Jast AX 2009 panel (Family Project gold, Nitro+ partnership)

Apples and oranges. Since LexarV and I have Nitro+ games, I’d assume both of us can play them in Japanese, therefore do not care about what happens to translated erogees. We may be willing to defend the erogee Japanese market and the right to import the games, but the overseas market? Not a chance. It can just dry up and die, as far as I’m concerned.

…though if Nitro+ starts a “If we sell enough Demonbane overseas, we will make a new Demonbane game, full of Azifu” campaign, there’s a non-negligible possibility I buy a few (dozen) copies of the translated game. :mrgreen:

I understand not wanting to buy something you already have, but the attitude "the overseas market is very self-centered. There is a difference between “should you go out and buy them if your content with what you have?” and “should you care that others might be impacted by the loss of translation?”

As much as asking other people to spend their time and money on a matter that doesn’t affect them but affects you?

He cares, he just doesn’t want to admit it. He’s like a male tsundere.

I play games in Japanese, and have quite a few Nitro+ titles in my collection. However, I’d much rather own them in my native language, and have absolutely no problem buying games that have been translated. Not only do I get a game in my native language, I also help the market get a few more titles I -don’t- have in the future. I prefer to plan for tomorrow, rather than today.

So does that mean he gets the honor of being voiced by Rie Kugimiya when the board anime gets produced?

No, your comments are more on the line of being self centered because “[The English marker] can just dry up and die,” rather than “I’d like to see the English market succeed, but I’m satified with my Japanese versions.” There is a massive difference between the two. The first is a contempt at the English-speaking market (as well as for those who don’t like importing stuff), while the latter is more of just a feeling of good will, but with the lack of incentive to do more presently.

Not at all; it’s the very meaning of “not caring”. The first only says that I don’t care (which is the case), while the second would denote that I care (since I have a wish about how it works --that it’d be successful) but am too lazy to do anything about it. Just answer: would you mind whether the camembert labels hobby dry up and die? I doubt so: it can do so as far as you’re concerned, because you don’t laincursed care about it. Is it contempt about it, though? So, no, there’s no contempt in such a sentence.

I. DON’T. CARE. And because I don’t care, it can grow successful or die, I won’t help either happen.

So, if I’m “self-centred” because I don’t care that you care and don’t want to do something that doesn’t benefit me but benefits you, then you’re just as self-centred because you don’t care that I don’t care and want to force me to do something that doesn’t benefit me but benefits you.

If you don’t care, why are you on a board/topic that deals specifically with the English-language industry?

Because it doesn’t only deal “with the English-language industry”? If you didn’t notice, I seldom if ever talked about the English games, the English market itself, or the English translations.

We can play word games all day long, but you knew what kind of reaction a comment like that would get when posting it on a forum dedicated to the English market(and it is, like it or not). There’s a word for that too.

I guess I expected something in the order of “Though you don’t care for now, you should because it’d benefit you since…” instead of “If you don’t care, you don’t have any right to be here, go away.”
I mean, it’s not as if I don’t post useful information, albeit about the Japanese side of the market, or anything. Thank you for reminding me why I stopped caring about the English side of the erogee fandom.

Of course, it’s such an attitude of yours (“Japanese fans don’t care about the English market so let them deal themselves with their market problems because it’s not our fault”) that make Japanese fans not willing to support your side, if they don’t have to in order to save theirs. If your reaction to people who don’t care is to alienate them rather than rally them, then have fun with the erogee crisis at hand.

Come on guys, both of you have contributed too much to these boards and our discussions.

Fact is, anyone with an interest in this niche should appreciate word of titles like Demonbane, When they Cry, KK, Shuffle! or Sakura Taisen finally making their way out of Japan in some kind of legit form. These are titles for which a word of mouth and an interest DO exist beyond our small US eroge world. Even the announcement of a downloadable Fate/Unlimited Codes not only increases the potential size of the interest pool, but also shows that at least some folks at the decision making level at localization companies are hearing our calls.

I see us as being at another watershed moment for our hobby (Japanese stuffs in general) and there is lots to be concerned about. Not only do you have the whole legislative b.s., we just came out of the major US anime con where not only was there not a single announcement of significance, but Shawne Kleckner’s keynote focused on how the JP side of things still does not seem to ‘get it’ in terms of the fees they continue to demand or how they wish to see US companies release (i.e. continuing the dead singles schedule rather than going to the half or full year box set).

Guess I’m just wanting to see us hobbyists support what we can, even if it is just saying ‘great, glad to see this is finally coming out here’.

Honestly Olf, if you don’t care about English translations, why do you populate the English translation section of these baords?

I don’t think it’s to troll. So is it just because it’s more populated?

In any case. If English companies are paying lincense to Nitro+, it benefits them, so it stands to reason a fan of Nitro+ should appluade any attempt at translation even if not intending to purchase said translation.

Olf this is one of those times where you should take the advice of this famous saying: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Whether of not you care if the English localization businesses whither and die is your prerogative, but stating such a thing on a board for fans of English localization isn’t constructive, and is bound to piss some people off.

I’m sure you knew how hostile your comment came off, Olf. It’s obvious you’re an intelligent person, so I don’t feel I need to give any examples as to why your comment of “It can just dry up and die, as far as I’m concerned” is viewed as being hostile and unnecessary no matter where it was posted really. I’m personally not trying to alienate you in any way, but I am calling you on a comment that was uncalled for. I’m not about to get involved in the whole Japan Fan vs Westerner Fan war, (It’s about as childish and empty as the whole 360 vs PS3 war in my opinion), it’s not constructive at all (and never really has been). I’m of a mind that all fans of a subject matter should be behind the same banner to defend what they enjoy and believe in, because if it -does- become a booming market in English as well, that can only mean even more vast growth for the Japanese market as well.

olf_le_fol, uncensored graphics. It’s an eroge, right? So the English version will be uncensored.

Other then that, I can understand olf_le_fol’s point of NOT CARING in general. Look at it from his perspective— he has the games in their original form, and has enjoyed them for years. It doesn’t matter to him, storywise, that they are now in English. He’ spent all that money on the originals and getting them shipped to him. What’s this offer HIM? Well, other then uncensored graphics (if there was anything censored in the original) and being downloadable direct from Jast/Peach Princess (most likely).

Now, if it was about a game he desperately wanted, but hadn’t yet gotten, he might be interested in the english version, due to it being: cheaper, uncensored, and possibly direct download (but a lot of native games are in download versions these days, so that isn’t really a big deal).

Other then that? He has no real reason to be overly concerned with the English eroge market. So there is no reason to get mad at him. Heck, he isn’t the target consumer— we are. Piling on or blasting him isn’t going to change his opinion. It will just cause him to check in and share his insights and experiences with us less often.

I perfectly understand his point of view. My issue isn’t with the fact that he doesn’t care. As I stated before, it is his prerogative as to whether he cares or not. My only issue is that he seemed to have absolutely no social awareness in stating such a thing. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that saying, “I don’t care if your access to the games you love is taken away.” will irritate people when you are in a place devoted to fans of the games. Its like (to a lesser extent) going in to the middle of a crowded synagogue and shouting at the top of your lungs, “Death to all Jews!”.

yes it’s exactly like that

Can we put a stop on the ad-hominems?

… and maybe come back to topic instead?