Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

Who else can’t wait to play this one? :smiley:

Me, but only because it’s yuri-intensive, and because I’d buy any rpg that comes out in the western market (in order to possibly get more, and better titles). I don’t think this game is actually any good, though.

I have no intention of getting this one.

It may not say much, but Raidy 2 is better than Raidy 1 in every shape and form. If you liked the first, then this one is a no brainer–it’s around 3x as long (both duration and scene-wise), there’s actually something resembling a story (albeit weak), and the “difficulty” is turned down a notch (the level grind required is vastly reduced). If nothing else, it has a nice variety of H-scenes and the gameplay isn’t completely intolerable. Unlike Raidy 1, I could cautiously recommend this game to fans of yuri or heroine insult. As an RPG, it’s not particularly good, but it’s not completely rotten. It’s basically a mediocre dungeon crawler with lots of sex.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends upon how others recommend and see it.

I am certainly eagerly waiting for this game. I enjoyed the first one and hope I get it before the end of the year

too bad the 3rd game will most likely never come out

Come again? What makes you say that?

The fact that development on it on the Japanese side seems to have been frozen for months (years?)

That’s… unfortunate. :cry:

And maybe not. I’m sure there are lots of better RPGs for as potential license candidates…

No doubt. But IMO the Raidy series CG is fantastic. And the ‘fusion’ ability previewed for the 3rd game looked interesting.

Graphically the character designs in the Raidy series seem to be moving away from what I consider attractive. I really liked the designs in 1, in 2 they were a little more “mature” looking with bigger breasts and such, and 3 seems to go that direction as well. Just compare Raidy herself from each of the 3 titles:


Admittedly the image of her for 3 is a little better than the one from 2, but suffers from the same problem–loss of “moe” in exchange for “sexy”.

To me it looks like Raidy #1 is her in the teen years. Raidy #2 is her 30’s MIFL look. Raidy #3 is like somewhere between that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the artist was having phases with how he drew women’s proportions.

He’s stayed consistent though (for better or worst). Check out Fujishima. :stuck_out_tongue:

is it even the same artist

Kazuma Muramasa, isn’t it? Looks like his art style.

then he could have been told to sex-up raidy more for the 3rd game

Maybe. I’m sure if there’s an artbook included with the preorder, there will be artist notes to explain it. :slight_smile:

can anyone translate the text

They’re just typical character profiles from Zyx’s site. I could understand bits and pieces of the first one; nothing particularly deep or exciting: a little background, her personality, her favorite special move (Thunder Slash).