Jast AX 2009 panel (Family Project gold, Nitro+ partnership)

So what do you guys and gals think are the best Nitro+ titles? I mean we all should have our favorites, or for those who haven’t played a Nitro+ title, which look the most interesting?

Personally I like Gekk? no Carnevale the most. There are lots and lots of vampire themed gothic eroge, but the werewolf themed stories aren’t as common.

And of course there’s Tre Donne Crudeli. Cowgirl elves. How is that not hawt? :smiley:

I am intrigued by your ideas, and wish to subscribe to your mailing list.

The most interesting for me is definitely Jingai Makyou. I’m hoping it can be next after Demonbane.

I’m looking forward to playing Sumaga, too. I’ve read good things and bad things about it…seems you’ve got to hate or love this game, no middle ground. Just wanna see for myself if it’s good or not.

Yee-haw! 8)

And just so I’m not labelled as discriminate against other cultures… Native American Elves too. :o

I’ll bite. Here is my Nitroplus top 10 list.

1. Hello, World

Nitroplus will very likely never surpass this, as they don’t make eroge like it any more, but it’s there, it’s an absolute classic and probably the best of the best when it comes to pure sci-fi eroge. EDIT: Hah, no, of course it’s not, sense off and himawari are better, but - okay, hello world is the best of the best when it comes to HARD sci-fi eroge.

2. Phantom: Phantom of Inferno / INTEGRATION

You guys already know why this rocks, since it’s available in English, but Phantom INTEGRATION is just… great stuff.

3. Satsuriku no Django: Tre Donne Crudelli

Narg’s already talking about this one, and it’s a wonderful game. Yee-haw.

4. Saya no Uta

Short but sweet, and leaves a long-lasting impression. Raises a lot of interesting moral questions, although admittedly not as many as Hello, World does.

5. Sumaga

High production values, great effects, fun characters and a totally whacked-out story so you’ve no idea whether to be laughing your head off or feeling horribly depressed. Good stuff.

6. Gekkou no Carnevale

Again, Narg’s already gone into this, but it’s a good story with great atmosphere.

7. Kikokugai

Phantom of Inferno meets Hello, World meets something else entirely for gritty cyberpunk action.

8. Zanma Taisei Demonbane

Mecha, cthulhu and dark magic. What more could you want?


This game gets a bad rap, but really, apart from the admittedly rather weak end (felt like it sort of rushed to resolve things too quickly, and was quite unsatisfying. Not getting to change the ending much more after all the work required to get ending B was a shame too) it was gold throughout. Great storytelling.

10. Jingai Makyo

Okay, it was never quite as beloved as Nitroplus’ other titles, but let’s face it, Ignis is UNBEATABLE. The game is well worth playing even if you only play it for her. And you will play it. Because Ignis is in it. To me, at least, no other Nitroplus heroine is anywhere near as memorable.

All in all, I’d have to say that Nitroplus is one of the best eroge studios. If you asked me what other eroge studio had TEN titles that I enjoyed, I probably wouldn’t be able to answer =P GIGA might come close (Chocolat, Parfait, Kono Aozora, Fosette, Baldr Force, Baldr Sky DIVE1, Duel Savior Justice, Sakaagari Hurricane)

EDIT: WTF, how did I totally mix up the name with that of another game. Not thinking at all tonight.

Well, on encubed, they did mention that PP is negotiating for a third title from Nitro+, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Tres Donne Crudelli or Gekkou no Carnevale.

One thing though, several years ago, when I purchased DiviDead from Himeya (back when they sold eroge) I got a mini poster for this samurai themed game from Nitro+; is that one any good?

Kikokugai? Here’s the website, look familiar? If so, going by my list, yes, it’s pretty damn good =p

Wish I had as much experience with nitro+ as lancer but I’ve only really played 2 titles from them.

  1. Sumaga - Granted I’ve yet to finish it (translation project not done), what I have played of it has really just wow’d me (except the sex scenes). Characters, story, and especially the music are top notch. Really crossing my fingers that this one is a future title for Jast.

  2. Saya no Uta - The dark atmosphere and theme of the game was like nothing I had played before and right away grabbed me. The music always matched that spooky theme really well. All the endings really where bittersweet but when that theme song starts up on the true ending was what really defined that game for me.

Just based on these 2 title I can see why Nitro+ games are all top tier.

*Goes to listen to Saya no Uta ost.

