Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

The last few times, it’s been a week’s gap. Maybe a day or two more. But the gap this time is pretty ridiculous.

I wonder if it’s a digital rights issue. Does JAST usually get digital download rights at the same time they license a title for a physical release, or do they get it at a different date? Does ZyX even exist anymore? If they did go down, might be a major problem if JAST intended to get the digital download rights sometime after they got the rights to a physical release.

The people at ZyX are still alive, the rights are still alive, don’t worry about that. I doubt they’d have any problems considering Raidy II went up for DL sales a while ago itself (NSFW).

What I’m curious about is whether the delayed digital release is incidental or intentional. Perhaps they want to get the game to those who pre-order first? Perhaps the digital release is more easily pirated, and thus they want to leave a window for physical sales first?

In the past, the Software Defender protection they used for physical releases was cracked within minutes. Unless SD has been significantly upgraded, I’d guess that it offers no real protection.

Cracked versions of Downhill Night 2 and Lightning Warrior Raidy II haven’t circulated yet. However, no one’s really asking for them either (probably, the viability of low echelon games has come to an end), so I’d say that it’s a matter of low demand instead of effective security.

Off-topic, but this was the 66666th post in the “English Bishoujo Game Discussions” forum. =P

No physical bill is sent; just the e-mail receipt. I’ve got an order in on the download version (placed approximately 12 hours ago). No activation code as yet, but I know from previous games that this normally takes around 1 full working day to arrive.

It’s on the same floor. It’s the Cross Blade and you can find it by walking through an invisible wall near the top of the map and going south to the hidden room at the bottom. Amura is in there (I dunno if you have to have saved her to get there yet.) and will give it to you if you talk to her.


i recommend getting a pre-paid one

Is this scenes or cgs? I’m going to assume you mean scenes.

It shouldn’t surprise you that the three scenes you’ve mentioned are all connected. This assumes that you’ve witnessed page 3 row 1 column 3. Go into the inn. Try everything until you get the scene. It may not appear if you are not far enough into the game. The following two cgs should follow this scene (keep doing the following); go talk to Rose in the Item Shop. Eventually you will get your two missing scenes.

does that help at all?

How far into the game are you on the save? There might be a particular window needed to be open. Did you talk to rose at all after seeing the scene with her setia? You might need to talk to her or something first and then try the inn…while your at it though I’d be safe and talk to everyone in all four of the buildings. But it’s probably just that you did not talk to Rose after seeing the event…I think. Try talking to Rose a few times, maybe buy something as well? Once done then try the inn again. It might happen while you are asleep or it happens automatically upon entering. If that does not work try talking to everyone else in the town and then repeat the previous actions. If that doesn’t work then you might not be far enough along, maybe you skipped setia’s first scene, or something else is missing.

Let me know if that works…if it doesn’t hopefully someone else on here will be able to figure out what piece I am missing.

Did you accept Setia’s “offer” (I think it happens right after you reach the second dungeon), or did you refuse it?

just got the game can anyone help me find dungeon maps and boss weapon guides

Not aware of any maps or guides online. However, this game is a lot easier than the first one. In particular, having an auto-map is a huge help. I dare say you’ve figured the game out for yourself by now, but for anybody who hasn’t started yet, the following (spoiler-free) advice may be handy:

Dungeon exploration

  • Every single block of every map is explorable. If there’s a section of the map you can’t find any doors into, walk around bashing your head on the adjoining walls, as one of them will be a secret passage.

  • Be sure to completely explore every map; while some secret areas contain only junk, others have useful items, or even stuff you will absolutely need to continue the plot.

  • Secret passages often contain other secret passages. Don’t assume that just because you already went through one hidden door, there won’t be another.

  • Every floor has only one entrance and one exit. If there’s a section of a floor you can’t get you, you’ve missed a secret passage. You won’t find the entrance from another floor (this tip mainly aimed at fans of the old Eye of the Beholder games and the ilk, where the opposite was usually true).

  • Most (but not all) floors have a single boss fight. The rooms containing bosses can usually (but not always) be easily recognised. Bosses tend to be in a 3x3 room, with a few adjacent squares for the stairs to the next floor (unless it’s the last floor in the dungeon).

  • Leave boss fights until you have completely explored the rest of the floor. You may actually need an item from somewhere else on the floor before you can defeat the boss.

  • Save regularly, just in case you do accidentally trigger a boss fight without having an item you need (which is a guaranteed game over).

  • As in the first game, you need to lose to bosses as well as beat them to get all CGs. This may (or may not, grateful for confirmation) mean you also need to get the “tried to fight the boss without the necessary item equipped” bad ends as well.

