Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

Haven’t gotten it yet here. Still impatient. About the window thing though: Does alt+enter work?
(Windows default command to switch a window between windowed and full-screen mode).


A few things to say about the game followed by a list of favorites and questions.

Alt + Enter does not work. Nor anything from what I can tell. Wonder why they got rid of it.

Game is done. It’s about what I would expect. Still missing two scenes (one right after masturbation v2 and before Clay’s sword loving scene, and one right after spider and fairy) but overall managed to get everything else.

I do have to say the fact you can only level to 35 (which I did after a few floors in the second dungeon…overkill?) and for the rest of the game you earn no experience or anything really is disappointing. Also everything you earn in the game disappears after a certain amount of time and you can never earn it back. Also personally the game has too much of a fetish with scat scenes. The monster designs were nice but I think they reused a few from the first game (maybe different poses?) and there were more of them. A number of characters you think would be slightly more involved but are not. The map is create as you go which is a nice change from the previous game but at the same time makes the game much easier and quicker. Raidy’s lightning move is way too overpowered and you don’t have to go to far to kill most of the bosses even at a low level. Sound quality is way down compared to the first game and is probably the most noticeable and annoying out of everything. I would also say that after playing the game I think the first game has more vocals than this does. Despite this though I got basically what I thought I would so not a bad thing.

I am in no way blaming Jast for the problems as Zyx probably cut corners in most places. The main map screen with the towns and dungeons is also suspiciously barren in the middle. I think that perhaps another dungeon was planned to be put in but then they were low on budget and had to scrap it.

Biggest disappointment: No scenes with blue haired ninja trying to kidnap siesta (name?) at the beginning of the game.

Evidence that the game was rushed: There are a few scenes where the words are off the screen and stay there while you continue (near the end of the game…with the replicant). There are also some spelling errors (to be expected). The mistakes are quite noticeable and I’m thinking they did not finish beta testing which is why they are only heavily noticeable near the end of the game.

Two things that I found humorous:

  1. Perverted Doors.

  2. All the monsters are naked after raidy is done with them.

Favorite monsters:

Dungeon 1
Floor one: mercenary
Floor two: phantom thief
Floor three: Orc (favorite of the first dungeon)

Dungeon 2
Floor one: Evil Shaman
Floor two: Bloody Crab
Floor three: Lizard Man
Floor four: Shadow
floor five: cursed warrior
floor six: nekomata
floor seven: Harpy
floor eight: Marionette

Dungeon 3
floor 1: wisp
floor 2: gargoyle
floor 3: dragon knight

Favorite Boss
Dungeon 1: Sudia
Dungeon 2: Camille
Dungeon 3: Replicant

Favorite character: Fonfon (was a favorite in 1 and is still in 2)

A few things to wonder:

What is the purpose of bathing all the time in the game? Is it merely for that one cg?
Whatever happened to that blue haired ninja at the beginning of the game.
Why was Kubite follower in the second dungeon…and why were there none from destoit?
Who the hell is Raidy looking for?
Will they ever make raidy III? Or is Zyx dead in japan?

The first one you mentioned is Raidy masturbating with Sexcalibur. To get the scene make sure Sexcalibur is equiped and has no magic in it and go to the jail cell Raidy was in on F8 of the cave.. The scene after the Fairy one is called “Training Diary” and is on Magical Disk 3 around floor 4 or 5 in the cave dungeon.

You can rebuy the armor and weapons and most of the special items respawn where you originally found them. The only ones you permanantly lose are the cross blade, mirror shield and earplugs.

Peter Payne more or less said that the members of ZyX have disbanded but they haven’t officially outright cancelled the game. It’s highly unlikely they will get back together to finish it, though.

So Raidy 3 is basically our Duke Nukem Forever

That would probably be Sakura no Uta (there’s also this, but there hasn’t been any news on it for years). It’s been in production for far longer, and a lot of concrete progress has been made on it, but KeroQ/Makura are still delaying it in favour of other projects (possibly because of budget concerns?). Plus, it will (almost certainly) be a far better eroge than Raidy 3 was ever going to be.

On the topic of Raidy 2, I’m surprised to hear that there are problems with sound quality, and that the game’s only partially voiced. I don’t think any other ZyX eroges have either of those issues.

I do not recall this happening til late game during my playthrough, and I’m a completionist. Perhaps you grinded too much? Unlike Raidy 1, you’re not supposed to grind in Raidy 2.

