KIRAKIRA released!!!

Hrm… since these files are so large and they need activation to run anyway, I wonder why MangaGamer hasn’t simply just put up a torrent. It’s not like black hats have difficulties accessing the unactivated files, anyway… cough

Anyway, I think I’ll give the game a small run-through and post an update on my article.

Well I don’t have problems downloading it. BUT when I’ve unpacked the game the .exe programfile doesn’t work. I’ve downloaded it 6 times now, and it’s always the same damn problem. Is anyone else experiencing the same kind of problem as I?

I have officially hit a path, and along with it, Chapter 3. This game is LOOOONG for an eroge. I’ve got over 20 hours playtime and I JUST hit chapter 3. Not that I’m complaining, this just makes that $50 bucks all the more worth it. Thus far in my illustrious Bishoujo Gaming career, I don’t think I’ve had more fun simply watching/reading/listening to a title. It’s a really well done, top notch game. KiraKira might just be my favorite Bgame of all time, or at least top 3, comparable to YMK, Brave Soul and Princess Waltz.

Sorry to hear you guys are having problems with the DL/ execution.

I know this may be too basic to even ask, but did you unzip the folder and try running it?

As for Dling it, I have no idea what might be causing you to drop repeatedly. Being me, I’d probably just start the download at like 2am and hope the drops were due to site traffic or server maintenance.

The following is an md5sum of the archive you should’ve been able to download from MangaGamer
What about the game executable isn’t working?

Bought this game after seeing this thread (hadn’t even heard about it before), and it’s really one of the better eroges to be released in ages. It’s extremely long, although considering there’s “only” 3 girls I guess each scenario does need a decent amount of length. Even with skipping most of the already read text, finishing a scenario takes several hours. As mentioned, there’s a ton of spelling errors and weird translations here and there, but overall it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the game much. I’m just happy to get a great title like this in English at all. Just need to finish the last scenario now and then go back to waiting for Family Project again.

I’m really liking the music in this game, it feels quite different from most eroges we see released in English.

The comedy transsexual operation ending had me going “oh god eww eww eww” ^^

I just finished one path of the game. It’s definitely in the top tier of eroge in English, though the translation still bothered me throughout the game. I didn’t find the game depressing like someone said earlier, but it did have a serious turn later in the game. Maybe it’s just the girl I picked. The ending wasn’t that great since it wasn’t too climatic, emotional, or anything (and no epilogue :(, but I guess the message of the path hinted there wouldn’t be one), but the ride there was fun, which kind of reminds me of Snow Sakura.

I’m going to take a break and I’ll probably play the rest of the paths during AX. Maybe I’ll add final opinions and do a mini-review then.

Well, it didn’t come up with the game activation thing, so I couldn’t even start the game. But that doesn’t matter anymore. I know it’s illegal but after the tenth download and the game activation still didn’t show and it made my computer crash, I went and downloaded the game from a torrent. With that there were no problem. I activated the game and started playing.

which girl/path was it?

do you get that by completing all 3 girls endings

Nah, by making a certain choice in the game. The game has a few choices that will end it almost immediately, but most don’t have a CG attached to it like that one.

As for the game being depressive, that depends on which girl you pick.

I’m sort of stumped at the moment. I’ve finished all 3 girls, and there’s 8 CG spots at the very end of the album that I haven’t filled, which is kinda suggesting that there’s something extra in there somewhere. But I can’t find anything new in the game after starting again though, and there’s not much room for changing decisions in the game that won’t lead to an early game end. There’s also an extra ending video in the game folder, but it’s not for a girl, it simply shows real life footage of people setting up a stage in fast forward while the credits roll and music plays.

To get Kirari TRUE END:

  1. View Sarina’s end, Chie’s end, and Kirari’s normal end.
  2. Play through again, making choices to trigger Kirari’s route.

Hmm, I did that as I figured it would be something like that, but nothing new happened. Meh, need to try it again just in case I messed up somewhere.

Yep, done this multiple times now and nothing changes. So either something is borked somewhere, or it takes a particular set of choices apart from just doing Kirara’s route over again. None of the choices after getting on her route seems to affect anything either, it still becomes a normal ending.

Here’s the Japanese walkthrough:

It was Chie’s path.

yes, it takes a particular set of choices


Thanks a lot for the hint and walkthrough, all sorted now ^^

It was fairly obvious which choices were the right ones, so I’m guessing I misclicked somewhere along the line while text skipping. Were a lot more careful while following the walkthrough and finally got it.

This is definitely one of my all time favourite eroges, but then again I can’t play untranslated ones :slight_smile:

lets hope manga gamer and JASTusa announce some good stuff over the weekend

This really does sound like you didn’t download the original archive properly.

It can be. But I don’t know how to fix that. I downloaded it from my profile at mangagamer, so I would presume there shouldn’t be a problem with the download. But when I had the game un-zipped, there was this problem with the exe.file, every single time. I’ve used my profile at mangagamer to download Edelweiss before, and there was no such problem. But yeah, it would seem like I didn’t get the right archive, only I don’t know how that’s possible.