Japanese-English Dual-Text Destopia

A raping game? WTF NO!

Originally posted by Benoit:
A raping game? WTF NO!

You made your point and if you don't like those games, there is nobody who forces you to buy them.

But actually, Kagami just answered to a question of Rowena-sama and didn't imply a necessarity for anybody to get ahold of it. Actually, this game (as CRC) is targeted for a japanese audience and thus a foreign interest in it wasn't calcukated from the japanese company inthefirst place.

However, while there are certainly a lot of people who agree with your point, there are also some around here who don't and you may count me among them: Rape isn't always a no-no for me in a b-game. It all depends on the circumstances and how it is dealt with in the story.
For example: Tsuki (and I assume Shukketsu-Bo too, because it was written by the same author) kept it lightly and doesn't contain any redeeming factors. Such games I would loathe too (and already did before it was released).
But other games deal with the situation from another perspective. Either, the culprit has to suffer for his acts, or the situation is even portrayed from the victim's perspective. At least, I am still very impressed from Yukino's scenario in "Dokusen": It portrayed pretty well her anguish and suffering in that situation and how she changed after that incident.

I second what Unicorn says. Just because that a game contains rape doesn’t necressiary mean that it’s a bad game, even if the game itself is indeed a raping-game. However, if a dark game like that is good or not all depends on the circumstances, the reasons of why the girls get raped and so on… Or at least, that’s my option. For example, I wouldn’t enjoy a game where the main character is raping the girls jsut for the fun of it, but if he has some very good reason, like revenge (as well as good reasons for that revenge too) (Fukushuu - RNY, Saigo) or to save the girls in question (Kairaku, Utsukushii Hime) and so on and if the rst of the story itself etc, is good enough, then a dark game can actually be better than msot people think it is.

However, of course, I do still see that many people wouldn’t like a rape-game. However, to have a game like this brought to our attention is interesting for several reasons; for example the japanese seldom translate a game themselves in this way and for those interested it could be soemthing to get their hands on… Dunno myself, through, the info on this one is still kinda thin…

I will probably see if I can get a copy when it is released, most likely from Shop Himeya.

This game might be promoted as an English learning tool for the Japanes market, but likewise it could also be used as a Japanese learning tool for the rest of us.

Originally posted by Angry Gamer:
This game might be promoted as an English learning tool for the Japanes market, but likewise it could also be used as a Japanese learning tool for the rest of us. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Oooo, good point! I didn't even think about that.... maybe i'll have to get this one just for that very reason... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Interesting, well you still have to know japanese grammar structure for it to help your japanese. But at least this could help me learn a couple more kanji if it really does have english and japanese text at the same time. I’ll have to keep an eye out for this game in the comming weeks.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Interesting, well you still have to know japanese grammar structure for it to help your japanese. But at least this could help me learn a couple more kanji if it really does have english and japanese text at the same time. I'll have to keep an eye out for this game in the comming weeks.

My Japanese proficiency allows me to read & understand around 75% of the stuff that takes place in a "kindaichi shounen" manga, so this would definitely be a great tool to cement my learning.

The excuses people will give just to play a rape game… Ludicrous. Did anyone ever use Gin’iro or CRC as a tool to learn Japanese? Do anime fans use subtitled anime as a tool to learn Japanese? There won’t be any learning done when there is english as a crutch, but if anyone wants to play this game because it’s a rape game or because it’s in english, then just say so.

I have already said I would try this game, though I did not state the part where I say because it has an English mode.

I believe it will be interesting and fooey to those who wish to deride my choice.

Why would raping be acceptable in any context? Rape is rape and rape is bad.
You think it’s acceptable to rape a girl for revenge or something?

I really don’t get it.

Originally posted by gaogao:
The excuses people will give just to play a rape game... Ludicrous. Did anyone ever use Gin'iro or CRC as a tool to learn Japanese? Do anime fans use subtitled anime as a tool to learn Japanese? There won't be any learning done when there is english as a crutch, but if anyone wants to play this game because it's a rape game or because it's in english, then just say so.

Ummm I was thought to believe that both the japanese text along with the english translation would be displayed at the same time. CRC only had the option to display one or the other. Not sure about gin'iro since I don't have it. But isn't that usually how you learn a language? Have the sentence then the translation to look at? At least that's how I learned a foreing language in school [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

How come it seems it’s always the same people who bash us when we talk about a dark game? We know you don’t like dark games but you don’t have to post in every dark thread saying it’s bad and the devil’s work

Yeah, it’s like being in an anime forum and having someone who despises bishoujo games or hentai anime to make negative comments about it, everytime the subject comes up. I didn’t want to post in here, but wanfu2k1, just gave it that little nudge to voice my opinion.

精神 の 神

And what exactly makes rape justifiable because it’s fiction? It’s still rape… One of the most horrible and disgusting things a human being can do.

Not really. You can be burned slowly, stoned to near death, death of a thousand cuts, acid in the face, acid anywhere on the body, actually. Beaten and dangled naked from you feet tied to a burning cross with an American flag outside the White House. Lots of horrible things. True, rape is bad, but you still need to remember, fiction is fiction. However in a time of political correctness and religion, it’s impossible to get away with anything without some sort of resistance. So, with that said, continue on with your bickering and bitching about what’s what and who should go to hell, and who should or shouldn’t say what, because in the end, we all die.

精神 の 神

Rock on Seishin. Some people need to realize that Fiction is Fiction. I would love to see the whole spectrium of B games come to the US. From loli games to Rape sims. Does that mean i’m a Evil Satanic Pedophile? Hell no. Just look at Himeya. Every other game they have for sale is a insult/rape sim. Rape Sims are apparently super popular in Japan and make up the biggest majority of the B games made. Everyone has their own tastes, posting that rape sims are evil and people who play them suck whenever the topic comes up isn’t going to do anything but make you look like an ass.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 03-03-2004).]

Originally posted by Laslow:
Everyone has their own tastes, posting that rape sims are evil and people who play them suck whenever the topic comes up isn't going to do anything but make you look like an ass.
I didn't want to add to the off-topic comments, but I feel that those of us who opposed the buy-VR-or-else campaign are being misrepresented. Our objection was not that "people who play them suck", it was more like "buying a game you hate in order to support a particular company sucks". There are other, more effective ways to promote the products you like and support the industry.

I, myself, don't advocate banning rape games. I don't understand why people enjoy fantasizing about hurting others, but as long as they keep it to themselves, it's their business. I regard them the same way I do those who don white hoods and burn crosses or stage a make-believe lynching while fantasizing about racial superiority. It doesn't matter to me as long as it's done completely in private. I hope I don't run into such people in real life because I want nothing to do with them or their fantasies.

Ah so you think people that play rape sims are as bad as KKK members? You seem to have a problem seperating Fantasy from Reality. Either that or your prejudice. You seem think that people that play certain games are creepy people who secretly delight in the misery of others. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I donate blood regularly, Volunteer at my local hospital, and play on a local baseball team. I’ll play just about any B game and enjoy it, from light hearted romances to Hardcore Rape Sims, and I don’t fantasize about raping people in the real world. But i guess i’m still a creepy sleezebag eh?

Originally posted by Benoit:
And what exactly makes rape justifiable because it's fiction? It's still rape... One of the most horrible and disgusting things a human being can do.

*shrughs* All sorts of things exist in fiction and our fantasies. Why should that be forbidden? There's also lots of gmaes where you kill people, but few people even complain about that fact, even through it's also one of the most awful things you can do to someone: Take that one's life away from him/her. True, true, it's mostly justified in there by the fact that you are (mostly) only killing "The bad Guys", but still...