Just finished playing Discipline

I like having many choices so it’s sad that Discipline is lacking in that area.

Bible Black is definitely a better game in terms of plot and atmosphere. Also, it has 9 endings I believe, and more couple spots where choices matter. The Bible Black anime is a classic, spanning many episodes. Defintely worth looking into.

As for Discipline… J-list is wrong :stuck_out_tongue: That pic says Discipline Excellent, which was not the version released over here, its the Japanese cover of the game. It had some added content, none of it done by Sei Shoujo; I’ve heard it’s mostly re-shopped versions of existing art. The US version is of the original Discipline release, and it’s only a DVD-Rom. So don’t worry about having the wrong version. If you get Bible Black, there is a patch floating around done by a fan that fixes most of the MANY typos in that game >_>

To clear up a few points of fact:

  1. Bible Black was first released in 2000.

  2. Discipline was first released in 2002.

  3. Discipline Excellent was a reissue of Discipline in 2006 that contained a small amount of additional content that did not appear in the original game. This content was not produced by the game’s original creator and is widely regarded as inferior.

  4. The version of Discipline released by Kitty Media is identical to the version released in 2002 in Japan (it does not contain the extra material included in the 2006 Excellent rerelease).

  5. As Faust says, J-List’s product entry is mistaken. There is only a single version of the game available on the English market, released on DVD-ROM by Kitty Media as described above. Any other shop that lists a product with specifications that differ from this is also mistaken.

I’ve seen a little bit of the Bible Black anime. It wasn’t bad. Thanks for the patch info. n_n

If somebody chooses Discipline only because he was a big fan of BiBle Black then it’s a bad idea. Although the perfect graphic stays the same, this game coul be appreciated only by sex romp fans (yeah for sex romp fans this is a perfect choice but not for casual people). Maybe it’s nice to fanthasize about such perverted societies I honstly doubt such school could ever last more than few days in our real world. This makes the game less attractive. MOreover, what I found completely outrageous and what really pissed me off, were such discusting scenes with semen eating, peeing, defecation and other unacceptable perversions. Let alone having anal sex with a transsexual guy. If you haven’s got a strong psychic and you cannot stand scenes with an aim to force you to throw up don’t ever touch this game or you’ll regret it.

I purchased this game and really was disappointed in it.

  • There’s only one question in the game that matters, and it determines each of the different bad endings you get. There’s only one choice that matters after this question to get the good ending. (and you have to choose the right choice on whether to to do some thing or not. It’s always good to keep an open door policy. lol

Would have liked it a whole lot better if there was an option to end up with one of the other girls and win the game. (including Leona) I like choices in my games and this was really a visual novel with a branching story point decision.

I think, that this game is the best yet. It is very funny, because the main character acts as if he doesn’t like to have sex with all the pretty girls, even though he wants just that, if only they give him a short break. So he is just complaining to be seduced all the time. It seems that he is a lazy potent sex-loving guy, who just also like to complain about many things all the time :smiley:

The only weak points in this game are the endings, which are not very good. But the game is very big and has such a long story (and so many beautiful girls), that the endings really can’t spoil it.

The only good ending is acceptable but much too weak. This ending could easily have been made much more positive and interesting.

The bad endings are just awful, although they too contain a few interesting scenes. But finally they just become horror endings (without any horror music). So I didn’t even play them to the end but instead just skipped fast through them. They are neither good nor interesting at all.

Still if only the endings really had a change of roles, so the main male character finally could dominate the Morimoto sisters, then this game would be perfect. Another good ending would be to let him marry Otokawa and let them both get safe and out of reach for the two sisters. So there wasn’t any need for the game designers at all to just make all those weak and bad endings.

I thought it was okay, not great but okay. It also felt a little incomplete, as if the only route available was meant to be only one of several that were supposed to have split off at the beginning. With that line of thinking it would have been much better with at least 3 different endings (not counting the Bad Ends):

  1. The nice guy ending: The only one in the game.
  2. The servant/slave ending: Leona dominates you, and you like it.
  3. The master ending: You dominate Leona, and turn the school into you’re personal playground.

Something like that would have made it much better. Oh well… :frowning:

PS: Did anyone else notice that despite being in the cast the baseball girl Linda Hamilton doesn’t actually have an H-scene in the game? Just thought it was a bit odd is all.

Errr… I am not sure about your 3)… That kind of ending would be a bit out of character for that wimp of a player’s character.

What would you think of mine:
3) The prince regent: The player’s character becomes the personal plaything of Leona’s big sister - but at that position still is above Leona in the chain of command at school, though it is not by his own power?

