Let's Meow Meow

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Not snow drop. I love the artwork in snow drop and I think it's a great game, but the choices are terrible. It's just like, you save and keep picking different choices randomly. How do you know if you're supposed to go to the Expert slope, or the beginner slope? It's all just guess work. I spent a while trying to get to the second half of the game but I gave up and started back into Duel Savior. Oh well.

I totally agree. The choices just didn't make any sense to me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
I totally agree. The choices just didn't make any sense to me. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

The game did a terrible job of explaining its own mechanics, and they were largely mysterious and uncommunicated; but they were not completely incomprehensible.

Certain people tended to be in certain places. If you went somewhere and nothing happened, you used up time (this is the part I like the least). You had to be in the right place at the right time to see all of the story, which is annoying.

Yeah, so what happens is you end up saving the game and restarting over and over until you get the scene you’re supposed to get. The repeat that over and over until you get the right combination. I still messed up though, even though I saw all the important scenes and didn’t waste any time. I guess there was a more important scene that I missed somewhere. I prefer the “pick a character” style over the “random choice” style. A game like Snow Drop could have used a better choice system, but a game like Kango Shichauzo 2 is perfect as is. “Pick a character” is perfect for fluffy games like that, it’s just that I wish GC would release more of a variety.

Though it is not a method typically liked or used, I really don’t think that I would have gotten the good ending for Snow Drop without the aid of a walkthrough, which actually helped a lot but without it the choices were too random.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-31-2004).]

The trouble with Snow Drop was that it was too easy to end up with the game over and very little having happened and not knowing what you did ‘wrong’.

In my current project I am working on something similar (you choose an activity, the person you are looking for may or may not be there) but any activity you choose, SOME character will be there, and SOMETHING will have happened. You can then easily, with a few plays, chart out precisely where each character is at each time. It will still take several tries to achieve your goal, but I hope this will prevent it from feeling hopelessly confusing. And since there are many girls to win and not just one ‘true’ path, your investigations on one girl will give you more information on finding the next girl, etc etc…

Or does this still sound confusingly frustrating?

Not to me, because from what it sounds like you are ensured something will happen with someone involved no matter where you go rather then going somewhere seeing no one and having lost that “time slot” to gain an interaction. That seems to be a major leap forward from the fault Snow Drop had and sounds like it might be easier to chart who is where when, since there are not the random times no one seems to be anywhere in the possible locations.

Originally posted by papillon:
The trouble with Snow Drop was that it was too easy to end up with the game over and very little having happened and not knowing what you did 'wrong'.

I agree. This what I found so annoying about the game. I like a challenge as well but not to this degree where you don't even know what you've done wrong. Come See Me Tonight 2, I'm glad I didn't buy. I enjoyed the first game cause it was pretty good in terms of story since each one was different enough once you started to branching off to the different girls. From what I've heard of, and I try to get people to be detailed when they say something about these games, CSMT2, its basicly the same thing with each girl.

[This message has been edited by Effect (edited 10-31-2004).]

Actually, I like CSMT2. Despite the fact that they use the “choose the same girl every time” method, the story itself is pretty interesting, and the Miko characters are a big plus. It’s my favorite out of any of the “pick the same girl every time” games.

Originally posted by papillon:

In my current project I am working on something similar (you choose an activity, the person you are looking for may or may not be there) but any activity you choose, SOME character will be there, and SOMETHING will have happened. You can then easily, with a few plays, chart out precisely where each character is at each time. It will still take several tries to achieve your goal, but I hope this will prevent it from feeling hopelessly confusing. And since there are many girls to win and not just one 'true' path, your investigations on one girl will give you more information on finding the next girl, etc etc...

Or does this still sound confusingly frustrating?

This sounds very interesting to me, but My fav game befor Kana came out was True Love. It trended that way. Too much IMOP but i still loved the gamed.

