Japanese-English Dual-Text Destopia

raises hand

Originally posted by Benoit:
*raises hand*

Very well.

First of all, the main character in Destopia makes the main character of Shukketsubo pale in comparison. He doesn't only rape his students for his own amusement, no, he also works together with a gang and sells them, as well as their mothers and little sisters as sex-slaves after their trainings are finished. Or at least it seemed that way because I stopped right after they started treating the mother while the daughters were held hostages in order to make the mother comply.
Oh, and another thing: his preferred method of getting control over his victims is the one I loathe most: drugs!

The quality of the graphics is a little below average but not that bad that I have to make complaints about it.

But the user-interface is the worst I've ever encountered in a b-game-ADV/NVL: No menus, no save-option (right: If I'll ever resume playing, I have to go through it all over again) and during these two hours, I had exactly one decision to make: The sequence in which the three different main victims should be targeted.

As for the interaction with the text-window:
It only reacts on mouseclicks. If the current textline is entirely displayed, a leftclick continues the text. If the text is currently written to the textwindow and you leftclick, the display stops and the next leftclick continues withthe next line with no option to continue the interrupted line. Of course, there is no way of going back to previously displayed lines either.
The right mouseclick toggles between the japanese and the english text option.

Well, and if somebody remembers the typical problems with english text in japanese games:

An accurate english translation of japanese sentences is usually considerably longer and thus the adjustment of the text throughout the entire game has to be reworked in order to fit into the textbox everytime

You find here an unique solution to this problem: The text-output-routine realizes that the end of the line has been reached, so it erases the previously written three characters and adds the ellipse ("...") instead of the missing text. No, the missing text wouldn't be displayed after the next leftclick either. There is only one choice though: Switch to japanese text and fathom from that what was meant to be written instead of those "...".

Bottom line:
Not recommendable for people without knowledge of the japanese language.
It's usefulness for japanese learners of the english language is at least questionable as well.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-31-2004).]

I got Destopia from the Himeya shop. There is an option menu (including save&load, fast forward, rewind). I had no problems with the text, except for the fact that names are still displayed in japanese.

Addition… The option menu is located on the right side of the screen, just above the text window. Move the cursor to that place and it will pop up, just like it is shown on this image: http://img53.exs.cx/img53/9110/Destopiasave.jpg

[This message has been edited by Gene (edited 08-31-2004).]

ahh so this is a no get. Ok that’s good saves me some money for other things

Thanks for the tip. Not that I would have been terribly interested in the game anyway but this just clinches it.

Gaogao mentioned Crc & Gin’iro as Japanese learning tools. Could someone discuss these tools? Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, I’m new to the genre. Would appreciate any insight in to these items such as ease of use, can you learn enough to understand games? Thanks

Originally posted by keller:
Gaogao mentioned Crc & Gin'iro as Japanese learning tools. Could someone discuss these tools?

Well, actually, he only mentioned them as other games that have both language textoptions and ridiculed the idea of using them as learning tools later on.

However, both of them are great b-games with GinIro being the one with the most moving storylines. But if you aren't lucky (at least as lucky as GA-Milfie [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] ), you won't have a chance to get it because it is a long time out of print now. On the other hand, the english text in GinIro is ... unusual to say the least. If you read it, you'd better try to make a literal translation into japanese in order to get the real meaning of the sentences.
But in exchange for this trouble, you get brilliant stories, graphics, music and voices. Be forewarned that the stories tend to be tragic, though...

CRC on the other hand has an accurate english text. But it is a remake of an old game and thus the graphics and the interface look a bit dated, but not as bad as in DOR.
The one really exceptional about CRC is the gameplay: I think it is currently the only available game with english text that really deserves to be called a "dating sim".

Of course, both games are originally targeted for the japanese market, so there are mosaics covering pubic areas.

Originally posted by keller:
Would appreciate any insight in to these items such as ease of use, can you learn enough to understand games?

Err, actually those two ARE games with dual language options. I am afraid if you think you can learn japanese just from playing those two games, you are mistaken. But because I didn't try it this way, I can't disprove this approach either.
However, I think the only thing that you can learn from these games are japanese vocables, not the grammar.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-01-2004).]

Originally posted by Gene:
The option menu is located on the right side of the screen, just above the text window. Move the cursor to that place and it will pop up

I found that menu also mentioned in the manual...

Ah, but I just realized: the installation provided two executables. The first one (with no number in its filename) complained about my DirectX and refused to work. But the second one (with a "2" at the end of its filename) at least managed to start.

Maybe, you used the other one?

I deinstalled the game yesterday after I gave it a second try. But perhaps, I should at least check this hint again. After all, it doesn't consume THAT much HD-space and time to install it anyway. Actually, I was rather surprised that such a small data-file (70 MB) apparently contains voices as well as the CGs...

... particularly after I installed yesterday another game whose voice-file alone took 1 GB!

That may be the problem, Unicorn. I used the other executable, the one without the number.

Thanks for the help Unicorn. I misunderstood the earlier posting. So are there tools that would help a person learn enough Japanese to be able to play a game?

I have been reading language textbooks in my spare time. I’m only just starting on my quest, though.

Edit: Let me be a little more specific. I am only starting on my quest, so it is too early to say whether this will ultimately be the best way for me to go. I also have been watching subtitled anime for more than 6 years now (a full quarter of my whole life) and that DEFINITELY helped. Finally I made an abortive attempt to take formal classes, but had to stop shortly after trying (didn’t have enough time to devote the proper attention).

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 09-01-2004).]

Originally posted by Gene:
That may be the problem, Unicorn. I used the other executable, the one without the number.

Finally the results of my re-check:
The menu doesn't pop up in the executable that works on my system.

As for the other executable:
It still has problems with my direct-x, but dxdiag found no problems at all. On Destopia's box, Direct-x 8.0a or better is demanded, but apparently Direct-X 9.0b is already too good for it...