JastUSA's new webcomic HH

just before i go to bed, i’m just wondering if people realized that peter started a hgame related webcomic just a few days ago



Well, I like it!

That’s pretty cute. I’ll be looking forward to more.

interisting indeed … I like it … keep em coming

[ 07-31-2006, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

Heh, i liked it. Very funny! :smiley:

Aparently, the characters are the same than HITOMI MY STEPSISTER.

Hahaha! That’s funny ^^

Haha! I like how it makes fun of the genre in the first one. :smiley:

The others are more about the player. :slight_smile:

I’ll be following this.

True Benoit. This can be interesting to follow :slight_smile:

It is really funny!!! Whoever artist, you’re impressive.

The artist is Dan Kim.


I knew I recognised the artwork. Same guy who did Nana’s Everday Life.

Just checked out the comic. The jokes were pretty funny.

I like it, this webcomic i will follow. Keep up the good work.


I’ve only seen a couple of episodes of HH, but I’m in love with it already. The art is appealing and energetic and the gags are really funny. Hitomi is cute–altho she does resemble Mr. Potatoe Head’s love child.

very very nice.

i like it !


Definatly an interesting and funny webcomic.

Hehe, him wanting to play games rather than be with a real woman reminded me of these classic ones from Sexy Losers here and here

Agreed - HH is indeed a fun comic.

However, yesterday I didn’t only check out this one, but I also read through the entire Nana-series and the Kanami-series so far, that were both made by the same artist.

And while the Kanami-series was serious, well drawn and reminded me a bit of Kana-imouto, the Nana-series was… :eek:

Well, I was warned beforehand and I agree with the one who warned me (even though he seems to be a true admirer of Dan Kim): I indeed felt like cutting my wrists would be an acceptable idea at the end of the series. And even more after a few more fan-made omakes that tried to continue the storyline… :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks, Darkling

Heh, I guess Mr. Payne forgot to update us on that project :slight_smile: :frowning: