Jewel Knights Release Date

Originally posted by Noirbo:

As stated many many many times before by me and various posters here, you don't need to like it but please RESPECT and know not everyone shares your views. I don't like raping sequence nor do I care much for teacher-student relationship but I RESPECT the fact that some people are into that kind of fetish and am able to accept those games existing in English speaking Market. Again...Don't start giving me crap about how sick games with young characters are and what ages are too young and "Shouldn't be in games"... <- (Mumbling with anger...)

They are games for God's sake...If you don't like it, don't play it but don't start calling the game or people playing it sick or unacceptable. People who are into bishoujo games should be more...MUCH more open-minded than that... (sigh)...

I agree with you. The bottom line is that games are for fun, and they're not to be taken too seriously. I don't really care if a character is 18 or not. That's just a made up number for a person who isn't even real, so what difference does it make? I'm more in the middle. Like like cute and pretty female characters. Lolicon isn't my thing, neither is the huge breast fettish. But other people may look at the characters that I think are so pretty and think that they aren't so great. So personally I think that lolicon games are gross so I won't buy them, but it's not going to bother me if someone else buys them. They're just games, why get mad about it? I agree, people should be more open minded. You'd think that bishoujo gamers in general would be more open minded since we like games that would be called "cartoon porn" by many Americans, reguardless of how untrue that may be.

um, just in case any of that ‘be open-minded’ flaming was directed at me, I never said anything about editing the game or banning it or anything…

I just expressed my opinion that I feel the character looks seven and it gives me the willies…never said that anyone should ban the game or not buy it or anything

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
um, just in case any of that 'be open-minded' flaming was directed at me, I never said anything about editing the game or banning it or anything...

I just expressed my opinion that I feel the character looks seven and it gives me the willies....never said that anyone should ban the game or not buy it or anything

I don't think any of the posts were directed at you. I can understand that you find it disturbing, and you're completely entitled to feel so [img][/img]

But there are people (I've been in heated discussion with a few of them) who would like nothing more than to see games with lolicon (in their opinion: any character seemingly under the age of 18) characters banned simply because it doesn't suit their tastes, or their sense of morales, and they try to draw a connection between those games and pedophile people.

Of course, when you make the similar connection between action games/movies and murderers, they tend to try and sidestep the issue.

A lot of people have a problem with accepting that their tastes and sense of morals aren't universal truths.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-09-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
I don't think any of the posts were directed at you. I can understand that you find it disturbing, and you're completely entitled to feel so [img][/img]

But there are people (I've been in heated discussion with a few of them) who would like nothing more than to see games with lolicon (in their opinion: any character seemingly under the age of 18) characters banned simply because it doesn't suit their tastes, or their sense of morales, and they try to draw a connection between those games and pedophile people.

Of course, when you make the similar connection between action games/movies and murderers, they tend to try and sidestep the issue.

A lot of people have a problem with accepting that their tastes and sense of morals aren't universal truths.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-09-2004).]


I too have been in numerous heated discussion regarding that particular issue [img][/img]

Originally posted by AG3:

But there are people (I've been in heated discussion with a few of them) who would like nothing more than to see games with lolicon (in their opinion: any character seemingly under the age of 18) characters banned simply because it doesn't suit their tastes, or their sense of morales, and they try to draw a connection between those games and pedophile people.

Of course, when you make the similar connection between action games/movies and murderers, they tend to try and sidestep the issue.

A lot of people have a problem with accepting that their tastes and sense of morals aren't universal truths.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-09-2004).]