  • Some boss-required items need to be equipped in the “magic item” slot in the inventory screen before they will work.

  • Once you’re about 1/3rd of the way through the game, teleporters will start to appear. These are invisible, but you can tell when you’ve walked through one from your mini-map.

  • There are also a few tiles that will switch your direction when you walk over them. Keep an eye on your minimap to spot these. They’re not as common as in the first game.

  • Always carry plenty of poison removal potions. Many chests will poison you when you open them. Fortunately, enemies that poison you are much rarer in this game than in the original.

  • Occasionally, the item you need to defeat a boss is not on the same floor as that boss. This is only really a problem in the first dungeon. From the second dungeon onwards, any items needed to defeat bosses will be found on or before the same floor as the boss.

  • Town Portal gems can be a real time-saver. But don’t use them lightly, as you’ll have to walk through all of the previous floors of the dungeon to get back to where you left off.

  • You will often go through a door and get an “it’s a room” dialogue. Be sure to choose to look around SEVERAL TIMES each time this happens. A minority of these rooms contain interesting (and sometimes necessary) items and Raidy doesn’t always notice them on first inspection. Most of the rooms are empty, though, so don’t get too paranoid.

  • At one point in the game you will lose your items and gold. You cannot get them back. But you don’t need them anyway and will quickly pick up better stuff.

  • If you come across a character in a dungeon who doesn’t do anything interesting right now, try coming back later, for example after finding a locked door you can’t get through. They may have more to say then. This is particularly relevant in the first dungeon.

  • As in the first game, there are a number of girls held prisoner in dungeons. Once you have defeated the boss on their floor, they are freed automatically. There’s no need to return to their cell to free them (and no CG for doing so).

Combat and stats

  • Each floor has three types of random encounter enemy. Some of them are recycled from the first game, but most are new.

  • Dual-wielding one-handed weapons is the way to go. Sword and shield gives you slightly better defence, but as you will do much less damage, you will still take more damage yourself over the course of the fight. Two-handed weapons hit hard, but miss a lot, so they will do less damage over time.

  • When fighting random mobs, the only command you should ever need to use is the normal attack. Magic attacks can be held back for bosses.

  • The defend command is basically only there so you have a way of losing to bosses to get the bad-end scenes.

  • Some bosses can be taken down easily with normal attacks. Feel free to do so, where you can.

  • If your normal attacks don’t seem to be doing much damage to a boss, or you seem to be missing a lot, switch to magic. Half a dozen charges of Raidy’s magic will take out most bosses. If you fill her charge bar, it will kill even the last boss in a single hit.

  • Cheaty little tip; the stats you gain when you level up have a random element (between 10 and 20 points of both hp and mp). If you know the next random encounter will level you up, you can save your game, then keep loading it again after the next fight until you get a good set of stats on level-up (eg. 18 or more hp). Hp is more important than mp.

  • If at all possible, wait until after a battle before using potions, rather than using them mid-fight. Why? Because using a potion takes a turn and by using one mid-fight, you risk taking more damage during the fight than you would have otherwise.

  • Remember, potions are expensive, but it only costs 10 gold to rest at the inn. If you’re about to return to town, don’t pop potions you don’t need to.

  • Most of the bosses are simple “tank and spank” fights (erm… quite literally in one case). There’s one exception; the spider boss at the end of the second dungeon. Beat her normally first, then charge up your magic when she geta back up (maybe half-fill the bar) and one-shot her. Otherwise, she just won’t die.

  • This is a Japanese RPG, so of course the last boss is a multi-phase battle.

  • The game doesn’t need a huge amount of deliberate grinding for levels. In fact, the only time you will really have to grind is on the first level of the first dungeon. The monsters in the basement are tough, and you will want to be level 6 or so to take them on.

  • The maximum level is 35. You’ll probably hit this somewhere during the second dungeon. Don’t worry about it too much, though.

  • You can buy decent equipment from the vendors you unlock around half way through the game. However, you can also find this equipment later without buying it.

  • Even at level 35 with the best equipment, the random enemies on the last floor of the last dungeon will do serious damage to you. Figure on having to use a large health potion after each fight, more or less. Obviously, while you need to fully explore this floor (which is smaller than the others), try not to spend longer there than necessary.

  • As there are a few chests with large health potions on that floor, I found that starting it with 25 large health potions (purchased from town) gave me more than enough to clear the floor in its entirety and defeat the last boss).

The Town

  • There are four female characters around town to interact with, corresponding to the four locations, each with their own scenes.

