Japanese-English Dual-Text Destopia

As far as the "bad guys" goes, is it truly right to kill even them? some would say that it's inexcusable to kill someome for any reason.

Well, they're bad guys, and if they get killed the world is rid of them. Not if raped.
Besides, who said that you "just" rape people in certain games?

In Virgin Roster and Destopia you do, which is what this ultimately is about.
It may not be just about rape - It may actually be for good reasons, even if that's not always the case.

I don't see why there would ever be a good reason to rape someone.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 03-09-2004).]

Originally posted by Kagami:
Ah, nah, sorry, wasn't planning on it.

Damn, was hoping for some ginuea pigs [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Oh well let's see if I can find a couple of games to bundle up with this.

I plan on buying this game.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Well, they're bad guys, and if they get killed the world is rid of them. Not if raped.

Just like that? That's a quite simple solution. Besides, what is a bad guy, really? Someone who is fooled by lies to do evil things? Someone who kills people becuase that the end justifies the means?
Someone who tortures soem people in order to save other people? and so on... Really, there are many things here in the world that are classified as "Things A Bad Guy Does", but somneone who does things like that may not actually be a "Bad/Evil" guy, but he/she might rather be ignornant, have some good reasons for whatever he/she is doing and so on.. Besides, some would say that even "evil" people have a right to live, no matter what their crimes. IF someone who raped was raped him/herself, as is the case of Fukushuu, then that person would truly know what is like to be raped, to be at the mercy of someone who wants to take your body by force and couldn't care less about what your opinion in that matter was, and this could - not necressiary, but sometimes it's the case - be a beginning for that person to truly regret his/her deed and change his/her ways...

In Virgin Roster and Destopia you do, which is what this ultimately is about.

In these games, perhaps. I can't say since I know little about Virgin Rooster and even less about Destopia. However, there's often one reason or another for why the mainc haracter in these kinds of gmaes rapes girls. I'm not saying that it's always a good reason, through.

I don't see why there would ever be a good reason to rape someone.

Well, I've already made quite a lot of examples before: Rape could for example be used as a means of revenge as mentioned before. It's, in my opinion anyway, a better thing than killing. But there are also other reasons, emotional ones and things like that, for example. And other things that depends on the circumstances. During certain circumstances, an act of rape might not be all too un-understandable.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 03-11-2004).]

Besides, what is a bad guy, really? Someone who is fooled by lies to do evil things? Someone who kills people becuase that the end justifies the means?
Someone who tortures soem people in order to save other people? and so on... Really, there are many things here in the world that are classified as "Things A Bad Guy Does", but somneone who does things like that may not actually be a "Bad/Evil" guy, but he/she might rather be ignornant, have some good reasons for whatever he/she is doing and so on..

We're talking bad guys in games, here. In most cases, they are truly evil or corrupted.
In these games, perhaps. I can't say since I know little about Virgin Rooster and even less about Destopia. However, there's often one reason or another for why the mainc haracter in these kinds of gmaes rapes girls. I'm not saying that it's always a good reason, through.

In Virgin Roster, the main character is just a sicko who does it for 'fun'.
In Destopia, from what I can gather, it's about gangs who have chosen to do such acts for pleasure.
Quite good reasons. (/sarcasm)
Well, I've already made quite a lot of examples before: Rape could for example be used as a means of revenge as mentioned before. It's, in my opinion anyway, a better thing than killing.

That's still not a good reason.
But there are also other reasons, emotional ones and things like that, for example. And other things that depends on the circumstances. During certain circumstances, an act of rape might not be all too un-understandable.

I guess... but not in these two games.
Originally posted by Picky:
I plan on buying this game.

Allright Picky you are our ginuea pig [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] how about giving us some thoughts and stuff when you get the game.

Looks like a good time to quote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:
“If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”

Hopefully I will have the cash to cover this, buying that NEO GEO AES really put a dent in my spend on other fun things fund.

Just a question I thought about while reading through this and thinking of some revenge oriented scenarios. If your daughter was raped and you had the opportunity to pay someone to have the man raped in jail/prison would you do it out of revenge? Or even more extreme if the guy got off because of some flaw in the justice system would you pay to have him raped? Alot of people would probably consider something like this.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Just a question I thought about while reading through this and thinking of some revenge oriented scenarios. If your daughter was raped and you had the opportunity to pay someone to have the man raped in jail/prison would you do it out of revenge? Or even more extreme if the guy got off because of some flaw in the justice system would you pay to have him raped? Alot of people would probably consider something like this.

No to both counts, it would make me just as bad as him. Plus, I believe that if you are going to exact revenge, you should do it personally. Paying people to do your dirty work is cowardly.

I agree with dco_chris, though for different thoughts. I wouldn’t do it not because it would mean me not being any better than him, but because even if it for revenge, it’s not the right thing to do.
…Which in the end makes the reason kind of similar.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-08-2004).]

That question is kind of reminiscent of the premise of the Three Sisters’ Story…! And those who’ve played that know what the ultimate message of the plot is.

[This message has been edited by chronoluminaire (edited 04-08-2004).]

Well the reason I mentioned paying someone is because I would never be able to rape another man, revenge or no. It would not have anything to do with me being a coward. Actually in this scenario I would not have him raped. If I lost control I would probably either beat him into a coma or kill him, but since the discussion was on rape I tried to make it pertain to the topic.

I came upon an interesting observation in the Augustine College prospectus recently.

A would-be clever German medic once quipped: “Der Mensch ist, was er iflt” – “You are what you eat”! Well, in a sense, yes – but in a major sense, no. Physically, if you eat only at McDonalds and Tim Hortons, etc., you might well become what you eat. In a figurative sense the statement is indeed true. You are what you eat! Take the metaphor: ‘food for thought’! What we absorb and appropriate with our minds fundamentally affects what we become.

I think this applies to a lot of things we experience in life, including our beloved bishoujo games. A diet that includes some of the more offensive rape games is bound to affect our psyches in ways we may not consciously realize. Food for thought on this Easter morn…

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 04-11-2004).]

Originally posted by perigee:
I think this applies to a lot of things we experience in life, including our beloved bishoujo games. A diet that includes some of the more offensive rape games is bound to affect our psyches in ways we may not consciously realize. Food for thought on this Easter morn...

I don't really agree unless a person is heavily exposed to something during childhood, or they are extremely weak mentally. The same argument has come up time and time again with regards to sexually violent movies, and any evidence supporting that they cause changes in the viewers is tenuous at best. Some of the studies into this which have suggested that they cause changes have been disowned by their authors. IMHO anyone whos mind is working properly is not going to be influenced by TV and games (at least not by total fantasy situations like b-games, TV documentaries could be another matter), someone whos mind is not firing on all cylinders might be another story though.

[This message has been edited by dco_chris (edited 04-11-2004).]

Does anyone know if the game has already been released?

If so, I think I have the scratch to cover the cost.

Well picky considering Kagami said it was delayed, and its new release date is the 26th, also considering i trust kagami, I’d say it hasn’t been released yet and will be on the 26th or later (but not earlier).

Any idea where I could pick up Destopia and Baldr Force at?

Gracias Kagami.

It’ll probably be another month or so until I can order those games, had to buy a new mobo for my brother and ordered Shining Force GBA remake from the UK to get it a couple of months earlier than normal US release date.

Baldr Force interests me because there is a DC port coming soon, so I’d like to get my hands on the original.

Just in case somebody is interested:

I tried yesterday this game (Destopia) for about two hours and really can’t recommend it.

If anybody cares for details, feel free to ask!