I suppose the fact that in the anime, Linda actually plays an entirely different part and is there an h-scene in human form - but only affiliated with Leona’s big sister but not Leona herself - doesn’t really help in this matter, does it? :twisted:

That’s why I said they’d split off early in the game, before there was a chance to establish the characters personality. :wink: Alternatively, it could just be that Leona introduced him to darkness and he found both a talent and liking for it. :twisted:

Could be a number 4. I just said at least three. :slight_smile:

The interesting thing would exactly be, that the wimp could be provoked to act, when he realized what the sisters were doing. This way he could change and be stronger than them.

I don’t like the idea of him dominating everybody though. My idea would be to let him move in with Leona and Reina and then somehow get the power to control them. (Maybe they could have a father, who feared them and would be an ally to him, because the father couldn’t control his scary daughters himself.) Then the main character could just let Otokawa control the school (and make it into a decent school).

The worst thing about the bad endings is, that they ruin the only good one by making the “good” ending feel even more unsatisfying, because in the bad endings Leona and Reina in reality changes from spoiled dominating sisters to two hardcore and evil criminals. Therefore after that the only satisfying good ending would then have been an ending, where the sisters were either killed or arrested.

I could imagine an ending, where the sisters were brought to a prison, where some of their earlier victims were employed. Then those employees could have arranged a “meeting” between the sisters and some hardcore male criminals, who would rape the sisters and beat them up badly. Then at least there would be some kind of justice in the game, and the real ending could still be something like a happy marriage between the protagonist and Otokawa.

Still I don’t really like the above mentioned ending though. So I would have preferred, that the sisters didn’t become even more evil in the bad endings. That way there wouldn’t be any need to punish them as hard as this just to obtain some feeling of justice.

Anyway I don’t either like the idea of Leona just leaving without any resistance, and Reina not even being mentioned (is she just continuing her job as head-mistress?). This is much too weak to be used as a satisfying ending in this game.

But except for the endings this game is nevertheless my favorite.

No, I have ordered Bible Black (and eleven other games). I don’t really expect it to be as good as Discipline though. It seems to be quite different.

The only sympathetic girl in the game is Otokawa. But she is a very nice girl, who is always willing to sacrifice herself for the others. So in my opinion she should be thought of as the heroine in the game.

The other girls are not very likable. But the game wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if they were. It would just be dull and with too many repetitions.

I still think that the fundamental idea behind the game is very-very good. They just failed when they made all the bad endings and the game didn’t become nearly as good as they rather easily could have made it.

I have just finished playing Bible Black. But the game wasn’t really comparable with Discipline (except for the graphics and the high number of H-scenes). The differences were:

  1. BB had many more endings even though most of the endings still were bad endings. (I don’t really understand, why ending 12 is called bad and ending 4 is called normal/good though.)

  2. The many sex scenes in Discipline became a very natural part of the story. Therefore they were interesting (except for very few of them). But in BB nearly all the sex scenes were boring, and I even had to watch television while the game played them as auto-play. The reason was, that they mostly were done because the characters were slaves of the Devil and on drugs. They reminded me of a documentary about people who were sex addicts and compared this with addictions to alcohol, drugs or gambling. They just had to do it without any pleasure or satisfaction only to release some pain. A woman in the documentary told us that she for several years had to find about 4 new men every day to have sex with and she used the Internet chatrooms to find them. She was mostly ably to find them because she had chats with several men at the same time. Fortunately she finally was treated and after that able to live a normal life.

So even though BB comes close to Discipline in quality, I still prefer Discipline.

Heads up people, another Discipline game is coming out called Discipline LS:


http://www.erogeshop.com/product_info.p … id/1012484

Not sure how I feel about a sequel :expressionless: , but I wonder if this will at least be better than Bible Black Infection

So the story behind this game and the previous Discipline is that it’s about women or a woman raping men? If so, I don’t see anything bad about that. It sounds kinky to me, but something tells me there’s more to it than that and that’s why no one likes it? :lol:

Sei Shoujo (writer/artist for the original Discipline) doesn’t seem to be involved in the production in anyway, so I guess it’s probably going to be another pure cash-in effort like Bible Black ?The Infection?.


So pretty much reusing some old CG’s + a few CG’s that were unused in the first game + a storyline to match the images.

Sorry, was a bit unclear - there’s a new artist and a new writer working on the game instead of Sei Shoujo. The new artist will almost certainly be responsible for all the CGs in the sequel, and it’s possible that the character sprites might be redrawn by them as well.