedophile.
The dictionary states Lolicon involving not just real underage, but fictional (mental) underage too. And ages between 12-15 years, unlike pedophilia.
Check bellow for the definitions of ‘Lolicon’, ‘Pedophilia’, ‘Child Porn’ and others.


Originally posted by perigee:
I seem to recall from a pathological psychology class way back when that true pedophiles have a hard time forming relationships with mature partners because of a fear of rejection. Thus they choose a 'safe' partner whom they can dominate and trick into submission.

That's the reason I personally find lolicon distasteful. It incorporates the essential characteristic of rape, i.e. sex with a non-consenting partner. I also don't understand why an adult would find the immature body of a child more erotically stimulating than that of someone past puberty, but that's a personal bias.

I have heard something similar from a sociological sense, but I have also heard a lot of evidence against that theory, based on the fact that those that truly fear rejection will fear it from everyone, be it a peer to a plant that might 'decide' to die on them one day, so they are the least likely to enter any relationship and just lie about being in relationships so they don't seem 'abnormal' by being single from something other then chance or choice.

I tend to agree with the point that a more mature body should likely appear more stimulating to more 'adult' people, but while it cannot be seen in pictures there is something about personality that might override the mature body to some people. The most voluptuous women in the world might be shallower then a inch deep puddle and that would not draw people near her to stay for a long time. I still think much of the possible draw is through personality, which I know cannot be seen in pictures alone but often is more telling about a person then how they look. I mean in this day and age how much surgery did someone go through to look like they do might be a fair question. Yet true personalities and maturity levels cannot be changed nor hidden for long which is why I still say they are a better indicator of an adult versus a child then any other means with the provision that age should be a factor while also noting the maturity level and personality of the person.

Check bellow for the definitions of 'Lolicon', 'Pedophilia', 'Child Porn' and others.


Wikipedia is a third-party encyclopedia which can be filled in by almost everyone, it seems. Doesn't seem like a valid source. Remember that they called our games "hentai games".
I mean in this day and age how much surgery did someone go through to look like they do might be a fair question. Yet true personalities and maturity levels cannot be changed nor hidden for long which is why I still say they are a better indicator of an adult versus a child then any other means with the provision that age should be a factor while also noting the maturity level and personality of the person.

Though, I notice that the way how a person dresses still tells a lot about them.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-06-2004).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
So it does seem most of the 'adults' in the US tend to be more 'teenaged' considering the amount 'porn' games like strip poker than more mature B-games like Kana -little Sister from your logic.
Regardles of how 'adult' you are, the US adult market does seem to be shallow in content from market $$$.

I am sure someone will object (and maybe no one has said this per say but it just occurred to me) but I really don't know if sexual prefrences even so far as strip poker computer games, versus deeper plot games, can be used to determine maturity. The desires the general wants, the general action is something we always say is for adults but is something that can be in some ways viewed as very immature itself. The most mature person outside of sex can be very immature inside of it in terms of their actions, desires, etc.

But as for how deep the market is at this point in time, I think there is much room for expansion, for years this market has been constricted by the thoughts of hiding such discussions even as these, and the more we in the U.S. loosen up this way, I think the more 'adult' the games will become over time in this market. 'Adult' in terms of depth of plot not characters involved in that plot of course. as you sited Kana.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-06-2004).]

Originally posted by Noirbo:
The official website of this company:


I've placed my preorder for this game. Hopefully, it will be as good as i think it is.

I went to the site called over flow and Miss Each other already released. Do you play already? and how was it?