Japanese-English Dual-Text Destopia

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
There's also lots of gmaes where you kill people, but few people even complain about that fact, even through it's also one of the most awful things you can do to someone: Take that one's life away from him/her. True, true, it's mostly justified in there by the fact that you are (mostly) only killing "The bad Guys", but still...

That's a fair point. And it's not always the "bad guys" either; I admit to mowing down/beating up a few innocent pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto and that certainly isn't something I'd consider in real life.

But where these bishojo games differ is the sinister psychological approach to causing distress. Take this synopsis of Shukkestubo on G-Collections site;

Kengo Inui enjoys being a chemistry teacher. He knows just how easy it is to
hide his true self behind the title. He can easily make girls trust him, and
then he betrays and rapes them to become his sex slaves. He hunts these
girls one by one. He loves life's pleasures!

Maybe I'm a hypocrite but to me that is simply aborrhant and not something I wish to be associated with in any fashion.

Whatever, this one will run and run [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
True, true, it's mostly justified in there by the fact that you are (mostly) only killing "The bad Guys", but still...

... but still, the same thing may apply to a rape-scene in a b-game. It all depends on the story and the circumstances.

Of course, the main problem id that currently the only available and thus by most people here at least comparable games containing rape aren't that great. And Tsuki as well as Shukketsu-Bo are striking examples for that in particular.

But if we would ever see a localization of Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no yaiba, Saigo, Kairaku or Darcrows, things should be better understandable.

Originally posted by gaogao:
The excuses people will give just to play a rape game... Ludicrous. Did anyone ever use Gin'iro or CRC as a tool to learn Japanese? Do anime fans use subtitled anime as a tool to learn Japanese? There won't be any learning done when there is english as a crutch, but if anyone wants to play this game because it's a rape game or because it's in english, then just say so.

I presume your reply is directed at me & anyone who agreed that this a great tool to learn Japanese. First of all, I'm merely stating what I think is great learning material, not giving this as an excuse to play rape game. Secondly, I can quite openly say that I dun mind rape themed games as long as it is able to integrate into a great plot, not sure what led you to think that those who wish to buy the game is using this as an excuse.

[This message has been edited by Angry Gamer (edited 03-04-2004).]

... but still, the same thing may apply to a rape-scene in a b-game. It all depends on the story and the circumstances.

Uh, why should it? Killing someone because you hate him is pretty logical if you don't apply ethics to it. But why would you rape someone you hate? Come on, it's too far-fetched and doesn't make sense.

Of course killing is bad, but raping is actually worse. Raping a person often means destroying the person psychologically, scarring them for the rest of their life. There are things that are worse than death.

If you think that rape is worse then murder I think your the sick one… Thats one thing i can’t understand about modern culture, how parents don’t mind if their kids play games where they go around randomly killing people and let them watch wrestling and spots full of violence and agression yet the smallest trace of sexuality/nudity gets them all riled up.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 03-04-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 03-04-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Uh, why should it? Killing someone because you hate him is pretty logical if you don't apply ethics to it. But why would you rape someone you hate? Come on, it's too far-fetched and doesn't make sense.

Of course killing is bad, but raping is actually worse. Raping a person often means destroying the person psychologically, scarring them for the rest of their life. There are things that are worse than death.[/B]

Actually it does make sense. If you hated someone so much you would want to do the worse thing in the world to them, then what you just stated is worse than kill right? So how would that be illogical?

I'm more disturbed with people playing games like GTA where your glorified as a ganster killng everyone and everything.

Originally posted by Benoit:

Of course killing is bad, but raping is actually worse. Raping a person often means destroying the person psychologically, scarring them for the rest of their life. There are things that are worse than death.

I really don't understand this attitude. yes rape is traumatic, but many victims recover in time. I have yet to see any victims of death recover. Besides, what is the problem with anything in a total fantasy situation. What is the problem if I want to play a raping game or kill a few hundred people in GTA? Non of it is real.

Originally posted by Interzone:
That's a fair point. And it's not always the "bad guys" either; I admit to mowing down/beating up a few innocent pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto and that certainly isn't something I'd consider in real life.

But where these bishojo games differ is the sinister psychological approach to causing distress. Take this synopsis of Shukkestubo on G-Collections site;

Kengo Inui enjoys being a chemistry teacher. He knows just how easy it is to
hide his true self behind the title. He can easily make girls trust him, and
then he betrays and rapes them to become his sex slaves. He hunts these
girls one by one. He loves life's pleasures!

