KIRAKIRA released!!!

Maybe MangaGamer should do what DLSite does and break their games into several separate files instead of one single gigantic download. Or maybe they can implement my idea earlier about torrents, haha.

Oh man, I just played through the 3 girls normal routes and have to go back for Kirari’s true end I guess. Which I’m glad about, her normal story is pretty powerful, so I’m hoping the true end is more so. But seriously, the writing/scenarios for this game are awesome.

I know that Overdrive did fan disk stuff for Edelweiss and KiraKira, but do they have any other complete games? The two I’ve played are both high tier in my opinion, so if they have more I’d love to purchase them.

No, Edelweiss, Kira Kira, and their respective fan disks are all they’ve released.

Too bad Kirari is the main girl. I don’t really like her. And I really don’t like games that make you get bad/non-true endings for a character before you can get that character’s true end.

I take it you don’t accept Tsubaki Hirofumi’s explanation in YMK that you can’t truly understand the story of the hidden ending without playing through all the others first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. The only game I accept that for is Ever 17. That really requires all the endings before the true ending. :smiley:

I can’t think of any reason why most games would need you to clear a bad ending for a character before getting her true one, especially ones grounded in reality.

It’s just the way for the game to thumb its nose at you and demand you keep playing. :slight_smile:

I can see how it can detract from the rest of the game if you luck out and get the ‘best’ ending first, making the rest of them seem less meaningful because they’re all less complete, but that’s just an argument for not making one ending clearly the best.

That sounds a bit biased. I do think though the more grounded in reality it is, the less it needs it. However there are certain types that could actually benefit from it.

I prefer bad + true ending to having only the bad ending though. I don’t play eroges to get depressed :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell yea kirakira rocks there’s a energy and vitality in overdrive games that is like no other eroge I ever played this would be one hell of a anime . And thank god there’s a Hidden ending that first ending# for kirara broke my heart :cry: I was nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo c’mon that can’t be and the “ilusions” at the end just gave me false hopes dam you jap writers for depresing endings they like to torture the player.
#Ps:I never saw that coming never .

Now what we really need is the translation of the special cenarios for edelweis because is evolves a talking dick and people theres nothing more funny than a talking dick with a atitude :stuck_out_tongue: .

They have the license for both fandisks, so they could eventually release them.

There’s a licensing issue here just like with anime. If you want the vocal songs, you have to buy the singles and albums of the artist that made the song. Good luck with that.

Uh… he’s complaining about the opposite. It only has the vocal songs. No BGM is available.

About the quality of the translation I simply have to say that only Edelweiss was a trully horrible job the rest have been not “perfect” but accetable translations and I prefer a medium quality translation for a great game such as kirakira o, suffle or Da capo(thus making these great titles available to the non jap world) rather than a “perfect” translation for a lously,unremarkable “seen that done that” eroge such as cossplay academy it fells a waste of talent to see good translations wasted on these type of eroges where having a good or bad translation simply doesn’t matter .

And about the vocals in kirakira well theres a album\single for the game if you want that go and buy it(more information at overdrive’s site) and there was a live tour in japan with the band responsible for the music in kirakira ,there’s a video on overdrive site about it pretty fun concerts with lots of audience .
Their new project is Deardrops and like Kirakira its about a band but the type of music seems to be different .

Exactly. This is an odd quirk I’ve only seen in the 2 translated Overdrive games, KiraKira and Edelweiss. Pretty much every other game out there has the regular in-game music available in an omake/extras menu, sometimes after beating the game. KiraKira and Edelweiss only has the vocal songs available for playing which is a bit of a bummer, not to mention somewhat perplexing, since I thought some of the in-game music was actually pretty nice.

That said, I’d buy at least 2 of the 5 (or 6 if you will) ending themes for Edelweiss if they were available in long versions somewhere >_>

Both Persona games (or 3 if you count FES) for PS2 are excellent translations, of course they (ATLUS) use anime level talent on all their projects for voice overs, it makes sense they would use the same level of talent on translators. Every ATLUS game I have ever played is top notch in translation.

If you really, really must hear the music AG3, I could probably point you toward a program that searches game archive files and extracts the music from them. In fact, I’ve done this very thing so that I could listen to music from a game outside of the game when a soundtrack isn’t included (e.g. YMK and Princess Waltz have soundtracks included, but Crescendo doesn’t). However, I don’t think Lamuness and Shingo would look too kindly on me doing so given the rules unfortunately, even if the game isn’t a JAST/PP/GC product.

Crescendo’s music is playable in-game though, and you can extract it with GGDcut I think. I’m not really dead set on listening to the music as such; if I was I’d simply make savegames for every tune and load as needed. I just found it peculiar that Overdrive doesn’t include a music player for in-game music when it’s pretty much an industry standard at this point, at least for the titles that make it to the western world. If there were no music player at all I’d sort of understand it, what with programming resources and all that being limited, but why a player only for the vocal music and not the ingame music as well? Just seems like an odd design choice and I can’t think of a good reason for doing it like that.
This is the official soundtrack for the game, it has original and karaoke versions of the 7 vocal songs, plus all the BGM. Not entirely sure if the vocal songs are longer than they are in the game, but the total runtime is 120 minutes for both the vocals and the BGM.

Ouch, ?3000 (¬Ä22.3). That’s just below what I paid for the game itself, then there’s shipping plus taxes. Hmm, gonna have to think about that one. Wonder if the Japanese iTunes carries this sort of music, if so I could get a card from jlist and buy directly, which would be easier. Unless they use iPod/phone only DRM, in which case it won’t work as I have neither.

This game is basically my first visual novel that wasn’t made fan-made in RPG Maker or Renpy or something. Man, is it loooooong. I’m really liking it though, the music is nice and there’s a lot of funny stuff like the stalker stuff with Oda. Got his ending and it was kind of sad and creepy at the same time, however. :frowning: Right now I’m targeting either Kirari or Kashi. Does the game end with chapter 3?

Also am very glad MangaGamer is going to release the sequel.