I think it was a floor(maybe 2) before I went to the eighth floor but yeah I was already at level 35. I guess I learned the hard way not to grind. Beating the game was relatively easy but the hardest thing was letting myself lose. I spent nearly a half hour simply clicking over and over again hoping that one of the bosses would kill me with criticals.

Also this may be a bit odd but how does the level up work? I’ve leveled up differently in multiple ways (for the same level) and was wondering if the end result is determined by what type of monsters you strip or the amount of said monsters? I spent forever leveling on the third floor of the first dungeon simply because it seemed to give me the highest boost to my stats. Now that I look back on it I probably should have realized exactly what type of game I was playing…

I did not grind enough in raidy 1 and had a hell of a lot of problems and in raidy II I did grind and made the game hell of a lot easier…oh well.

Odd… for some reason the forum auto log’s out on Firefox… I log in and and when it reloads its back to being “Guest”… oh well thats OT…

Judging from the Jp and this port the voices are still the same so its not a bother to me personally. I only really have 2 minor issues with this (I’m still playing through as i just got the game yesterday =D)

First is the lack of Full Screen… I happen to like playing Full Screen and the smallish window just doesn’t sit well w/ me xD I am wondering why this bit was dropped seeing as the first Raidy port did keep the original options to play Full or Window. The Jp remake also had this option… chance for a patch maybe? xD

The second is the fact the install doesn’t actually let you set the folder to install the game in… oddly enough I actually DON’T install my games (or for that matter eroge =P) on my main C: Drive and on the Applications Data folder =P Not that it matters much seeing as a small folder move and “find target” on the shortcuts fixes that problem. Still it would be nice if the install did what other installs normally do - ask which folder to install game in! =P

It’s the type of monster. It is like that in the first game (According to the walkthrough I have of the game) so I’d imagine the same thing goes for the second

Finally got the game.

Full-screen is not an option as far as I can tell. (Win XP). Voices are okay, really, but there’s a little white noise on them, like there’s some bad encoding or something. However, it’s barely noticeable, certainly not enough to be a distraction.

With all of the physical copies now arriving at their destinations, it would be really nice if we could get the download release now.

What would be even nicer would be if we could avoid the usual situation of getting the download release on a Friday, meaning that orders aren’t processed until the Monday or Tuesday after.

What would be nicer still would be if we could actually get a mangagamer style system where download orders could be processed instantly; but I guess that might be hoping for rather too much.

This needs to happen. There’s no reason it shouldn’t–it wastes human resources on JAST’s end and makes the customer wait.

Even if I was interested in this game, this would be a big problem for me. The desktops I build for myself have a small drive for the OS and such, and a large drive where I install games and such. So I have a similar situation to RocK_M (my laptop is another matter).

It was actually brought up in the JAST USA shop feedback thread and they are working on an instant download process

In case anybody want’s to play the game in full screen mode there is a way

I tried it myself and it dose work

Do we have any idea what’s holding up the download release? This has now been basically a 2 week gap. I don’t think I’ve known anything like this before.

I believe most of the download releases have had quite late releases to the actual game, it’s annoying but I’ve become used to it… Personally I can’t say that I find it appealing to have a ton of hard-copies of eroge, stacked up in a box collecting dust somewhere, as it’s honestly not something I wish to announce to the world that I’m using some of my evenings on.

But well, maybe it’ll improve at some point, meanwhile I’m just thinking to myself… if I wasn’t supporting this industry I would probably be sitting here playing a torrent version of the game… but what can you do. :?

Unlike most Western games, Peach Princess/Jast/GC has to get the Japanese developers to do things like apply engine changes. I’m not sure exactly how downloadable versions are created, but I assume it’s something like “make these changes in your build process, hook this DLL, use this makefile, then recompile the game”.

This is something they have to go back to the Japanese side to get done, which always takes time. And yeah, this has been a pretty consistent pattern: they didn’t even have downloadable versions available for a long time, but ever since they’ve had them, it’s taken a few weeks or so to get the downloadable version of a title out.

(And depending where exactly the holdup is, it could also be true that they’re being delayed because they’re trying to get Demonbane out ASAP.)

Are they usually punctual with the DL Editions (i.e., always 14 days later, always 8 days later, etc), or does it vary from game to game?