  • Visit town regularly (every couple of floors of a dungeon) to see if you can get any new scenes.

  • Sometimes unlocking a scene in one location in town unlocks a scene in another.

  • The inn is the hub for a large number of scenes. Rest there often and explore the menus fully. Additional options will open up as you get further into the game.

  • At some point in the game, you will get a special pillow. You can choose to use this when you rest in the inn to get a number of scenes (keep resting there and using it until the most recent scene repeats).

  • However, using the pillow will prevent other scenes from triggering, so also try resting without it to see if anything happens.


Compared to the old RPGs it hearkens back to in its gameplay style (Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder etc), Raidy 2 is pretty easy. It’s much easier than its own prequel. However, unless you fully explore each floor, you may find yourself stuck and needing to backtrack.

Finished the game with a lot left to do in the town - I/Raidy was apparently too embarassed to talk to any of the shopkeepers and I never got past that.

Two questions:
1: Does accepting Setia’s offer open or lock (or both) any options?
2: When you say ‘using the pillow will prevent other scenes from triggering’ do you mean PERMANENTLY or only for that night?

In advance, thanks, and it’s a lovely game. :smiley:

1: Accepting the offer doesn’t lock any options. So accept it if you want 100% scenes/CGs.
2: Using the pillow only locks them for THAT night. It won’t block any scenes permanently, so far as I know (I’ve got 2 scenes missing, but I think they’re both connected to boss fights).

Edit: despite missing 2 scenes, I have no CGs missing. So I suspect that the missing scenes are variants on “bad end” versions of boss fights, which you get by not having the required item equipped for the start of the fight.

Amura is in one of the rooms northeast of that locked room. You have to ‘look’ to find her in the room. I believe she has the key.

Check your inventory under magic items. If you do not see Earplugs, and have not equiped them, then you did not pick them up. You will find them on floor 2 of the Mansion in one of the rooms on the left side.

The CG and scene belong to Magic Disk 4: The Sacrifice and you can find it in the Temple of Desire.

100% CG Walkthrough

Like the first Raidy, you must lose against each boss at least one time

Their is 4 magical disk :

  • Disk 1 in the Basement of the Mansion
  • Disk 2 in Floor 4 of the Cave
  • Disk 3 in Floor 5 of the Cave
  • Disk 4 in Floor 2 of the Temple

The pillow can be found in the Floor 1 of the Cave

You must lose against the Woman Eater.You find it in Floor 6 of the Cave.

Four Door with soul exist :

  • First one in the Floor 8 of the Cave
  • The Second in the Floor 7 of the Cave
  • The third and fourth in the last Floor of the Temple.

At the Floor 8 of the Cave you will encounter our old Friend of Raidy 1.
You have two scene with Fonfon and Tis :
The first is automaticaly unlocked when you encounter them the first time.the second you have a choice when you enter their shop.
For Folles you have 3 scene :
The first one when you encounter her for the first time, the second when you ask for healing and for the third … Well… Just ask and Enema :smiley:

CG with an exausted woman in the Floor 1 of the Cave.

At the Floor 2 of the Cave you have a scene with Amura.It’s behind the rusted door.The key is in a room just after you have entered the Floor 3.

CG with Naked Petrified Man in Floor 3 of the cave

Scene with Horn in Floor 7 of the Cave.

Scene with Jami in Floor 5 of the Cave.

Raidy have two different masturbation scene.

  • The first can be played from the beginning
  • The second after you got Sexcalibur and choose “Use a tool”.

The pillow have 3 different scene.

Lesti have two scene

  • One with a Man A after you beaten the Mansion and while you’re in the first part of the cave
  • The second with Junk after you have beaten the Cave and while you’re in the temple

Cray masturbation scene can be unlocked after you have beaten the mansion and while you’re in the first part of the cave.

Setia x Raidy is unlocked after you have beaten the mansion and you have entered the cave at least once.

Rose x Setia is unlocked after you have beaten the Cave.

Rose x Raidy have two scene.

  • one just after you saw Rose x Setia scene.
  • The second after the first Rose x Raidy scene.You just have to visit Rose’s Shop and choose the “…” choice.

Now, you should have a 100% CG.

I’ve finished the game a couple of times but there’s a few scenes and pictures I have not unlocked, namely:
Page 1 and 2, column 4, row 1. (From left/top)
Page 2, column 5, row 2.

Page 3:
row 4, column 4
row 6, column 2
row 6, column 4

I also do get the impression there should be a second scene with the blacksmith but I guess there isn’t. :S

If anyone could point me in the right direction, that’d be great. :slight_smile:

everyone knows LWR is Final fantasy fan art.