Laws of the Hentaiverse

#107: Historians repeatedly mistake the sex of important historical figures. Important individuals such as King Arthur and Cao Cao, were actually women.

#108: The fighting capacity of an army, and it’s chances for success on the battlefield, greatly depends on the sexual satisfaction or frustration of it’s female leaders.

#109: The term known as “date rape” is an oxymoron.

#110: All girls are latent lesbians. If frequently exposed to males, they are likely to suppress these feelings, but if kept in an all-girls environment, it will wildly flourish.

#111: It’s actually not that difficult to coax girls into threesomes or more.
#111a: This is very easy to achieve if the threesome or more includes the girl’s sisters and mother.

#112: All straight men have a hidden, but very easy to find, collection of porno mags and DVDs. Very few seem aware of the internet as a source.

#113: The School nurse’s office is a mystical place, and comes in 2 flavors.
#113 a: Is staffed by a hot nurse who gives both male and female students therapy sessions.
#113 b: or it’s a place to go have sex and never be interrupted while doing it.

#114 No matter how much a girl hates your guts, if your friends say you and her make a good couple then they are automatically right.

115: Humans are the most attractive species in the universe.

115a: Possibly also the multiverse depending on what you count as an extradimensional being

116: Earth is the top travel destination in the universe.

116a: An alien’s travel purpose to Earth is either education or sex. Sometimes both :wink:

#117: All female entities have a vagina. Doesn’t matter if it’s liquid, mineral, viral dna, or some exotic breed/substance that shouldn’t have any logical reason to possess a vagina.

#118: No matter how many generations of consecutive incest occurs in a bloodline, it does not result in offspring with sterility or physical deformities.

#118a: Can occassionally result in offspring with some special powers, however.

#119: If a girl likes to sleep in the nude, she most likely has sleep walking syndrome and is unconsciously drawn to male pheromones.

#120: Wind breeze comes in two varieties. Type A: An undercurrent that rises upon contact with a woman’s legs, thereby lifting her skirt. Type B: A strong gust that increases strength upon contact with a woman’s bath towel, thereby tearing it out her hands.

#121: When a guy plays Mahjong against a girl, he will get to have sex with her by winning two out of three games.

#121b: Using supernatural powers to win at Mahjong is not considered cheating, when getting (or denying) sex is on the line.

#127: The venom of 99.9% of venomous creatures is a powerful aphrodisiac for females.

#128: The eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell… the Overworld and Underworld… Midgard and Asgard… the Swim Team and Kendo Club… will ultimately be determined by which side fucks the best.

#128b: It is not uncommon for a third party to outscrew both sides of the conflict and claim dominion over both.

This condition of the “best Friend” is colloquially known as “Sunohara Syndrome”