Just played thru the LMM demo and

OMG! Holy cow I loved it! Now I just want it that much more. Please tell me it’s gonna be soon, I don’t know how much longer I can wait!!

Grrr, never should’ve downloaded it.


Just a … small fee … and an advance copy of the game can be yours. Just one soul; doesn’t even have to be your soul. Any mortal enemies? People blocking you from moving up at work? Get cut off in traffic this morning?

In all seriousness, I know they hope to have it out by the end of the year (like the rest of us knew that) but don’t know more than that. Lamuness? Care for some slightly-more-than-baseless speculation?

you, nande, will have to give me YOUR soul if you want me to reveal anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Right Stuf website promises it for 2012.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
you, nande, will have to give me YOUR soul if you want me to reveal anything :P

My soul? I think you misunderstand; the Devil has no soul. I might consider lending you yours, if a suitable arrangement can be reached.

oh, lmm is not recommended for anybody who has no heart or soul, so you may as well skip this title and go back to your favorite perv bus scene :stuck_out_tongue:

as for release date, i am not sure myself, but i think it should enter final testing soon. our PLAN is to get it out by the end of the year, but that’s just THE PLAN so that doesn’t imply any specific dates or anything.

Heh, any more delays and I’ll have to update PeaPri of the expiration date on my credit card… again.

Can’t we just hold an auction for souls because Lamuness plans never work.

Yeah, I just played the demo too. I was hoping I would be hooked, and I wasn’t disappointed. Though I would certainly be very unhappy if the same quality of translation persisted in the full game.

i made demo in a rush just to keep you guys quiet from whining about the game for a while, but i guess it backfired nevertheless :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, don’t mind me and my habitual cynicism. I realize the demo was a “gift,” after all. Just don’t go slacking in the full version, now.

You can’t…see the things…THAT I CAN!

Hey Lamuness, don’t get me wrong! I really appreciate that y’all made the demo, and enjoyed playing it, short as it was. Don’t pay any attention to me and keep up the good work!

Interesting how the two of us interpreted the same comment in two completely different ways…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-12-2004).]

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
Don't pay any attention to me

I'm sorry, I didnt' catch that?

Thanks for the heads up about the demo. I have been keeping an eye on this game in hopes of the sim element. I was encouraged by the stats that were affected with each decision(although I was hoping for more stats, similar to True Love). Also encouraging are the three bells which you would use to call the three maids. Anyone in the know(my humble appeal to the powers that be in the vast ivory towers of Peach Princess) I seek enlightenment.

man, you guys are a bit too hyped up about the game…i dunno how i will react if the game doesnt turn out to your expectations when it comes out (well, its not like we can alter the game engine though)

Expectations? Blinks innocently What expectations? I just preordered and am waiting cheerfully but patiently for it arrive. Starts humming a catchy little tune about kawaii Mari-chan

maybe it’s just me when waiting for games to come out, but i think it’s better to underestimate an upcoming title than to overestimate it, if u know what i mean

Yeah, when you have (high) expectations, there’s the possibility that you’ll get disappointed because it’s not what you hoped for.

Instead, try not to expect anything at all, or not much. That way you’ll enjoy each game for what it is.

Hype hype hype we need more hype let’s go drink 20 cups of coffee and have some candy