Jast AX 2009 panel (Family Project gold, Nitro+ partnership)

Woo, yuri!!

Here’s the flash trailer for Jingai Makyou
Here’s the promo demo for Jingai Makyou
And here’s the Opening for Jingai Makyou

Seems harder to find Demonbane content…

And of course I can’t wait to see Family Project released… Can’t wait much longer ! :mrgreen:

Jingai Makyou looks more promising than Demonbane, but I’m still very ‘meh’ on this so far. Maybe I’m missing something, or maybe this is just totally not my taste. Whatever happened with Bullet Butlers? :slight_smile:

Happy to hear that Family Project will be out soon. I’ve been looking forward to it. :smiley:

I can’t really think of too much to say about the new licenses. The Nitro+ titles will do really well, I’m sure of it, but they just don’t interest me. Where’s the pure love titles? At least Mangagamer has some, and there’s always imports.

Well with the partnership with Nitro+ more than cemented now… personally i would like to see Star Mine Girl aka Sumaga translated soon =3

Nitro+ eh?

I think PP and Jast just solidified their market base for the forseeable future. If only they could maybe…I don’t know…bump those two up the development roster?

In any case…WOOOT!!!

VERY much agree.

Nitro+ ??? Great news! Where can I pre-order? I already hit the Jast+Nitro English site, and there wasn’t any info there. Definately let us know when we can pre-order on those games!

As awesome as the Family Project news is, I’m just totally blown away by the Nitro+ news. I mean, it wasn’t totally out there; if you really kept your nose on the ground, you might have assumed that something was up with Nitro+. Still, actually having it be officially announced? AW YEAH.

If you’re wondering why people are so jazzed about Nitro+, I’ll tell you that they’re responsible for what is probably the second best officially translated VN behind Ever17 (well, third now that Family Project is out). Phantom of Inferno can be bought for a ridiculously low price because of the crappy DVD format. Still, if you can stand the format, it’s an awesome story-driven VN. I’m sure there are Demonbane and Jingai Makyou fans out there, but I think what many people are really anticipating are some of their other titles that might be translated.

It’s a pity they localised the DVDPG release. The only good thing about Phantom of Inferno DVDPG is the voice acting, and I’m not even sure that’s worth putting up with DVDPG for.

Nitroplus is going to release his games in english?!! :shock: OH YEEEEEAAAAAH!!! :lol:

That’s too good to hear! But like some guys said, i’m afraid what a somewhat lolikon eroge like DEMONBANE will do to all that baning against eroges.

Feminists and hypocrital politicians searching for more votes don’t really care about how great these games are. :frowning:

demonbane has tentacle rape as well

The more you prance around begging someone to ban it, the more likely you make it to happen that way. :slight_smile:

They currently have Rady, Virgin Roster, and a number of other games that would be better targets than Demonbane.

Tanetcle Rape? they already have it in Raidy, PSW, and probably others I can’t think of offhand.

Also, There are also a LOT of lolis in games they already have. Matsuri in KK is comonly estimated to be 13 years old by a lot of people.

I don’t see these games as any worse content-wise than they’re current releases.

THe Eroge industry in the US is so small that it will not likley be targeted. Only problems I see in the UK over the Rapelay thing, but only a small group in the US really noticed it.

While they don’t sell Jewel Knights anymore, that game has had a LOT worse loli that the ones in Demonbane, and that game was on sale for a while and did’nt cause any problems.

On the flip side though, eroge localization might be targeted precisely because they are small. Smaller groups are easier to crush if a group gets it in their mind to do such a thing.

Yeah, but it’s not very likely. the eroge localisation has been going on for years now and nothing happened.It’s too small to be noticed.

Unless something big happens, there probably won’t be any major backlash.

At the contrary, I’m quite upset: all this is bringing me is new rivals. :frowning:
Otherwise, you know, I have most Nitro+ games since I’m one of their fans, so I couldn’t care less.

…besides, I’m not that much of an Azifu fan. I guess it might be plausible to possibly suggest that conjectures about the potential existence of some kind of positive probabilities that I’m not completely insensitive to the idea of being somehow fond of Azifu may be conceivable, but in no circumstances would I imply further.

Assuming Jast continues their lower price scheme, there’s no doubt I’ll re-buy any Nitro+ titles that I might already have…
(such nice prices!)
Now if it was priced like MangaGamer [and it didn’t have a box]; I think I’d hesistate :?

Why? It’d still be money thrown out the window for no benefit.

I think this attitude would be a big mistake for anyone who cares what happens to translated eroge. I bowed out of the "rape eroge to be banned in Japan’ thread because it was too much vitriol and not enough updates on actual news. (Not to rip on anybody … it’s controversial, you’d expect to see a shitstorm.) Here’s my take on what translated eroge fans should be doing:

I do not speak Japanese, so I cannot write a letter defending rape eroge or loli eroge or whatever else. Since the Japanese government is using this as a pretext, it is quite likely they would lump all English language letters into the “here are the people who hate eroge” bucket without even having them translated. I am as likely to help my enemies as my own side. And I am not affixing my name to someone else’s Japanese form letter - they’re easy to ignore as being fake, and I never sign things like this without reading them thoroughly.

Instead, as I see it, the most effective way open to me to defend my market is to make sure my side is well funded. The best way to show support is by buying their products and encouraging others to do the same. The more money the eroge makers have – especially from the overseas market – the less able they are to write off the rest of the world. Likewise, the more money eroge and other ecchi products make, the less the Japanese government can afford to, in these dire economic times, adopt censorship measures that would negatively impact their own economy.

The eroge companies can already say they sell thousands of copies of their games translated into English, as a way to counter accusations that everyone overseas hates their products. Sales have been steadily increasing ever since the first few games were translated. Once eroge are popular overseas, the Japanese government will be able to ignore criticism in the same way they ignore the domestic criticism.