Jewel Knights Release Date

Originally posted by fxho:
Mokona is:

1) (To quote Sam and Max Hit the Road) the hyperkinetic rabitty thing that helps the Hikaru, Umi and Fuu in Magic Knight Rayearth. If you take the manga route, he/she/it is *spoiler*

2) One of the mangaka from CLAMP. Now that I mention CLAMP... How about this?

I just wake up and I just remembered... Thanks for info^^;;

Originally posted by Computermania:
[quote] Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
[b]Does that mean were gonna have mokona in the game [img][/img]

Who is mokona? I forgot. lol I herad the name before.....

[/b] [/quote]

The obligatory cute mascot animal in MKR. Cute, can only say Puu, and can pull practicallly anything out from his pockets including full course meals [img][/img] You can see some of the CG from the game here

hmm i posted a what is jewel knights on this bbs awhile back if you search for jewel knights im sure you will find it some kind souls posted the hp of it and theres a male there any idea if thats the bad guy or the hero ?

ok i am very tolerant of this kind of stuff, but that picture on Getchu of the blond getting it from behind…she looks about 7!!! that disturbed me greatly…most of the lolicon characters i’ve seen in games look at least 13

the rest of the game looks pretty cool, but that one screenshot gave me the willies

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
ok i am very tolerant of this kind of stuff, but that picture on Getchu of the blond getting it from behind....she looks about 7!!!! that disturbed me greatly....most of the lolicon characters i've seen in games look at least 13

the rest of the game looks pretty cool, but that one screenshot gave me the willies

Yeah, well, some people like the kiddie stuff. Of course, G-collections will swear up and down that she's 18, but give me a break. Anyone with half a brain can see that she's was created as an under age character on purpose. I don't really care since it's just a game, but it's up to you if you want to buy it or not. You can always get another game instead if you want that one. I don't think I'm going to get Jewel Knights because I don't like the character designs. The breasts are really over exagerated, with the exception of the lolicon character. I preordered Little My Maid instead. [img][/img]

Yeah, the art is a bit peculiar. :confused:

And I think they should remove that lolicon character. Not just because I don’t like it, but because it would draw negative attention towards the game if they come accross that…

But if people look hard enough they will find a way to draw negative attention to everything, leave things as they are and don’t force people to think as you do by having something removed from a game.

Could say a lot more but think I have in other threads, so will only say this, you might not agree with it, but the best thing to do in that case is not buy the game, not force a change in the game so you can buy it.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Yeah, the art is a bit peculiar. :/

And I think they should remove that lolicon character. Not just because I don't like it, but because it would draw negative attention towards the game if they come accross that...

Nah, they might as well leave the lolicon character in. I don't like things being edited out, that's why I don't buy Hirameki's games. It's like the old anime dubs (and some of the current ones) that were edited to appeal more to America. I don't think most people want that. I don't know why G-collections chose to do translate Jewel Knights, but oh well. In the end, she'll be "18" according to G-collections and you can believe that if you want to. I just think that if you enjoy the game then that's fine. If not, that's fine. But we should be able to judge the whole game. If you would only like to have this game if it's edited (which it probably won't be) then you should probably just buy another game instead. Leave this game for the people who will like it. There's something for everyone and not everyone likes everything. For me, it's ugly artwork that bothers me more than the lolicon character, although I don't like lolicon characters either. I'm sure some people will love it and that's great, but I'd rather have a game with prettier characters, more like...

[This message has been edited by bishounen_blue (edited 05-08-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
And I think they should remove that lolicon character. Not just because I don't like it, but because it would draw negative attention towards the game if they come accross that...

It's not high enough profile to draw that much attention and besides, there hasn't been an uproar about h-anime contents and that has a higher profile. It's not illegal so it shouldn't be censored. Censorship without qualifiable justification is always bad.

Originally posted by dco_chris:
It's not high enough profile to draw that much attention and besides, there hasn't been an uproar about h-anime contents and that has a higher profile. It's not illegal so it shouldn't be censored. Censorship without qualifiable justification is always bad.

Censorship even with qualifiable reasons isn't always good either.
Originally posted by Benoit:
Yeah, the art is a bit peculiar. :/

And I think they should remove that lolicon character. Not just because I don't like it, but because it would draw negative attention towards the game if they come accross that...

Here's the problem. This game is not porn. I have not played it yet, but there is some sort of storyline involved. Could you simply delete characters from Escaflowne or Cowboy Bebop and still have a workable storyline?

Granted, there are bishoujo games where some characters are more or less superfluous - Kango Schicyauzo comes to mind - but those games are lightweight on story anyhow. In general excising a character changes the dynamics of the show/game/manga/book/whatever.

This doesn't mean I like the designs - but I don't think you can simply say altering the story by deleting a character is an appropriate solution.

So…people who don’t like characters who are young girls want the removal of those characters…

There are some people who hate raping sequence in games out there… me for one…they might as well ask for the removal of the characters who are rapists in those games…

Wait… some people out there dislike scenes with incest contents…why don’t they also ask for the removal of those characters who might have incest relationship with the heros in those games??? Damn…why not just remove Kana from Kana - Little sister

oh… I know some people don’t like S&M sequence in games…why don’t they ask for the removal of those characters as well???

