Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

I’m not hateful at heavy British English in a game… I think the biggest charm to Dragon Quest VIII was because a British development team did the translation (Cor, Blimey!). But that game had an OUTSTANDING translation. It was obviously vetted several times over before being plugged into the game.

Guilty TheSiN is full of typos, they missed or ignored entire sentences, and made stupid changes to the script. Then on top of this, they threw the British terms in it. I’m not even finished playing it yet and been seeing these problems.

They tried to build a house on ground that wasn’t even solid to begin with. :roll: Her real name is Atsumi, her nickname is Nurumi, not Narumi, and her name in kanji is ??, so it’s just a bad pun. Not explained in-game, but to a non-Japanese speaker it wouldn’t make much sense.

I saw that… but the SPOKEN text calls her NURUMI. The WRITTEN text calls her ATSUMI. It’s more confusing to hear Nurumi and then see the word Atsumi thrown in the box. It also insults the intelligence of the listen/reader, who even without Japanese fluency, can tell the difference after the first half dozen times. Sure English is a subject¬ñverb¬ñobject language, but Japanese isn’t too alien with the subject¬ñobject¬ñverb. Subject is often first, making the name thing very obvious.

If the guy is called Bob by everyone, you don’t put John in the window.

It’s also not like Westerners aren’t exposed to “weird” nicknames derived from the real name.

William = Bill

Charles = Chuck

Richard = Dick

Shinji = Baka :wink:

Ever looked up how the pronunciation of “colonel” came to be? It’s absolutely preposterous.

At the Otakon panel MG had this to say about Euphoria:

Does at least mean they’re aware we want it. Will definitely get Eroge! I don’t care how gross its ero scenes get, if I can endure Discipline and Black Package Try’s crap I can make it through Eroge! if it means a chance at Euphoria. Who’s with me? 8)

Its possible they’ve already licensed it/have plans for it.

They confirmed a while back they had 2 titles licensed with the hints:

The first was confirmed to be Otoboku but the second was sidelined and ‘Eroge!’ was chosen in its place. It’s generally assumed that the 2nd title was from the same company. Of the titles they’ve released, Euphoria matches it best.

I used to buy MG games, but now I wish they didn’t exist.

Now I buy JAST games.


i guess he didn’t like Eroge! much!

or moeroge

More like missing lines,“reduced mosaic” shit, and other dumb crap they do.

So you are blaming something minori forced onto MangaGamer. Good on you. As for other dumb crap, I can’t say JAST is an outstanding role model for some of it’s earlier titles either. They have been slowly, but steadily, improving how their VN’s turn out. And if you are talking about the voiceless release of Koihime, that did get voices, or the voiceless release of Kara no Shoujo, which will never get voices, blame BaseSon and the respective money grubbing voice recording agency accordingly.

While I am no big fan of half the titles MangaGamers brings to the table, at least they are another source of VN’s to put into our market. And their translations are getting better from way back when, Edelweiss anyone? I am still a bigger fan of JAST, but they release so few titles so far between that I am glad their is another company out their releasing titles. Hopefully MG keeps improving to the point where it can pick up some nice titles like JAST has. But at least I don’t go around saying it’s better that a company never existed.

Uh, their release of Koihime is missing over 1000 lines. And knowing MG they probably had no objections to what Minori was doing.
And their translations are apparently still horrible. They also manually insert lines for some reason???

Edit: Also enjoy your liquid nukige>liquid nukige>liquid nukige>da capo>liquid nukige>nukige>nukige>Da Capo

Well, I realize that the fact that ef isn’t doing too well combined with the fact that Kara no Shoujo bombed isn’t very encouraging for fans of higher quality VNs. Still, I wouldn’t write MangaGamer off completely yet.

Hmm, after checking EGS, it seems like the scores for the first tale are lower than I had remembered it being. I guess I must have mixed it up with the latter tale. Keeping in mind the fact that EGS scores aren’t everything, how was the reception in Japan? Was the latter tale much better received?

As far as I could tell, yes. Anticipation for it seemed greater too…

I’ve played both and I can tell you that -the latter tale- is much better. You still have to play both though =P

Hmm. Now I’m starting to wonder how well the likes of Extra/Unlimited/Alternative would have done had the deal actually been successful.

What’s those? if you mean fate stay/night, i’ll buy it right away.

Mangagamer confirmed a while back that they were in talks to license it with Amaterasu’s translation but AGE doesn’t own the whole license for it (5pb owns part of it), which caused the deal to fall through among other things.

Pity because i was looking forward to muvluv which’s gay.

I wonder why 5pb. owns part of Muvluv+Alt?
5pb. didn’t even exist when those games were released. It’s not like Chaos;Head/Steins;Gate/Robotics;Notes where the games were basically developed as a collaboration between the companies. All 5pb. did was ports. Interchannel ported Kazoku Keikaku to PS2 and JAST didn’t have to negotiate with them (to my knowledge =P)