Yes, this is exactly the case at hand. What people say is right or wrong changes over time within a society and religions, never mind outside. One thing that a lot of westerners seem to think is that because adult anime and games come from Japan, that means that the Japanese are more accepting for discusting things and that we wouldn't tolerate these things in America. Well, that's a bunch of crap. While there are hundreds of thousands of bishoujo gamers in Japan, you have to consider that there are about 120 million people in Japan so it's not like "everyone's doing it." Surely there are people who would find some of the games offensive, but they are clearly adult games to begin with and adults can choose what they want to expose themselves to. We never seem to hear about groups of people trying to ban the games in Japan. So what's all the hype about here? Well, I know that people tend to think that their morals and beliefs are universial truths, but when you just talking about games why push it on everyone else? No matter how much of a deal you make out of "horrible content" it's still just fiction.
People against bishoujo games in general will surely draw a connection between lolicon games and pedophiles. You're right, most of them do tend to give up when they contradict their own ideas when the subject changes to violence. Sex with kids is bad. Stabbing someone to death is bad. A fictional game involving the first is bad, of course. But wait, what about the game involving the second? "No, not my GTA Vice City!! There can't be anything wrong with that. I'm not a murderer, reallly!" So, I can see why some of the arguments would stop at that point. I have heard the following argument before. "People know that killing is wrong and people just play killing games for fun. Sex can be a good or a bad thing and it's tricky. People might try things from the games that involve child sex because they think it's a good thing." Of course, the same exact argument was made when the attempt to ban "digital child pornography" was made, and it failed. Of course, because you can't just guess that one thing will cause another. There may be pedophiles who get off playing lolicon games, but that doesn't mean they'll try it in real life. There are probably plenty of murderers who have played violent games, but I doubt that playing the games had any effect on their actions. Another possibility is that people might enjoy lolicon games at times but feel no attraction to younger people in real life. Then there are pedophiles who wouldn't like lolicon games because they only want real children. So although there is obviously a connection between being a pedophile and enjoying lolicon games, they are not cause and effect. I don't see how the games themselves could pose a threat to anyone. The only possible response is "I don't like it so nobody should have it." which is not logical at all.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
We never seem to hear about groups of people trying to ban the games in Japan. So what's all the hype about here?

Sorry, but I have to play devil's advocate here. How many of us would hear even if there WERE an outcry against these games in Japan, and a serious attempt to ban them?

If it were anywhere else I would say we probably would not hear about it, but here, someone would, would post it and by the end of the a few days we would all know of such a movement, at least that is my thinking.

Unless of course for whatever reason such movements are smaller and get less press in Japan then they do here where they often make one of the newspaper headlines.

Well, with dozens of these games coming out every year, I don’t think they’re being banned. Also, news like that would be big in the anime world, even for people who aren’t into bishoujo games. There were lots of people following the “beauty hair” trials, remember.

i was actually kind of disturbed by the closed-minded view towards these games taken by one of the writers in US Playstation magazine this month:

“They (niche games) also include horrifying, fetish-targeting dating simulators, or ‘gal games’. Recently, picking up a box to show a friend in disgust, I said, ‘God, they’re all 14.’ Not true: one was 12. Rest assured that Japanese fans of these games are as ostrasized as as their American counterpervs.” end quote

it really pissed me off and I am tempted to write to the magazine and tell them about games like Crescendo and Kana. Also, I’d be really curious to know if Japanese players are ostracized, like PS Magazine seems to think so. I was really disappointed, because I love the magazine, but that passage upset me

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 05-11-2004).]

It’s a miracle there are actually any people living in the US at all, seeing as every game with violence is a good thing, but games that contain sex and/or romance are “horrifying” and should be condemned. If this is an accurate reflection of the attitudes in the society, I guess it’s a good thing that the USA has a steady rate of immigration, since people are going to be killed in droves, but none born.

What happened to not taking games too seriously?

I could kill children in Fallout 2. Never heard anyone react to that (though they were removed from the European version). Which means that killing minors is ok. But dating them? BAD!

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-11-2004).]

Well this is the country where, no joke, several local (to my area at least) parents groups were highly criticized for publicly stating it is a good idea to train naturally aggressive kids in the use of firearms and hand to hand combat.

Sure let’s train naturally violent people how to kill using weapons and their hands that is a wonderful idea.

It is amazing though, I wonder how many of the ‘old’ games from the 1980’s would have made it across if violence had been a major concern. Many had children in dangerous situtations, dying and at times themselves shooting to kill but never one word against those games at least to this level. An example is Legend of Zelda where if I remember correctly ‘Link’ was still a child, or younger teen at least, when he was sent out to ‘save the world’. Okay fantasy violence but then again what are these games but fantasy of another sort?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-11-2004).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i was actually kind of disturbed by the closed-minded view towards these games taken by one of the writers in US Playstation magazine this month:

"They (niche games) also include horrifying, fetish-targeting dating simulators, or 'gal games'. Recently, picking up a box to show a friend in disgust, I said, 'God, they're all 14.' Not true: one was 12. Rest assured that Japanese fans of these games are as ostrasized as as their American counterpervs." end quote

it really pissed me off and I am tempted to write to the magazine and tell them about games like Crescendo and Kana. Also, I'd be really curious to know if Japanese players are ostracized, like PS Magazine seems to think so. I was really disappointed, because I love the magazine, but that passage upset me

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 05-11-2004).]

