JAST USA at Anime Expo 2008!

Yes, next weekend we’re heading back once again to Anime Expo! We’ll be selling at the J-List booth all four days of the event, so feel free to stop by and say hi - we’d love to see you.

We’re also going to be holding a panel to talk about all the exciting stuff we’ve been working on as well as some new release announcements, so be sure to make it if you can! The panel will be on Saturday, July 05 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm in LP 4 (LACC 411). Hope to see you there!

Please let us know if you have any questions about what’s going on at the event - I’ll be happy to answer what I can when I’m able, though there are some surprises we don’t want to give away too early…

Also, as a reminder - if you haven’t put in your order for Amorous Professor Cherry yet, you can be among the first to get the game if you pick it up at AX!

Any info on how many new release announcements? Possibly a title from the survey poll? :wink: crosses her fingers for HaruKani

We’ll have two* solid announcements and a few teaser hints as well. None of the new games to be announced were candidates in the poll from earlier this year, unfortunately.

*One of the two may be more than a single game.

Five games on schedule + two new entries…
It’s good :smiley: , but this also means that we’ll see the Poll games in the FAR future at best :cry:

So much cool stuff happening at AX, wish I could go. D: I’ll be looking foward to hearing the news afterwards though.

can’t to see what the new titles are

We don’t actually know that. Who’s to say one of the poll games isn’t announced? Who’s to say the annoncement that “may be more than one game” isn’t the results of the poll?


Wow, 3 pages of posts in a single day, the competition has really stolen the limelight, this time :lol: .
However I’m more interested to know if this is one of the “two solid announcements” for tomorrow, a little cutie for killing time while awaiting the Poll games would be nice :slight_smile:

It’s not tomorrow. We have to wait until Saturday. :frowning:

Doh, completely missed the announcement about the poll results. Yeah, that does suck. And and all of those games would have been good.

I don’t think that the poll games are completely out of the question for later. They’re probably just still negotiating rights.



Definitely looking forward to the announcements, although tempering the anticipation with the knowledge that anything announced will have to wait at the end of a fairly long queue already… not that that’s a bad thing, but if one or more are particularly awesome titles… it might be hard to wait that long. :shock: :wink:

Heh… so Peach Princess is about to unleash its own secret weapons against the “new guy” moving in on their turf, eh?

Badass. :twisted:

All these eroge… so little time. 2008 is a good time to be an English reading b-gamer. 8)

I hope that at least one of the new titles is from the ren’ai genre. There’s going to be at least a three title drought for me after Kazoku Keikazu, and I don’t want to see it extended. Of course, if MangaGamer fixes their problems, I might also purchase some titles from them, and Japanese games are always an option.


What exactly do you mean by ‘from the ren’ai genre’? Do you mean, like, ‘pure love’ titles? or something else? Having difficulty determining a genre here, with Kazoku Keikaku as your main example

I agree with Ojamajo_LimePie sentiment as well (and I’m willing to venture a guess that le nuage does too). If I understand her correctly, I think she means games with the same general feel as Crescendo, YMK, and Snow Sakura.

Now that totally threw me. I have no idea what kind of games you’re talking about now =p

Crescendo (it’s been a long time since I’ve played it) felt somewhat like ‘December when there is no angel’ to me - quite a melancholic, harsh ‘realism’ title. The protagonist does a whole lot of retrospecting and reflecting during both games.

Yukizakura was very much a basic pure-love title.

Yume Miru Kusuri, on the other hand, was… somewhat unique. A bit of a downer (like 'December when there is no angel), a bit of a coming-of-age story.

And all these titles are in the same genre as ‘Kazoku Keikaku’? Yeah, I’m confused. More explanation plz =p

Hmmm, how to explain it… I guess you could say that their common bond is in that no matter the tone of the story (i.e. uplifting, depressing, etc.) they all tend to emphasize the love between a character and the protagonist, with (most of) the sex in the game as an expression of their love for each other instead of sex for it’s own sake. A good example of this I think is Yuki’s path in Hitomi, where it doesn’t really feel like the character and protagonist actually love each other and are instead just satisfying a mutual lust for each other.

Aha! Alright. See, it confused me because that’s (by and large) the only kind of visual novel I play. There are some exceptions, like MOON. and the like, but they’re few and far between.

Yeah, I was thinking in terms of finer-grained genres.