Originally posted by papillon:
In my current project I am working on something similar (you choose an activity, the person you are looking for may or may not be there) but any activity you choose, SOME character will be there, and SOMETHING will have happened. You can then easily, with a few plays, chart out precisely where each character is at each time. It will still take several tries to achieve your goal, but I hope this will prevent it from feeling hopelessly confusing. And since there are many girls to win and not just one 'true' path, your investigations on one girl will give you more information on finding the next girl, etc etc...

Or does this still sound confusingly frustrating?

Sounds like mayclub to me. Go for it. I'm also designing a "game engine" for games like these (romantic novels) but I lack the story and artwork to make it take off. However, your approach sounds like a good one to keep the player hooked instead of deeply frustrated, like happened to me with Snow Drop. That game was so sterile... yuck.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Not snow drop. I love the artwork in snow drop and I think it's a great game, but the choices are terrible. It's just like, you save and keep picking different choices randomly. How do you know if you're supposed to go to the Expert slope, or the beginner slope? It's all just guess work. I spent a while trying to get to the second half of the game but I gave up and started back into Duel Savior. Oh well.

Regarding the Snow Drop that game was hard for me to finish the game without work-through. Anyway, I like their art work also.

I think I know how to get Lee Janes path, I got it once and still have the notes somewhere.

My complete walkthrough for Hourglass of Summer is posted on gamefaqs.com. Just click on my user profile to go to my gamefaqs.com contributions page.

Cool there is finally one in English then?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Cool there is finally one in English then?

??? My faq IS for the English/Hirameki version.

I only asked because prior to now all of those that I have found were in Japanese even some of the ‘newest’ ones.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-02-2004).]

My Biggest prob with Snow Drop was what everyone else said The Randomness. Speaking of Girl Games just picked up Dead or Alive Ultimate…Have to get back to my Favorite Runaway Shinobi.

On the other hand having Played through Shinju’s ending in Let’s Meow Meow, It’s a pretty fun game, at least I didn’t Skip-Burn through it like I did CMST2 and Slave Pageant.

Ayane is better!

breaks lurk mode

Ah Snow Drop . . . I was totally stumped on that game until I read some hints on this bbs. Prior to that, I’d only played some of the titles released by JAST and May Club. Suffice it to say, I had no idea what I was doing. Once I read the hint about having to see enough things to trigger the second half, I started just saving before every choice, and reloading if I didn’t see anything interesting. After finding out there were only two real paths in the game, I decided I would try my best to get Kyoka’s ending, and continued the saving before each choice and reloading if I didn’t bump into a main character . . . after which I wound up on the Shizuka path and was quite confused. Thankfully, she looked much better with her glasses off (I HATE those glasses where the frame is only on the bottom of the lenses for some reason).

Anyway, I’d love a game that was more freeform than what’s generally been seen here. Something where your choices aren’t always limited to trying to find the right choice for the girl whose ending you’re after. Instead, some time would be spent socializing in general or developing your character better. Having every choice you make have to revolve around a girl just feels artificial and restrictive at times.

Perhaps this has been mentioned on another thread, but anyone else with this game notice that your friend and mine V-Mate added a few unwelcome touches upon installation? All that i’ve noticed so far was the desktop icons spam (easily deleted) and a automatic connection to MyHoroscope or some such that fires itself up when i connect to the Net (also gotten rid of, just massively annoying). Could be more lurking, but i remain optimistic. Also need to be connected to load save games, i discovered, FYI.

As for the game itself, having played through all the normal endings, skipping all the stuff that happens every time after about the second shot through, i like it. A tad buggy, but enjoyable. Biggest gripe would have to be that as near as i can tell none of the choices you make actually affect anything. The only choice that matters is who you pick on the “Who’s your favorite?” screen after the festival i think. As for the buggy bits i mentioned before, the CG viewing room seems a bit twitchy, running in fullscreen it seems to either skip the screen in the series on multiframe CGs, or just jump out right away on the singles. Also seems to crash to desktop when i select return to title from the options menu when i select options from a scene viewing. not too bad except it leaves my desktop at 640x480 every time, annoying. Not sure if it does this in window mode though.

And as a personal aside, Shinju is now my favorite character ever

[This message has been edited by CapnWeasel (edited 11-03-2004).]