Just finished playing Discipline

I haven’t played it and I don’t intend to. Please enlighten me in great detail about all the ways it’s terrible? :slight_smile:

(see, I have a motive for wanting it to be bad, I have no intention of playing it anyway!)

Just give in to the Darkside papillon. You’ll like being a Sith. 8)

Pfft, I can do dark, I liked Bible Black… but even in BB I didn’t like the art style, and this didn’t seem to have enough plot to counteract that.

Let me see… AHEM Teh Spoilers below since I’m not sure how spoiler tags work…

aside from the main character being raped by nearly everyone… there’s some semen sauce being used as a rice topping, some scat, the antagonist forcing one of her underlings to get a sex change on a whim… need I go on?

Ah… the classic “low level evil” never fail, do they? :twisted:

hugs pap, hows that for dark?

Well the Darkside response would be to break your soul and shatter your mind for doing something like that.

But hey… I’m a stickler for the traditional stuff. :mrgreen:

It’s just pointlessly brutal. It’d be way more effective to break their psyche and make them willing slaves than just waving money around like it’s toilet paper. Also it’s much more fun. Which is why Tsuki ~ Possession, at least to me, is a much better game… he finds ways to make his playthings WANT what he’s giving.

Wait…wrong advertisement…forgot where I was…

EDIT: BTW Discipline doesn’t really appeal to me with the lack of any lolis especially…and rather all the images are quite the opposite. None of the girls are cute either.

The dark and the light are balanced in this one.

I will prove it by pointing you in the direction of a Hentai Rape RPG that I have contributed to the development of…

Nightshift Nurses was fairly nightmare giving…but cool devices takes the crown for that category.

hi,i’m new,this is a good game but i don’t like the ends

Honestly, I didn’t like this game either. The plot just didn’t feel like I ever had any real choice and
although I don’t mind some rape style sex scenes, this game just seemed way too forced for my

It really bothered me that there weren’t ending for really any of the girls in this game,
I play this type of game because I like to become emotionally attached to the characters,
not just have sex scenes thrown up every 20 minutes. This game was just really tasteless
and I was really unhappy with the various endings.

IMO Very dissapointing

Spoilers (obviously)

Through most of the game, the protagonist basically has 2 types of options: Type 1: Give in or resist (and end up giving in anyways). Type 2: Where to cum.

At least from my own playthrough(s) with the exception of 2 choice points, nothing you do makes any difference, except minor changes in the art, (and you unlock the versions you didn’t actually see anyways). The first choice point branches off 4 ways. The second branch point one, (which obviously only happens in one of the 4 paths) doesn’t really seem to branch much at first, (apparently “optional” sex scene one way, (admittedly, IIRC, first one that you can avoid) panty shot the other, nothing else seems to change) but eventually results in either the good or another bad ending. Since the girl you have sex with one way needs to still be a virgin in the bad ending, it’s pretty obvious where the “branch” is.

Oh, come on people, I loved the game. It has all the requirements that that a growing man needs. Personally, I did not like good ending. After everything the hero went through,he should of had a harem ending as a show appreciation. 8)

I have no interest in this game, but I’m puzzled by your complaints about the graphics… I mean, there are plenty of screenshots to look at before you buy. Yes, it is an older game, only the english version came out in 2007, but again, if you’re really really picky about graphics, shouldn’t you have looked before buying it? But then you imply that there’s something the webpage didn’t show you, so I’m confused. What exactly is the problem? Better explanation will allow us to answer the question of whether Bible Black’s art is any better. (Probably not, but the plot is a lot better at least.)

As for lack of animation… well, usually, there’s only so much budget to go around. Most games we get, that’s not where the budget went. (There are japanese games you can find where the whole thing is animated - usually they have near-zero plot, because plot’s not where the budget went)

Well, looking at the back of the Discipline CD case, the copyright for the game is listed as 2000. AFAIK, the 2007 date is the English (re-)release date. This would help explain the dated graphics, lack of animation, the extremely generous system requirements… :slight_smile: Bible Black, btw, was also originally released in Japan in 2000, its English version copyright is 2006.

I do not know for sure, but I would imagine that the CD and DVD versions for Discipline are both the same. (I cannot imagine that a format that allows -more- storage space would provide -less- content…) The instruction manual lists 5 characters, but I think they are only providing a sampling of the main characters in the game, whereas the J-List website is showing the entire cast of characters.

Having finished both games recently, I’d have to say that I think (and just my opinion here) that Bible Black is “more graphically challenged” (as you put it) than Discipline (however, neither detracted from my enjoyment of either game). But don’t take my word for it, look up screenshots for the game. (That all being said, I found BB to be a better game than Discipline for a number of other reasons.)

I’m also a little confused by the complaints. For one, there is no CD or DVD version. It’s just a DVD. The other version of Discipline available comes with a shirt, other than that, no difference. There are indeed a variety of girls in the game, not just the ones listed in the manual. There are no characters missing in the english version. Like papillon said, it’s an older game, from 2002 in Japan. It was only recently released here. So that means 640x480 res. graphics, which was the standard until a couple years ago. Nowadays its still mostly limited to 800x600, very rarely will a game be 1024x768. One thing, I would set the game to windowed mode, if you haven’t already. Yeah, the window is small, but the images look much sharper. Bible Black is even older, and also 640x480. As compared to Bazooka Cafe, which I happen to love, Discipline has WAY more CG. Probably triple the amount. And there are totally genitals on the girls, it’s completely uncensored. Sei Shoujo’s art is top-notch, so even if the image is small, the girls are about as well drawn as you can expect (if you like his style).

As for the low-res standards, according to Shingo, it’s to make the game available to as many people as possible. Even in Japan, the market is fairly niche, so if the company can get more sales by making the game run on computers that haven’t been upgraded in years and years, they’ll do it. Games are also made fairly quickly with small teams, because the games don’t have long shelf lives. After a game has been out a few months, it’s forgotten about, and the company needs to be have a new one coming out. There are more “gameplay” oriented ones made, but they are alot more work, and if profits don’t reflect that, then they tend not to get made. So no sequel to Brave Soul, etc. :frowning:

I’ve been having a hard time deciding whether I wanted to buy this game or not for awhile, but from what you guys have said I’m really reconsidering it. I hope Bible Black is worth it though. I’m quite interested in that title.

Discipline is really depressing though. You only get one scene with the main girl and the rest are generally of her getting raped. Its not pleasing to the eyes, is all I’m saying. A lot of sex and fetishes. But you do have to suck a guy off so that counts against it too.