Maybe I'm a hypocrite but to me that is simply aborrhant and not something I wish to be associated with in any fashion.

Well, I think most people here will agree that neither Tsuki nor Shukkestubo are that good examples of "good" dark games there are out here, and that's it. Besides, what's the difference in the psychological approach? Don't the labels for american/other games where you can be "evil" also state things like "Being evil has never been more fun than this!" and things like that? ^_-.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
... but still, the same thing may apply to a rape-scene in a b-game. It all depends on the story and the circumstances.

Of course, the main problem is that currently the only available and thus by most people here at least comparable games containing rape aren't that great. And Tsuki as well as Shukketsu-Bo are striking examples for that in particular.

But if we would ever see a localization of Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no yaiba, Saigo, Kairaku or Darcrows, things should be better understandable.

Well, as I already said, none of the games we've seen so far are stiking examples. But the games you've choosen might not exactly be striking examples either...

In the case of Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no yaiba, this is indeed the case. In Kairaku, the situation's a little different - He has to do the things he does to the girls in order to save them from a possibly worse fate.... In Saigo and Darcrows, through.. The main character is indeed wanting revenge, but one could argue about if the girls really deserves it -In darcrows, Crowd's purpose for the things he does to the girls is twofold - first, he does it in order to get the resources to save their country, and secondly, in order to gain revenge on a certain person... In his defense, through, it has to be said that he does give the girls a choice through. Saigo has a somewhat similar situation; the main chara wants to find the murderer of his little sister, something he can only do through the information of the girls in the game - and again, it can be argued if the girls deserve it or not - They're hiding information from him, that's true, but does the end justify the means...?

Originally posted by Benoit:
Uh, why should it? Killing someone because you hate him is pretty logical if you don't apply ethics to it. But why would you rape someone you hate? Come on, it's too far-fetched and doesn't make sense.
Of course killing is bad, but raping is actually worse. Raping a person often means destroying the person psychologically, scarring them for the rest of their life. There are things that are worse than death.

Well, let me ask you, why WOULN'T you rape someone you hate? You said yourself that it in your opinion of view is the worst thing you could do to someone, so why wouldn't it be a fitting thing to do to your worst enemy, or is this something you "wouldn't even do to my worst enemy", as they say?

Actually you could reape someone you hated, in a kind of "Eye for an eye" thing. Let me take one of the games Unicorn mentioned, Fukushuu - Ryoujoku no yaiba as an example. In this game, the main character transfers to a new school, but ends up being bullied by a gang of girls at that school. But as it happens, the main character becomes friend with a girl in his class - Yui. She tries to stop the gang from bullying him, but a time after she's done that, the Gang takes their revenge on her for interfering by letting two thugs of the school rape her before the main character's eyes. Then the main character swears that he'll take revenge on the gang. And how would he do that? Well, of course he'd do it by do the same thing to them as they did to poor Yui, first by gathering stuff he can use as a blackmail against them, so that they won't be able to tell anyone about it, and then rape them. In this case, it's not all that far-fetched, right? And notice this: The main character doesn't want to _kill_ the girls in the Gang for what they did. Teach them a lesson, yes, but not in any way kill them.

There are things worse than Death? Maybe, but I'm not sure if raping can be counted to those things. As has been mentioned, someone who has been raped can recover and live a normal life. Someone killed, young as old, can never return and live his/her life.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Don't the labels for american/other games where you can be "evil" also state things like "Being evil has never been more fun than this!" and things like that? ^_-.

There is certainly in imbalance in society when it comes to tolerance of violent and sexual works. However, I've seen nothing comparable with adopting the persona of a rapist who deliberately befriends then attacks women, something the game seems very proud of. Bishojo games go to great lengths to properly develop their characters, providing a sense of familiarity with them. I just couldn't sit through that, fantasy or not.

For the record, I do feel that some aspects of GTA, for example, are also morally dubious [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by gaogao:
The excuses people will give just to play a rape game... Ludicrous. Did anyone ever use Gin'iro or CRC as a tool to learn Japanese? Do anime fans use subtitled anime as a tool to learn Japanese? There won't be any learning done when there is english as a crutch, but if anyone wants to play this game because it's a rape game or because it's in english, then just say so.

Not ludicrous [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I learned the bulk of my spoken Japanese from watching subtitled anime. After you've picked up a few basic words, then you learn new words or new forms of words you know by hearing a sentence in which you understand all-but-one of the words, matching it up to the subtitled translation, and deducing what the new word must be. I tend to play CRC with translation turned on for similar reasons. Maybe *you* wouldn't learn while English is present, but it really does work for some of us.

