Let's Meow Meow

Originally posted by CapnWeasel:
Perhaps this has been mentioned on another thread, but anyone else with this game notice that your friend and mine V-Mate added a few unwelcome touches upon installation? All that i've noticed so far was the desktop icons spam (easily deleted) and a automatic connection to MyHoroscope or some such that fires itself up when i connect to the Net (also gotten rid of, just massively annoying). Could be more lurking, but i remain optimistic. Also need to be connected to load save games, i discovered, FYI.

now i didn't expect this to be part of vmate at all.

i dont have the game (and i dont think i will try it), but i wouldn't pinpoint vmate being the source of those spam since you can get spyware/spamware/other crap from other means as well (such as visiting website or get blown with a virus).

any other people have similar problems?

The only reason i pinpoint V-Mate as the culprit was immediatly after closing the registration web-browser window, i had 5 or 6 new desktop icons advertising such delights as free credit cards, and a new application running, the Horoscope thingus. if it wasn’t V-Mate then it is a massive and freaky coincidence. And coincidences usually arent timed so well.

As much as I hate to admit it, I somehow doubt G-collections would do that. Also, I’m pretty sure such a thing, if true, would be bouncing all around the forum by now.

I don’t think you could pin the pop ups on VM. I haven’t gotten those when I start/quit the game. however, the game does crash my computer frequently. haven’t pinpointed the cause of the problem yet.

Did you get the pop ups before using V-Mate?

If not (and it sounds like almost none of you had the pop ups, at least to this extent, prior to V-Mate) then I think it is a reasonable conclusion that V-Mate could be the cause. That is of course unless or until something else can be found which just amazingly started at the same time you and your friend installed V-Mate.

As to all the crashing it probably is V-Mate too, they have probably not fully tested this system, as I have heard others complain about the crashing.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Did you get the pop ups before using V-Mate?

If not (and it sounds like almost none of you had the pop ups, at least to this extent, prior to V-Mate) then I think it is a reasonable conclusion that V-Mate could be the cause. That is of course unless or until something else can be found which just amazingly started at the same time you and your friend installed V-Mate.

As to all the crashing it probably is V-Mate too, they have probably not fully tested this system, as I have heard others complain about the crashing.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2004).]

And the better is yet to come.... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Well on a more serious note, counting the two here that mentioned crash problems there are around five people I know that are complaining of the crashing that never occurred with any of G-Collections past games but is suddenly happening with the first V-Mate game, so if it is not V-Mate it is some bug within the game itself, and that does not seem as likely given the fact it could have also creeped up in one of their other games.

So once again, until proven otherwise, V-Mate seems like the most likely cause of the crashes. Perhaps a bug in V-Mate they have not fully worked out yet, or something along those lines.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Well on a more serious note, counting the two here that mentioned crash problems there are around five people I know that are complaining of the crashing that never occurred with any of G-Collections past games but is suddenly happening with the first V-Mate game, so if it is not V-Mate it is some bug within the game itself, and that does not seem as likely given the fact it could have also creeped up in one of their other games.

What about the infamous "screwdriver scene" crash bug in Virgin Roster (which I never experienced myself)? That one was pretty widespread, and it had nothing to do with V-Mate.

I had not heard about that one, but if that was the only one other then this of a major consequence I still say blame can be placed on V-Mate until such time as something else is proven to be the cause.

Otherwise if it just amazingly happening by accident with the first game under V-Mate and even more amazingly has not been happening to people with games since Virgin Roster or perhaps since before Virgin Roster for some people, with games played on the same computer, it would be too much of a awfully big coincidence and one I won’t believe until proven true.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2004).]

You also have the crash bug in Kana, where the game will crash right before starting up, after the D.O. video. Haven’t seen that one myself either.

Nor have I, which might mean it is not all that wide spread, especially since I don’t think G-Collections has put out a patch for either of those to correct for those problems, or have they?

As far as I know, there’s no patch. Time will tell if one will be necessary for the first V-Mate game.

Oh, and while it’s not a G-Collections game, Brave Soul was extremely prone to crashing (and this one I DID experience). Turned out many (maybe most) of the problems were caused by using the default SoundBlaster Live midi drivers, after changing to the Microsoft GM midi drivers the game never crashed for me again.

So as you see, Bishoujo games can crash for any number of reasons other than V-Mate. That’s not to say it isn’t V-Mate causing this problem, I’m just saying that it doesn’t have to be.