I agree, it's really unfair for Playstation magazine to make such false claims. It's so untrue that Peach Princess should sue for false advertising. Sure there are some very perverted games out there, and perverted gamers as well. But considering that most of America doesn't know much about these games, it's aweful to provide them with info like that. First off, most bishoujo games are not lolicon games. They say that as if every game was a lolicon game. Second, if an interest in sexually orianted entertainment makes someone a pervert, then almost everyone is a pervert. Wasn't there nudity and a sex scene in "Titanic?" Yet, that's okay because it's an American film, not a Japanese game. They say "That's art, it's not just porn." Surely, some bishoujo games are quite like porn and that's fun sometimes. But there are many other games that place much more emphasis on the story rather than the sex. Then there are the games that don't contain sex scenes at all. Oh, and this is Playstation magazine. That's funny, because playstation is a Japanese system. And you know what, games like Lost Passage, Private Nurse, Kanon and others have been ported to Playstation from PC! They just removed the sex scenes so that younger audiences could be exposed to the romantic and/or interesting stories that these games have to offer. So how can Playstation Magazine make such claims when Sony supports bishoujo games on their own platform!?

I’ve never liked PSX/PS2 mags. They are always totally biased morons, just like the majority of their gamers.

Not to mention the entire EVE series is available on PSX/PS2

Just another thing i would like to mention. Even with my supersucky translation and language skills I was able to discypher the lolicon characters bio from zerocool’s site. It states that she’s 18 and her body ages slowly or something like that. Yea its a copout BUT the characters isn’t “technically” underage.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i was actually kind of disturbed by the closed-minded view towards these games taken by one of the writers in US Playstation magazine this month:

"They (niche games) also include horrifying, fetish-targeting dating simulators, or 'gal games'. Recently, picking up a box to show a friend in disgust, I said, 'God, they're all 14.' Not true: one was 12. Rest assured that Japanese fans of these games are as ostrasized as as their American counterpervs." end quote

it really pissed me off and I am tempted to write to the magazine and tell them about games like Crescendo and Kana. Also, I'd be really curious to know if Japanese players are ostracized, like PS Magazine seems to think so. I was really disappointed, because I love the magazine, but that passage upset me

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 05-11-2004).]

For the narrow subsection of Japanese games that are lolicon games - as opposed to having a lolicon character or two - this might be true. In fact [edit: I shall give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they have Japanese contacts, who correctly state that it is]. But even then it's still a gross misrepresentation and they really shouldn't print such silly things.

I mean, Nocturnal Illusions had a character who I'm not even sure whether or not I would call underage (how does one define the age of a ghost, anyway?) and that game was anything but horrifying.

I personally find the events of Berserk far more disturbing than I do anything that happened in Nocturnal Illusions.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 05-11-2004).]

Some creative URL testing, and I found the g-collections page for jewel knights… figured it SHOULD be there, apparently they just haven’t updated the main page to link it in yet… text seems poorly translated, so it could be work in progress.

Don’t think I’d try ordering it yet though.

And yeah, text adventure.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
An example is Legend of Zelda where if I remember correctly 'Link' was still a child, or younger teen at least, when he was sent out to 'save the world'. Okay fantasy violence but then again what are these games but fantasy of another sort?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-11-2004).]

If you really want to push hard you could call this an example of using child soldiers. To do so would be rather silly but one could force the issue and hold firm on this point - and (technically) be correct. TLoZ is in fact all about a child soldier. To make this characterization is stupid not because Link isn't a child soldier, it's that the situation is so abstract and removed from any logical connection to anything real that the comparison is meaningless.

Games are set in fictitious world starring nonexistent actors. These worlds are (most always) quite different from our own. One cannot simply blindly apply real-world ethics.

It would be nice if more people would get with this particular point.

GnatB your my hero. Looks like its not edited. Joy! Guess i’ll be ordering it tommorow!

Originally posted by Nandemonai
Games are set in fictitious world starring nonexistent actors. These worlds are (most always) quite different from our own. One cannot simply blindly apply real-world ethics.

It would be nice if more people would get with this particular point.

That is of course what I also mean. Most of these games, most of any game is so far removed from reality you can never apply real world ethics and/or values to it. I mean even Clue is out there, not to mention if you want to be ultra picky, it is violent, since you are trying to solve how someone was murdered.

The problem is no one seems to want to separate fantasy and fiction from reality unless it suits their purpose. When it does they will ironically be on the front lines with us fighting for people's rights to play "these" types of games, (whatever the "these" they are fighting for happens to be), and yet those same people never see the paradox or hypocrisy in fighting against someone else's "these" type of games.

Just ordered Jewel Knights.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-11-2004).]