Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

I’d say the definition is up to personal interpretation somewhat, but I think it can be universally agreed that the definition you give fits in everyone’s definition. For instance, my personal definition includes the above, but also includes the look of characters who show some sexual development, but not full sexual development. (If I were to put numbers to it, I’d say an appearance around the ages of 11-14 or so.)

My definition for ‘loli’ is fairly loose and includes a lot of characters most people wouldn’t term loli - it doesn’t even require physical immaturity. That said, I’ve seen people here calling characters (other than Aya) in Yume Miru Kusuri ‘loli’, which I guess extends to pretty much everyone being a loli =P

Characters I consider loli that people generally don’t consider loli:

Azusa from Saihate no Ima
Kana and Kana from Kana: Imouto
Yuka from Gore Screaming Show
Madoka from Imitation Lover
Araragi from Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo
Matsuri from Kazoku Keikaku
Nanoha and Makoto from Baldr Sky
Aya from Yume Miru Kusuri

That’s exactly what Dark Shiki was saying - that clearly Mangagamer does not care if the text says the character is 18 or a thousand-year-old-robot or whatever, they are apparently afraid of displaying anyone with a flat chest. (I assume. I haven’t seen her naked!)

Whereas the PP post about Family Project suggests that they do consider writing the text to make it clear that the character is not underage should be good enough, except that in that particular case it was important that the character actually be underage at that time.

I’ve no love for censorship, but I can ignore a few deleted graphics IF the story remains untouched. You buy Soul Link for the STORY, not for six CG’s with naked lolis, I HOPE (besides, it’s pretty easy to find those deleted graphics on the net, if you’re curious… ).

I’m with Lancer-x on this, I’ve learned japanese because of faulty and/or censored translations, not merely for the graphics (my current avatar is a personal reminder of my past stress levels after “playing” mangled games like Dividead, or when I spent years of my free time in memorizing and reading those unholy squiggles named kanjis :evil: , be grateful to have someone translating those games for you if the price is just a few “black screens” 8) ).

[attachment=0]Stress reduction kit.jpg[/attachment]

Your stress reduction kit only gives me a headache…

I buy it for both, actually. It’s like… I don’t play FPS for the blood and gore, but I’d be annoyed if the game was censored on import to replace the weapons and gore with stun guns/foam bats and stars circling over the enemies’ heads. Having the story but not the accompanying CGs is going to feel awkward, like you know there’s supposed to be something else there but you’re not allowed to see it. While the censorship of Kazokei didn’t bother me too much, it felt weird having the game tell me the girl was naked when the (edited) CG clearly showed she had underwear on.

It won’t ruin the game as a whole, and I’ll still buy Soul Link, but it annoys me all the same. Not to mention that it sets a disturbing precedence. I’ve been kinda hoping that society would slowly move towards a more open-minded way of thinking regarding fictional entertainment, but with ero-games it seems we’re moving in the opposite direction fast and I’m afraid it might go even further than it has already.

Heh. I feel much the same way. I’ve never been fond of lolis but of late, for various reasons, I’ve come to actively dislike them to the extent that I’m thinking more carefully about which games I purchase. And thus I feel conflicted. I’d much prefer my games to have no loli, but I’m against censorship. And by all accounts the material being removed from Soul Link from is no more explicit than what you can find in various translated manga (such as the aforementioned Yubisaki Milk Tea).

I’ll probably still buy Soul Link, but I imagine that I’ll be in the minority. I foresee the whole affair being a disaster for MangaGamer.

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Furthermore, for these reasons (and the reasons Lancer X presumably described–I’m avoiding spoilers :P), in JAST’s hands I don’t think Soul Link would’ve been censored at all.

By the way, for those interested, I made a poll on Mangagamer’s forum concerning the issue (Would you purchase a future title from Mangagamer that was censored for content?):
65% of respondents so far are so opposed to censorship that they would refuse to buy a Mangagamer game that was censored for content, regardless of what was censored. Only around 25% would consider buying a censored game. Even considering that I posted this poll during a period of outrage…if I had posted a similar poll here during the Family Project incident, I bet the numbers would’ve been completely different. Mangagamer’s forum members are clearly very unhappy about this announcement–hardly anyone there is defending their decision.

Well, considering nothing’s really certain with Mangagamer, the current wave of outrage may as well have some influence on changing their decision about censoring Soul Link. I don’t believe it much though.

One way of looking at is, “If MangaGamer’s decisions can easily be influenced by random foreign advocacy groups with little connection to them, how easily can they be influenced by the only people in the world that give them money and allow them to financially survive?”

We live in a sad world… a world where some people can’t make the difference between 2D and 3D…
If those trolls win, their next target will be the 1D world (novels). It will be more difficult to ban rapes and lolis since 99% of the literature is about rape and lolicon (twilight, harry potter, …)

Plenty of people are actively trying to ban books all the time, it’s just that they generally get laughed at. So far.

as long as the rinrin route is kept in koihime muso i don’t care what they do with soul link

Complainers here must hate console ports with a passion. I mean, Swatty-sama, no ero-scene of any kind any longer! Argh, the censorship, it hurts! :roll:

Poor Saber :frowning:

Now, that was an interesting typo! ^^;;;;;;;

Came across an interesting comment on the blog:

“As for the Soul Link CG issue¬Ö
We are taking this issue seriously. No decision is final yet!!”

so maybe the cg will be kept that would be nice

Keep in mind that’s just EvoSpace’s commentary. I suspect his opinion doesn’t carry much weight; he’s just a messenger in this matter as far as I’m concerned. If Mangagamer would change their minds so easily, that would indicate to me they really haven’t thought this through. Which I suppose is a distinct possibility.