(As it happens I wouldn't touch a rape game with a ten-foot bargepole, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't help learn the language. And I also think people should say what they mean rather than make up justifications, but learning the language isn't necessarily a made-up justification in this case.)

Sure usually curse and nasty words are the first words we learn in a new language

If you think that rape is worse then murder I think your the sick one...

There are things worse than Death? Maybe, but I'm not sure if raping can be counted to those things. As has been mentioned, someone who has been raped can recover and live a normal life. Someone killed, young as old, can never return and live his/her life.

But it will still leave a scar on those people. People who die find happiness in the afterlife.
People who get raped have to carry it with them for the rest of their life. I know of several people who have been through circumstances like this.
One of them is now in the hospital because of her nerves not being able to handle it anymore. Recover? Maybe, but it takes much time and it will still leave a scar on the person.
What is the problem if I want to play a raping game or kill a few hundred people in GTA? Non of it is real.

There are limits, you know. Killing people is, as was said, often more or less justified because it's 'the bad guys'. Games where you just kill or rape people are crossing the line. There are limits to what entertainment is.
Actually it does make sense. If you hated someone so much you would want to do the worse thing in the world to them, then what you just stated is worse than kill right? So how would that be illogical?

Well, let me ask you, why WOULN'T you rape someone you hate? You said yourself that it in your opinion of view is the worst thing you could do to someone, so why wouldn't it be a fitting thing to do to your worst enemy, or is this something you "wouldn't even do to my worst enemy", as they say?

Because if you hate someone, why have sex with him/her? Why would you want to 'infect' yourself with that person? If you hate someone, you don't want to have anything to do with him/her.
Originally posted by Benoit:

But it will still leave a scar on those people. People who die find happiness in the afterlife.

That requires religious belief. If there is no afterlife then people won't find happiness, they will just cease to exist.

There are limits, you know. Killing people is, as was said, often more or less justified because it's 'the bad guys'. Games where you just kill or rape people are crossing the line. There are limits to what entertainment is.

Play GTA or Postal or something similar. You are not the good guy in those. Why should there be limits anyway? If noone in Real Life is hurt then why should something be
restricted? Should games, movies, books etc be banned because some people do not like their content? I realise that you haven't actually advocated banning things yet, but your getting pretty close. Surely peoples efforts would be better spent campaigning against real crimes rather than virtual ones.

Edit: I'm wandering off topic a bit here, but I just believe that freedom of expression should be paramount, however odious that expression may be

[This message has been edited by dco_chris (edited 03-05-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Because if you hate someone, why have sex with him/her? Why would you want to 'infect' yourself with that person? If you hate someone, you don't want to have anything to do with him/her.

I'm afraid this is quite a bit oversimplified. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power. You aren't 'infecting' yourself with that person - it is the other way around. You do it because you know they will not like it. Because you can, and they cannot stop you, and that makes you feel strong.

well, whatever the case, we are all mature adults (you’d better be if you are in this bbs), and i am sure everyone here wouldn’t take any of these fictious (sp?) rape and/or murders in any games for real. just don’t do it in real life; why else do you think all the peapri manuals have that funny disclaimer at the beginning? :stuck_out_tongue:

i agree with a few people here that the occassional murder/rape, although i am not a fan or rape scenes myself. come on, that’s what games are for…to take you away from reality…for a while, that is; just don’t get stuck in there.

This pointless talking about rape/insult games is silly.
If somebody wants to play these games they play them, if they dont want to play them they dont do it.
I like to play these games because of my girlfriend… it sounds wierd, but I cant do things to my girlfriend that are presented in these games. And I would NEVER do these things to her. So I have a little fun in rape/insult games.
Its like playing Q3 where you just kill for fun. I dont care about moral if I play Q3 or Tsuki.
Why dont you just read Freud and then talk about perverted games?