I took a look and the game I’m talking about is called Hanachirasu

Given that I am just now starting to take my very first tentative steps in to untranslated eroge (I won out on getting the only copy of Kanon from J-List, and I’m planning on getting Yosuga no Sora), I really don’t know enough to say what looks good yet. Truth be told, all I know about Nitro+ is what I’ve heard here. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to admit that at first this didn’t sink in properly to me and I tried conjuring up an image of an elf crossed with a cow, and could not compute. I guess I’ve played too much eroge (or maybe World of Warcraft >_> ) when the word “cowgirl” tries to make an image in my head akin to “catgirl”, just with cow features instead (and the elf part, of course). Thankfully the pictures later on solved that conundrum before my head exploded :oops:

Heh, I was a bit confused as well before I saw the pictures. Since I’m not in to Kemonomimi, I originally wrote it off completely. Now that I know that this isn’t the case, I’ve warmed up to a neutral position.


If Peapri gets this, I HOPE they correct the mangled Italian. Two cowgirls have the wrong name, for example:

1): Donne Anonime, from ??? (“Nameless Woman”), means “Anonymous Women”, Donna Senzanome (or La Senzanome) is correct.

2): Franco Il Nero, from ??? (“Black Franco”) is a MALE name, but I don’t know if this is a Django-inspired error or simply a story twist.
However the correct Italian version is Franca La Nera or, MUCH better, Franca Nera or Francanera.

“Hello, world.” Yes!
Chaos;Head Noah for PC Yes!
Stiens;Gate for PC Yes!

Agh, I can wish anyways…

Saya no uta is a good one, short but excellent.
Sumaga has some wicked fun style.
Gekkou no Carnevale caught my attention when it was first released… :slight_smile:

I know next to nothing about Nitro+, but after reading a plot summary about Demonbane, I’m pretty much on board to buy whatever they want to throw our way.
I saw the intro for Jingai Makyo and thought that that looked great and am hoping for a release of it. Darker themed games are definitely something we need more of, not that I don’t appreciate lighter, comedic games. But there are times where you need some seriousness to break up the levity, and it looks like both Demonbane and Jingai Makyo will accomplish that.

Then I saw Narg mention this; Satsuriku no Django: Tre Donne Crudelli …elven shoujos playing cowgirls and indians, where can I sign up?

I’m into elves.

The only things better than a single elven chick are twin elven chicks.

Just gonna throw this out there in case it’s not as common knowledge as I thought it was, and I’m probably gonna get a brow beating for mentioning this BUT there is a fan made English translation for Saya no Uta and with the use of applocale…well I’ll just leave it at that.

You’re going to “leave it at that”? Why? It’s perfectly OK to recommend people buy an import. I’m pretty sure you could get Saya no Uta from erogeshop.com without much difficulty, but it might be used.

After all, you certainly were not implying … other means of acquiring a title. That Peach Princess might pick up for translation. From a company who they just recently signed a deal with. On PP’s official BBS. -___-

I did hear about that translation project. In fact, I’m interested in checking it out, but I think I’m going to wait until after one of Nitro+'s other games gets its official translation before I worry about importing games from a company known for strong stories (which I cannot really read).

Actually, from a legal perspective, fan translations are kind of like contraband. No one really cares if there’s no prospect for a commercial localization (and there wasn’t at the time). Nitroplus licenses the Japanese version to users as is. Tampering with games is usually against the EULA, though again, generally no one cares. A license for commercial localization is a transfer of rights. Nitroplus basically gives away its rights to the English version of the game (in exchange for a fee). Buying the Japanese game and using a hack to translate the game into English subverts the localization company’s rights to the English version, which could probably be prosecuted successfully in a court of law if JAST USA chose to do so. Which of course they wouldn’t because they have neither the spare funds nor the desire to alienate their fanbase.

I checked out the translation wiki. The author has indeed removed the link to the translation, likely as a spontaneous gesture of good will.

This brings up an interesting point though. Should JAST USA localize Saya no Uta, for which a completed English translation patch has been released? Or more generally, should eroge localization companies localize eroge that have complete English fan translations available?

The Nitro+ game that I asked about, Hanachirasu, is this game here:


Has anyone played it, and is it any good?

And don’t forget Chaos;Head. Many people played Saya no Uta and Chaos;Head in english already so I think these titles wouldn’t sell as much as those who haven’t been so far available in english… and there are so many good titles that haven’t been localised that I would see localisation of these two as quite pointless…