KIRAKIRA released!!!

Oh god, I’ve never minded the way MG has been going about things in the past, always took their flaws as a “learning” phase for the company… delays / poor translation / bad announcements wasn’t enough to make me fuss to much, as it really seemed like they tried their best to fix matters with patches and whatnot. Only slight problem I had was the choises of games they picked, if there isn’t a story I tend to loose interest for it instantly as those sex romp games will never do it for me.

In short Kira Kira will definately be ordered, as it does seem to have a bit more flavour then some of their previous releases… and I’m loving the new site, they’ve really stepped up on quite a few levels, and I’ve even lost some of those worrying thoughts about them making it.

Playing this now (on Windows 7 64-bit with no problems), and the translation is decent. There are still typos and awkward sentences scattered around, but it’s vastly improved over their initial games (I can’t compare it to Suika or Da Capo since I’ve never played them). Considering MG’s editing schedule, it’s pretty much what I expect. They really should add more time and let there be an actual proofreading phase.

Edit: After playing for a bit more, I’m pretty sure it’s worse than Suika in script quality. There’s no way I let as many errors through… (or at least I hope not :stuck_out_tongue: )

Edit 2: Yeah, it seems like the concentration of errors are increasing. Not to mention there are some really bad translation choices, such as “third grade” instead of “third year”.

Sounds like they probably started testing from the beginning a lot which meant it was easier to spot errors early rather than later.

I’m not even that far into it. I just got back the prologue. Also, from what I know, they don’t really do a proofread of it. A native English speaker would have easily corrected a lot of the errors. I also doubt the editor tried very hard. There are lots of very obvious mistakes and bad phrasing. I mean come on, they’ve written the time as “6 thirty” several times. Stuff like that should be easy to spot and fix.

Edit: The more I’m playing this, the less I believe they actually had a native English speaker edit this. There are some reeeeeally bad lines, like “Chie-nee sighs big.” :lol:


I have to admit I love their new website compared to the old. Much more professional looking, and a better mascot.

Best of all however is this surprise release of Kirakira.

Awesome !

I better buy it right away, before they decide to pull it again :lol:

Considering the current political outcry and situation of erogames, it may become soon illegal for them to sell any erogame, and even more illegal to sell them overseas anyway…

does kira kira have any good endings at all or are the all tragic and does anyone got a walkthrough of some kind

I’ve played for several hours today and there were some really hillarious scenes. Especially when the members of the band were learning to use the word fuck… :smiley: I only wonder if the translator really doesn’t know the band named Clash or he renamed them to Crash intentionally… :wink:

Yeah, I’ll give the game that. It’s pretty funny. Unlike Edelweiss, it’s actually making me laugh out loud. The best line ever was when Sarina was drinking tea while practicing saying “fuck.” :lol:

I had just visited the site a few days ago and had planned to by Da Capo now the site looks a hell of a lot better than ever before and there is a game that sounds interesting. Which game would you recommend from their site? Da Capo. Kirakira, Edelweiss, or Suika? They cost a bit more than I’d like especially if it is not including shipping in the total price.

The games are digital downloads. There is no shipping.

Kirakira > Da Capo > Edelweiss

I’ve never played Suika, and I only tried some of Da Capo (in Japanese).

I was going to say something about that, but then I realized that kyrt may have just awkwardly phrased his sentence. I figured he may have meant that the price was high when you take in to account that there is no shipping charge.

Well I bought the game after watching the opening and reading the comments on here. I’m about to download it. As for the whole shipping thing. I just recently decided to buy something from Manga Gamer (actually I knew it about it for awhile but had not bought anything yet) so did not know it was download only. Still for 52 dollars with nothing but a download I was hesitant to get it. For that price I would think an actual physical copy should be a given. Mind you a physical copy would probably raise the shipping especially if overseas. I can understand why it is download only. I’ve heard it’s quite entertaining despite the fact is is apparently rather short. I’ll give my opinions once I play it.

I think I’m almost through chapter 2. Maybe…I don’t know. But I do know that this game is absolutely, laugh out loud hilarious. I haven’t even hit any ero scenes yet, but I’m TOTALLY digging the BeckMGS-like vibe the game has. The translation is sub-par compared to Suika, but really, Suika was the best translated game (not story wise mind you, perfect english and attention to detail wise) I’ve played. This seems to be DC quality, which isn’t bad by any means. As for being a short game, I don’t really think so. I play on Max Auto/ No wait and I’ve played for between 12-14 hours and have yet to even get a “path” yet. Like I said, not even through chapter 2 yet, so unless Chapter 2 is the end, and it ends REALLY, REALLY abruptly, it’s already on par with Princess Waltz in terms of length. Not that length matters (that’s what she said! ZING!) its the entertainment you get out of it. Like practicing the punk language Hey, this motherfucking customer wants a fucking beer! or the Male model who chases down Shika-kun and is willing to become a woman for him after he discovers that Shika is, in fact, a guy. This game has a LOT of great moments, and I haven’t even cleared a path yet. Plus, the music kicks a lot of ass, so that’s a real bonus too.

I’m somewhere in chapter 2, but I don’t think this is anywhere near the end. It’s quite a long game. It’s well worth the price for the amount of playtime. And think about it, lots of people buy games for $50 off Steam. This isn’t much different, except this is with a much smaller company that probably needs the support much more.

I’m actually glad I declined the offer to edit Kira Kira since it would ruin the game for me. It’s one of the most enjoyable titles translated to English so far, though I don’t particularly like any of the girls since they’re missing a tsundere. :stuck_out_tongue:

Based on the image files:
Theirs 3 chapters
The third chapter is just like chapter 19( ? ) in Princess Waltz, where each girl gets their own chapter.

Japanese version it is then. :frowning: It’ll probably be more expensive, but I’m not prepared to pay for a (probably poorly) translated, badly edited English version.

Edit: About the lengths (speaking solely in terms of scenario file size and ignoring gameplay/fast forwarding through already read text etc.), PRINCESS WALTZ’s scenario is definitely on the short side for a 2006 eroge - on average, you’d expect another 5 to 6 hours more writing than it had (partially mitigated by the card battles, but PRINCESS WALTZ is still a fair bit shorter than it should have been). On the other hand, Kira Kira has twice as much text as PRINCESS WALTZ, and is probably several hours longer than the average eroge in that respect. Data here.

Edit 2: Yeah, the lengths are an approximation, along the lines of 100 kb/text = 1 hour of reading time.

I just got through a bit more of chapter 2, and I’m even more glad I didn’t have to edit it. :lol: The part through Kyoto would require soooo many translation notes and heavy editing.

And from what I saw in Suika, their translations weren’t that bad. They were usually pretty accurate (though often simplified). It’s just the English is pretty bad.

Edit: I don’t think measuring length by time is very accurate. People play at vastly different speeds. I know I go through things really slowly. I think the script size is the best measure.

Does Manga Gamer support DL resume without a manager on there server? I am concerned I will get dropped before I get a complete DL.