Large update about future releases from MangaGamer

Update from Mangagamer’s blog (comment from kouryuu9)

Source: … /#comments

Maybe I just like the same message repeated back at me, but I feel like they’re actually listening and meaningful communication is happening.

“After a lengthy and heated discussion, we have decided to release Soul Link and Higurashi uncensored with all CGs intact.”
Big thumbs up for Mangagamer!!!

It must have gone something like this: “We really shouldn’t release this game uncensored, but since we’re already on the verge of bankrupt, we don’t want losing any possible customer”.

Oh well, I’m glad they’re not going to censor anything. Just hope this decision doesn’t backfire on them.

Alright, you all know what’s coming : … re=related

Dies of happiness

I believe it is now our turn to help them to stay in business. As for my side, I have finally downloaded legal copies of shuffle and shera, my witch. Still hope to do more than that.
If anyone can pass this to mangagamer, please tell them that I support them for their quality works.

That’s good to know. I wasn’t upset about it because they told us before we bought it that it’d be censored, but I probably would have either waited on purchasing it, or not bought it at all. With the change back, I’ll probably pick it up release day and let it sit a bit while I work through my backlog.

I still don’t know about Higurashi though, not that I mind murders or gore, but I’ll probably wait until they release both halves of it before picking it up. At least, I think their are 2 halves… questions/answers arcs respectively.

There are, 4 question arcs and 4 answer arcs. There’s also 3 more for the Rei fandisc, but there’s no word on its release from MG. And of course there’s plenty more extra arcs for the console versions, handheld versions, manga only arcs, and drama CDs.

[color=#0000FF]Yeah,JAST and G-Collections would teaching a lesson from Mangagamer about respecting your customers as well after this fact u_u[/color]

Welcome to the thread, Yagami.
For those who may not notice, Yagami started a thread specific for Soul Link censoring.

Well, I was hoping for this outcome, sure, but I definitely didn’t expect it. Good going MangaGamer.

Haven’t you said this exact same thing like everywhere now?

So, Higurashi will not have all the tracks from the BGM and some additional stuff including the mini games. … higurashi/

I would like to know from someone who already played the game in japanese if those minigames are in any way linked with the main story and necessary/useful to fully enjoy it.

Secondarily, I wonder if there will be an huge uproar about this, or if in the end all the community wants are naked lolis :smiley:

Hahahahaha, absolutely not.

Since 07th Expansion doesn’t have the rights to the music, and because they just used random music for the early chapters, I would think the BGM tracks that were replaced had copyright issues and they couldn’t contact the original artists.

The other stuff is probably just BGI related issues (or laziness).

There is a big difference between not including stuff because of something like copyright, or engine issues, and actively removing stuff from the original just because they don’t like said content.

It’s not a question of the company not liking the content, it’s a question of the laws not liking the content. Honestly, it makes much more sense to me than not wanting to work with a different engine - and being lazy it’s not really an excuse :smiley:

Anyway, I will buy the game - I would have bought it even with a censored CG. Still, I find the whole situation quite funny :mrgreen:

@olf: thanks for the answer.

Regardless of the fact the stuff they would have removed are not in the original Japanese game? And thus that they eventually agreed to put are not in the original Japanese game?

So these things are in PS2 release or what?

Uhh, what? Just to let you know, they’re releasing the original doujin version of the game–Are you telling me the stuff they’re claiming to have removed was not in there in the first place? If it was, then which version had minigames, music rooms, staff rooms and the bgm in question?

I was talking about Soul Link, not Higurashi… :?

Oh. I can’t really hold this against their release of Soul Link, since it seems to be a different matter from censorship, but I still can’t really bring myself up to get Higurashi knowing that they still happened to edit out some of the content of the game. I’ll be damned if the same thing won’t happen for the answer arc games, either.

(Of course, I’m assuming they didn’t have any “copyright issues” in localizing Soul Link or their other future titles)

Good grief. This has not been a good year for visual novels.