Kara no Shoujo

So I guess the game went on sale at midnight last night. I’m not sure whether it’s a good sign, or a bad sign, that 12 hours later their site is still hammered. My download is proceeding at a mighty 3.7 KB/s right now :slight_smile: and Opera is telling me it will take 2 days to download.

Has anyone actually managed to get a copy yet? How is it so far? (I deliberately skipped out on the demo figuring all it would do is make me want the game more :wink:

I will be getting this game since I’m expecting a grade A detective/horror/mystery novel :smiley: Plus the price is comparable to Demonbane.
But, Mangagamer’s site is SLOW right now, so I’ll probably wait a day or so…

I’ve got a pretty mediocre internet connection, but I managed to download it in about 4 hours last night. Maybe a lot of people gave up on waiting until this morning.

I’v gotten mine, already got a bad end too

The game is somewhat buggy but overall good. If you started downloading early on, your version wont have DRM.
Also be careful of the notebook, it doesn’t update properly. For example, the first time you meet the killer it identifies that person as the killer even though it shouldn’t. The Skip Previously Read Text function is also funky, it skips similar scenes too. So if you have a slight variation in 2 scenes, you may not notice your skipping over new text until a CG pops up.

Yeah, on the MangaGamer BBS they were saying these issues were due to the wrong version of the game being uploaded to the server. Apparently some people even got a version that didn’t have DRM.

I’m holding off on downloading my copy until I hear these issues have been corrected. (Not that it was working very well for me anyway.)

FYI: Mangagamer’s twitter feed has clarified that the problem is an incorrect version deployed to production. They will post again when the issue is corrected.

Koihime is still missing text/repeated lines…

This is why official is always better!

I hope they haven’t lost the file; that would really suck if they have to start over from scratch.

Edit: I mean, to add to fixes taking a while Edelweiss’ translation fix is still nowhere in sight since the demo.

As far as edelweiss patch goes, at least they had warned us they were not expecting it to be out before autumn.

I’ve actually managed to get 3 endings (as in, the credits roll and everything) in this. The game is fantastic, though I had to cut back on my OCD notebook checking after I spoiled the first cases killer for myself. But even with spoiling it, I still got stuck in a death/madness spiral and had to go back and get 1 piece of evidence the game felt was crucial. I think I’ve also gotten like, every bad ending known to man. Maybe. It’s nice that the bad ends are entertaining as hell and not just your usual blank screen.

But general advice for people that are just starting to get into this:
Don’t look at your notebook when a new character shows up, wait until after the scene you’ve interacted with them is over.

Save hella often, in different slots, usually you can get by with just overwriting saves, but with this, if you find evidence in the wrong order, the game proceeds and you’re going to be outta luck. (there were two inference points in two different cases where I actually took the time to go through ALL my evidence just to confirm that I had missed something. The first time, I had to replay the entire 1st case all over again, second time, I had saved a LOT better and only need to go back a few minutes.)

Also, certain locations have events happen on a specific day, and there’s no getting them back if you miss the initial opportunity.

i bought it but
i have yet to start is the story worth it the heroines aren’t as colorful as some from other games


o.o definitely Yes.

Good lord!!! Are there any good endings?

Also, I don’t think they had Crown Vic Squad cars circa 1957 Japan.

I love the artwork and format of this game, and with the voice patch that is circulating it’s a winner. But damn the depressing endings.


1 is the true ending, the other is a regular ending but leaves some questions unanswered.

The True Ending is the one with the vocal track credit roll correct?

The True Ending made me want to punch a hole through my monitor tbh, it’s a great ending to a story, but it’s absolutely depressing as hell. I’d honestly say in terms of a “Happy” ending, there’s really only one, and it’s not so happy.

try this
http://tlwiki.tsukuru.info/index.php?ti … alkthrough

Just solved apparently the first half of the first playthrough. (I just got the perp arrested.)

I’m a bit unhappy with the somewhat arbitrary way the game makes wrong choices lead to bad ends, and somewhat shaky plot points / investigative procedure. But ultimately it’s a minor complaint; the game is awesome.

[spoiler]For example, why is it important that you figure out whose handwriting it was on the Dante’s Inferno passages? I don’t recall ever needing to know that information. If - as the game makes clear in an event - Orihime is followed around by a personal guard, how does the perp kidnap her without anyone noticing? In the bad ending where you and Orihime are abducted in the school building the perp’s internal monologue indicates he dragged both you and her out of the building without incident. No one noticed Orihime screaming when the perp smacks you in the head? And how did he drag bodies through the hallways all stealthy? Bodies are heavy.

Leave the handwriting analysis to the forensics experts? Orihime always talks to you in the infirmary and you get the Orihime bad end. Have the handwriting analysis done yourself, and it doesn’t matter whether you get every possible Orihime event, and answer all the choices affecting her “point total” correctly - she doesn’t confide in you. The issue is, the cause is entirely unrelated to the effect. It took me at least half a dozen play throughs to figure out that the only way to get Orihime to spill her guts to me was to blow off the handwriting analysis.

And once you know who the perpetrator is, any real investigator would immediately inform the police. You don’t need to prove whodunit; it’s enough to suspect somebody. The perp is abducting people and murdering them once every couple of days, right? Once the cops know who is doing it, it doesn’t matter that they don’t have any proof right then. It’s not hard to get some, all they have to do is tail the perp round the clock. You don’t have nearly enough manpower to follow everyone around, but certainly for a case like that, they have the manpower to tail a few people 24/7.

What makes you suspicious is that the perp doesn’t appear to be at all concerned that his sister has gone missing. That is a giant blinking neon red flag with a big spotlight on it. By itself it’s more than enough for the police to conclude the person is worth investigating.[/spoiler]

And - for anyone who’s beaten the game - I have a question. Apparently after you beat the game, you play through it again - like Princess Waltz, and looking at the walkthrough, I see there are some bad ends I haven’t gotten yet and I’m already on the correct route. Can I still get those bad ends from the first playthrough if I beat the game? Or will I be stuck on the “second playthrough” mode? Or am I just completely misunderstanding the walkthrough?

[spoiler]The handwriting was a fairly big clue for us but not for the character in-game. Since the passages were written by the dead girl, the killer had to be someone who had access to her texts (thereby confirming that the killer must have been either a Student/Teacher/Family member)

Orihimes bodyguard seems to only be around her when she’s not at school. He’s only ever mentioned in that one scene where she’s taking a walk, so he wasn’t present at school or when she was captured.

How they were captured in that ending I wasn’t sure of either, but since its a bad ending and its relatively early I didn’t put to much thought into it. I believe that endings just supposed to be a ‘fuck-over’ and not really to be believed or anything.

Saving Shugo’s wife = Playthrough 2, not saving her = Playthrough 1. Saying anything else would be spoiling it.[/spoiler]

Interesting. I apparently ended up on Playthrough 2 then. So evidently they’re just two seperate branches of the main route, as opposed to (say) Tsukihime where certain routes have to be done in a certain order, or Da Capo where certain characters are locked until after you beat all the others.

[spoiler]As for this … So if Orihime’s bodyguard is only ever not there when she’s at school … Then if you had gotten the scene where it’s indicated she had a bodyguard, when she actually disappeared the game should have treated this as a major clue. Either the bodyguard saw what went down, or the abduction happened after she got to school - which immediately throws suspicion on school employees.

It’s a bit sloppy … that scene is there to give some explanation for why Orihime felt suffocated by her life, but it introduces a continuity error.[/spoiler]

Edit: somehow the spoiler tags got eaten in the quoted portion of this post. I apologise.