Ok, I would really like to interject my opinion (read that again, OPINION)as both a female gamer AND a rape victim

Games/movies/entertainment in general usually depicts massive amounts of trauma and strife…95% of the time, it is the overcoming of this strife or trauma that makes the greatest stories…for example, Tears of the Sun was one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen…but I thoroughly enjoyed it because I would cry all through it, but see these people overcome the horrors and it gives me hope for a better future

as a rape victim, i can tell you that it is a horrible horrible thing, but no worse than murder, torture, or the myriad other things that make up the dark side of humanity (and i have experienced quite a bit)…and in my opinion, rape has a place in entertainment…humanity is an imperfect thing…we all have a dark side, and we all have secret dark cravings or curiosities, whether it be to steal a candybar or rape the hot chick down the street or kill your boss

in my opinion, i would rather see people (or more specifically, mature adults who understand the context) explore these dark fascinations within the confines of a harmless game, rather than take a chance at exploring them in real life… games/movies/etc are an outlet so we all can be civilized the rest of the time…humans are in and of themselves not good or evil, but all shades of grey, and this includes as much evil as good, but we have formed a society that frowns and punishes the dark side, which I believe is right, but it doesn’t change the essence of our being, which is inherently NEUTRAL, with both sides of the spectrum within us

the only forms of violent or rape entertainment that I do not like at all are those that trivialize the very reality of these things…the first X-change for example, which totally made rape a comedic event…or games like Postal, where you get points for killing innocents…if you are going to kill or rape in a game, you should experience as close to reality as you would in real life, with the same seriousness the true act has, or we become confused and desensitized

in a game, if you kill, you should have to experience the pain as the victim dies, or confront their grief-stricken family…if you rape, you should experience the complete demoralization of the victim, the tears, anguish…you should at least witness the later trauma as they try to cope

some games have dealt very well with this…Crescendo and Chain are two games that jump to my mind when I think of rape scenes that have been properly dealt with, in my opinion

but once again, this is just my opinion…I find games that promote murder and rape without consequence or just ‘for the fun of it’ abhorrent, but as I mentioned above, I would rather see people play out the dark side of their being in a safe game forum than in real life

Originally posted by Kagami:
Hrm, looks like Destopia got delayed again. Only by a week this time, though.


Kagami are you going to get this game? If you are wanna post a review of it?

I found Postal and Postal 2 to be hilarious, but that is because they aren’t made to be taken seriously at all.

Then again I have a black sense of humor. How could I take a game even remotely seriously when it has an option for putting a cat on the end of a shotgun for use as a silencer?

But it will still leave a scar on those people. People who die find happiness in the afterlife.
People who get raped have to carry it with them for the rest of their life. I know of several people who have been through circumstances like this.
One of them is now in the hospital because of her nerves not being able to handle it anymore. Recover? Maybe, but it takes much time and it will still leave a scar on the person.

I don't deny that it'll leave a scar. However, even after such a scar, you can live on. The same applys to people who gets kidnapped, see someone killed in front of their eyes, who gets tortured, bullied, etc.. All those things do leave a scar on the people who see/experiences them, but they can still live. They cna still live pretty normal lives even after that. Sure, someone who have been raped might after that be afraid of going out late int he evening and might be very distrustful towards men after that, but even so, what they have experiences will not in most cases dominate their lives. Would you stop eating, meet your friends, sleep and etc because that you were raped? At first, perhaps, but life goes on and soner or later things mostly get back to normal. But in the case of soeone who is dead, nothign can be done. Or to quote' Slayn
in the ROLW manga: "Even through we mourn, the dead never come back".

And as far as "religion" and a "Happy afterlife" goes, I think I'd prefer if we keept that out of this dicussion. Not that I deny nor confirm that there might be an "afterlife", but still to jsut assume that there is an afterlife for sure is to go a little toof ar since we only have variousl religions's word of that there is an afterlife, so... But also, IF we assume that there is an afterlife, then consider this: someone who dies may according to religion not necressiary find happines in the afterlife. And in the case of someone who is killed unexpectedly, that person may not have had the chance to redeem him/herself before he/she died, a chance that he/she would have had if he/she had not died and thus the "happiness in afterlife" is lost to that person forever.

There are limits, you know. Killing people is, as was said, often more or less justified because it's 'the bad guys'. Games where you just kill or rape people are crossing the line. There are limits to what entertainment is.

Limits? What limits? Well, of course, there are certain ethical limits in some cases - but that is also all. We live in a free society odat, so it's possible for just anyhing to get produced. As far as the "bad guys" goes, is it truly right to kill even them? some would say that it's inexcusable to kill someome for any reason. Besides, who said that you "just" rape people in certain games? It may not be just about rape - It may actually be for good reasons, even if that's not always the case.

Because if you hate someone, why have sex with him/her? Why would you want to 'infect' yourself with that person? If you hate someone, you don't want to have anything to do with him/her.[/B]

What does that have to do with it? Rape is hardly a sign of affection or anything like that. As Nandemonai said, it's often a matter of power - to do something aginst that person's will without that person being able to do anything about it. But it seldom have anything to do with affection, at least not if hate's involited in this.