Come to think of it, Tottemo Pheromone always crash for me too. The only thing is, it only happens when I quit the game. The game shuts down as it should, then Windows tells me the game performed and illegal operation and had to be terminated. I forgot about that one, since it never actually affected gameplay.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 11-03-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
So as you see, Bishoujo games can crash for any number of reasons other than V-Mate. That's not to say it isn't V-Mate causing this problem, I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be.
Yet I can make another argument about some of these games such as Brave Soul (who did have a patch released for) and that is it was a very complex game and the more complex something is the easier it is to overlook something that might lead to crashes. I doubt Let's Meow Meow is nearly as complex and therefore it is harder to overlook such problems. I also think it is V-Mate, because once again it would be one heck of a coincidence if this is a first game in a long time released by G-Collections to have almost universal crash problems on the majority of the computers I know it to be on, especially since as you pointed out the other crashes did not occur for you nor did the occur for me so they obviously did not occur for everyone which so far seems to be the case with this game.

I would also not count the Tottemo Pheromone one since it did not affect gameplay nor is it one I have heard of before, yet when there are five computers of five friends which this crashes on I think the blame can be put on V-Mate.

Once again until and not until something else has been proven as the cause to me the most likely cause remains V-Mate regardless of the other possibilites which seem more remote and coincidental at present.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2004).]

While I have only messed with the game briefly, I’ve had no crashes and no ad popups. I seriously doubt vmate is the cause of ad popups, G-coll wants us to use v-mate not give us another reason to complain against it.

They want to use V-Mate to make money and if part of that is through advertising I don’t doubt it would have at the very least been seriously considered.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
They want to use V-Mate to make money and if part of that is through advertising I don't doubt it would have at the very least been seriously considered.

So if they were entertaining the possibility of someday having weapons of mass advertising, should we send in a couple hundred thousand invading troops and carpetbomb the place?

I think I should clarify a tad about what happened upon installation. The game and V-mate both installed off the cd’s, no problem, connected to the net, started up the game, and the v-mate login window appears. I click to create a new account, yadda yadda. after the account has been created, i close the IE browser window, and there on my desktop are shortcut icons indicating free credit cards and suchlike. also running in the system tray is the Horoscope thing. Deleted the icons, removed the horoscope, and nothing new has appeared since. The only other explanation i can think of is that for some reason these things tagged along when Internet Explorer opened automatically when i clicked to create a new V-Mate account, as i usually always surf with Netscape. All in all not to big a deal, i was mostly wondering if anyone else had similar stuff happen. Seeing as i appear to be the only one, i guess i can now chalk that up to “Freak Occurance”. Fun Fun.

Originally posted by CapnWeasel:
I think I should clarify a tad about what happened upon installation. The game and V-mate both installed off the cd's, no problem, connected to the net, started up the game, and the v-mate login window appears. I click to create a new account, yadda yadda. after the account has been created, i close the IE browser window, and there on my desktop are shortcut icons indicating free credit cards and suchlike. also running in the system tray is the Horoscope thing. Deleted the icons, removed the horoscope, and nothing new has appeared since. The only other explanation i can think of is that for some reason these things tagged along when Internet Explorer opened automatically when i clicked to create a new V-Mate account, as i usually always surf with Netscape. All in all not to big a deal, i was mostly wondering if anyone else had similar stuff happen. Seeing as i appear to be the only one, i guess i can now chalk that up to "Freak Occurance". Fun Fun.

Haven't used IE in a long while? Regularly use AD-Aware and Spybot Search and Destroy? You probably had something stuck to IE from awhile ago that didn't activate itself till IE got openned while connected to the net. (InternetExploder is about as secured as a screen door with holes in it.) Is Netscape set as the default browser or IE? I know I had a hell of a time explaing to Windoze that I want FireFox to be my default browser, not IE.

Odds are even if you delete the spyware (And contary to some belief, Virtual-Mate isn't spying on you. Stop being paranoid.), if you open up IE, it'll come back again. Get something like Ad-Aware, Spybot Search and Destroy, or, if you like nitty gritty, Hijack This (I haven't worked out how well this one works, so be warned, but it seems to be pretty good.), and that should solve that problem.

Yeah. If you never use IE, it’s possible something had previously hijacked your home page setting and led you into a minefield.

Another thought occurs to me, though. If VM relies on IE to complete registration, what about people who uninstall or disable the Microsoft browser from Windows? Do they have to reinstall it to register?

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 11-04-2004).]