JAST USA shop feedback thread

WTF?! I have IE8 already! 0__0


I don’t like the new http://www.jastusa.com/ site. I can’t get in it with ie6. And using firefox I really don’t like the changes to the site. I prefered the old site.

The new site isn’t viewable on 640X480 like the old site was. And the old site worked much better.

I can’t even order anything now. I tried to order, and when I got to the final part, the whole thing crashed.

I’ll just have to go to one of the other sites.

I’ll just have to look elsewhere now.

I don’t understand why you changed it.

It was working good before, real good.

Reminds me of an old saying now.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Wayback Machine- 2006- Old Site.

http://web.archive.org/web/200604241435 … erchant.mv

All I had to do was click “Dating Sim Games” in the left bar to get this.

http://web.archive.org/web/200604250948 … Code=games

A list of all the games for sale on the site.

I -really- miss that feature of it.

I think you should put the old site back the way it was.

Not everyone has a computer that can run the new browsers without crashing.

Sometimes you should follow the old saying “Simple is better.”

Well, I’ve had my say… and I hope you put it back the way it was, because the old was compatible with my comp and browser, while this is not.

We have several computers running on IE8 here and we couldn’t reproduce this issue. Anyone else?

@Neko Hibiki
For the IE6 topic, please refer to my note posted earlier in this thread. As for the 640x480 display resolution here are some statistics (January 2009):
Higher than 1024◊768: 30%
1024◊768: 70%
800◊600: 4%
Lower than 800◊600 < 1%

640x480 was the standard until 1997. We understand that designing a website is certainly a matter of accessibility, but yet as a web designer I know that the standard width for websites has been 960px+ since several years now, which makes me think that Jastusa isn’t the only site that you can’t view properly with this configuration. That being said, the main column of the new website which contains product listings and major contents is 670px large. I hope you understand that we are not trying to discriminate users with small configurations, but that we are just matching today’s web technologies and principles to satisfy a larger number of customers.

WTF?! This still adds up to at least 101%. Even when I assume the most generous interpretation of all numbers given,
i.e., each number x% given is in reality some number (x-1+e)% with e infinitesimally small.

Elsewise, at first glance site works fine in Opera 10.

Hey all,
I’ve been working on optimizing the site which is a lot faster now. Have a look. :wink:

The site loads fairly fast now. The game pages, having a lot of pictures, take about 3 seconds to load, and another 1-2 seconds to load the images. It’s a tad slower than the Peach Princess site, but it’s functional.

Just the thought…

Is the Log In/Account pages up and running properly yet? I’ve tried to log in on my usual e-mail and password bounced xD I thought maybe the accounts were reset and i tried to re-register but the database still has my e-mail as a member… so u tried password retrieval… and still no sign of temp/replacement password ^^;;

All i wanna do is check my pre-orders and send a pre-order for Moero if I haven’t yet xD

How about putting a page that shows all back in there again, like this http://web.archive.org/web/200604250948 … Code=games ?

Accounts were not reset. I just tried this with my test account and it works perfecly. Got my new password in my mailbox in seconds. Can you contact support specifying your name, address and last order? They’ll give you your access details.

I guess that would not be a bad thing. For now, there are sorting options on top and bottom of each category pages that allows you to custom the number of games you want to display on one page, including “all”.

Here’s a thought I just had: why not provide a (prominent) option for sorting games by developer? Advanced users are much more interested in what games are available from D.O., Zyx, Nitro+, etc., rather than what branch of JAST localized them (Peach Princess or G-Collections). Taken to the extreme, you could even provide an option to sort by artist or scenario writer, which are very important to some enthusiasts.

I think Shiki’s suggestion is absolutely fantastic. For instance, I’ve added Cross Channel to my list of untranslated games to get simply because of who is involved in the writing of the scenario.

Yes, this is definitely a nice feature, adding it to the roadmap.

It seems ridiculously hard to find official game pages. Except for links in news items, I don’t see any links to them. I was looking for the official Family Project site for my review, and I had to dig through my email to get the link since it didn’t seem to exist on the main site.

Well… I recently ordered a couple of games.

Timeline so far:
October 4: Order received.
October 5: Credit card verified, order ready to ship.

And here’s the strange bit

October 21th: Order shipped.

Considering that I expect shipping to take more than a week, the total time from the order is made to completed is a lot more than normal, especially when there appears to be no reason at all for the delay between October 5th and 21th.

Fortunately I’m not in a rush. But still, it’s a bit annoying.

I love your avatar Tomakun…yoink!!!

I guess that comes down to whether they can sell at least 1000 copies of the OST, especially since most games have a jukebox feature to let you listen to them in the game. Are there 1000 die-hard fans who would want to listen to the music without running the game?

Worse than that, they would have to negotiate entirely seperate contracts to release the soundtrack outside of the game. I believe at one point, a very long time ago, either PP or G-Collections (back when it was a seperate entity and not a division of PP) offered the opening singles from some of their games (in the short used-in-game form) on the website, then had to take them down because the people who owned the music complained.

On top of the reasons already cited - many games already have a listen-to-the-music feature - sales are low enough in general that this is almost certainly a losing proposition.

Digital downloads! Of course, that only fixes the actual CD printing and shipping thing, not the whole royalties/copyright aspect. Plus they’d need a download platform for it, and knowing the Japanese they’d demand a DRM scheme as well (like iTunes which still uses DRM’ed tracks in Japan).