Oh…and don’t you start giving me “oh! games with loli characters are the most disgusting and illegal” CRAP … Those games are NOT illegal in USA… in addition, most concepts in games would be considered illegal/immoral if applied to real world…what makes one worse than another? NOTHING…NOTHING I tell you…

If you don’t like a kind of game…FINE…it’s your freedom but respect other people’s tastes in games… I have heard enough cry asking for editing/banning a kind of games just because they don’t like the contents…ENOUGH i tell you…

k…I better stop now…already got a bit upset here…

(…30 minutes and several cups of coffee later)

Ok… Now I have calmed down quite a bit. Looking back at my post, it seems to be a bit strong. However, consider how many similar debates/arguments/posts I have witnessed and participated. I kind of lost my head there…

Still, I stand by the point I was trying to make there…(Hopefully, it is quite clear what my point was as I am too lazy to explain it again)…

Anyhoo…time for more coffee…

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 05-09-2004).]

I dislike people dying in games. Honestly, who wants to experience people around them dying? I think all games where someone dies or experiences something uncomfortable should be removed. Does anyone know where I can download the old “My Little Pony” game? [/sarcasm]

Yes, some might dislike incest or sexual intercourse with “minors” in games, and think it’s disgusting. But if ALL forms of entertainment depicting ANY kind of situation someone dislikes is removed, there will be precious little media entertainment left. Animal documentaries can be cruel sometimes, you know. All those cute animals being eaten by predators and such. Take it away!

While I can understand people not approving of entertainment which involves characters of minor age (or looking like they are minor) having sexual intercourse (regardless of consent), why should their opinions of “disgusting” be valued higher than others’? Just because it’s sex? That’s naive, and hypocricy.

I don’t like rape, torture or S&M in games, but I don’t care how many of them are made. Heck, there are loads of fetishes I don’t care much for. But I don’t have to play them. Nor would I critisize others for enjoying them, because we all have our tastes.

I find running down people in GTA:VC amusing, actually. That doesn’t make me a killer. I actually like Lolicon characters in games. That doesn’t make a pedophile. I thought Legacy of Kain was kind of cool. That doesn’t make me a vampire or makes me want to run around biting people in the neck and sucking blood. I think documentaries about animals are fascinating, even when I see animals end up being eaten by predators. That doesn’t mean I like animals dying.

And I could keep making examples forever. If there is someone who fails to see the connection between these examples just because they like one type better than the others, they are beyond hope.

You can dislike other people’s tastes as much as you want, just remember that morals is a subjective thing that people have been killed over disputing, and applying them to works of fiction is pointless and stupid. Dislike it all you want, but don’t judge other for liking them.

As a closure, this post was NOT DIRECTED TOWARDS ANYONE HERE, it was just a summary of my opinion about entertainment. No one needs to feel insulted or targeted by this.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-09-2004).]

My God, everyone chill. I was just worried about the genre getting negative attention because if authorities would see that they would think that it’s child porn…

Well, now you know, Benoit. If you try to take our lolita bishoujos away from us, we might just get violent :slight_smile:

Who knows what we’ll be capable of doing

Originally posted by Benoit:
My God, everyone chill. I was just worried about the genre getting negative attention because if authorities would see that they would think that it's child porn...

Well a lesson of life, if those in power want to stop something, want to ban something, want to prevent it from being int the public's eye, they will always find a way to try and ban it 'for the public good', they might not always succeed themselves but they often bring enough negative press to it that it might eventually have to go underground.

If you remove those characters they may find the h-scenes to make the game 'pure porn'. In short, if the powers that be want something stopped they will always find a way to make it happen, if not on their own through the negative press they bring it, and in a democracy at least they will say it is being done for the "good of the people".

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
(...)I'm sure some people will love it and that's great, but I'd rather have a game with prettier characters, more like...

I tend to agree, there is something well don't know but just odd about the character desgin in the picture of Jewel Knights. Odd is not a great way to describe it but it is the only way I can think too because it is something that maybe is just in the style rather then anything about their physical apperance or maybe it is the physical and not the style, like is said something that just seems odd to me about how they are drawn, if odd is even the right word.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-09-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
Well, now you know, Benoit. If you try to take our lolita bishoujos away from us, we might just get violent ^_^

Who knows what we'll be capable of doing [img][/img]

Yep! As a person who likes lolita bishoujos in games, I totally agree with that [img][/img]

Let me first clarify it.
The following point is NOT directed to anyone here. Just a thought

What bugs me the most while discussing any issue especially the one that involves young characters in bishoujo games is how ignorant some people can be. They tend to have double standards on various topics (speaking of bishoujo game fetish here) The ones they like they would consider "fine and acceptable" and the ones they don't like they would consider those games are sick and call for the bans/editing (I don't mean you here Benoit [img][/img] ) of those games.

That's extremely IGNORANT ...

As stated many many many times before by me and various posters here, you don't need to like it but please RESPECT and know not everyone shares your views. I don't like raping sequence nor do I care much for teacher-student relationship but I RESPECT the fact that some people are into that kind of fetish and am able to accept those games existing in English speaking Market. Again...Don't start giving me crap about how sick games with young characters are and what ages are too young and "Shouldn't be in games"... <- (Mumbling with anger...)

They are games for God's sake...If you don't like it, don't play it but don't start calling the game or people playing it sick or unacceptable. People who are into bishoujo games should be more...MUCH more open-minded than that... (sigh)...

Well...Guess I am just repeating lots of points here. k...I shall no longer continue this rant under the post [img][/img] ...Now...time for my strawberry coffee...Yummy...

Hey, I like lolicon characters too, you know. :slight_smile:
Except for ones below 14 years old.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Hey, I like lolicon characters too, you know. ^_^
Except for ones below 14 years old.

I like characters that look like 8 - 16 yrs old in games. [img][/img]