Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

I’ve grown increasingly impatient about this title lately - strange how a year’s wait on a preorder is no problem, but when it’s ‘by the end of the month’ it’s suddenly really frustrating. :slight_smile:

Anyway, got the email today that it’s been sent, so now the wait’s down to roughly a week. :smiley:

Yay~! Raidy 2 and Downhill Night 2 mail confirmation :slight_smile:

It should be I would think, given that they have been working to make even their old games function in a 64-bit environment.

now that this is done can’t wait for demonbane

Usually within a couple weeks after the boxed release, isn’t it?

It’s a week after the physical product although according to the Raidy 2: An introduction article it says that both package and download edition will be ready at the end of june, bottom of page (Raidy 2 only).

From a recent mail I got from PP salesperson.
“The download versions are usually available a couple weeks to a month after the actual packaged version however.”

If that’s any help.

Download edition will be out next week


The first message was a little confusing. I read it as ‘it is being sent now’, but what they actually said was, 'Your credit card has been charged. Shipping will take 5-9 days from San Diego. Thanks for shopping with us!" kind of thing - but what they didn’t say (clearly) was that it was not BEING shipped yet.

I got the email that it is now shipped today. So, another week of waiting.


has anyone got the game yet

I haven’t gotten mine yet also. Got the e-mail Friday that it is being sent out so it will not arrive until the middle of the week :frowning: . O well Downhill night will keep me occupied

anyone else got it

I got mine today as well

I, too, got my copy today. The first thing I noticed was the lack of any Raidy-themed extras included on the disk aside from the demo movie and the usual plugs for other games. The artwork on the instruction insert is cute, and while I’m not disappointed, I am kinda surprised that not even the MP3 of the theme song Blade of Thunder was included on the disk or scans of any of the promotional postcard artworks (unless I completely missed them somehow). :?

Another thing that strikes me odd is the inability to play the game in full screen. While I’m not blaming JASTUSA for this it does seem a rather odd design choice by ZyX. Also the spoken vocals seem kinda muted like the actors were speaking through a towel into the microphone, or something. And while Raidy 1 had spoken dialogue for nearly every interaction or internal monologue, this is lacking in Raidy 2 with mostly silence except for some key scenes. Not game breaking but definately noticable.

Oh, and I noticed a few typos when Raidy is in the Mansion:

When you look at the torture chambers in the basement Raidy says “It’s dark, ut I can see a bunch of objects here.”
And when talking to Junk afterwards she says “What did I ever to to have to give myself to somebody like you!”
And another after beating Shura she says “I like doing it people, but I don’t like having it done to me…”
And later again after giving Junk a breastjob “Maybe, IF we ever corss paths again.”

And in the Cave Dungeon:

When talking to the girl about the barrier charm she says “As the name suggests, it’s an iten that can destroy barriers.”

And then when torturing Morpha, “Of course we could try the torture thign again first…”

Then before the fight with Shai “You are a mponster, a siren!”

And before the fight with Shai “I can’t hear her song, but I can’t hear her talkign either.”

Then when finding Amura in the locked room:

“Raidy knocks out the neares man with a single blow.”

And a few lines later “Oh well. They won’t wake uyp for awhile.”

And a few lines more “COme on, people should help each other in times of need.”

And a few lines still “Idn’t this the tool of your trade?”

And when meeting Camille furthur down:

Girl D says “Aaahhn… A reward from ladyt Camille… I want it…”

A few lines later Camille replies “If you want me to reward me then lick me as much as you can.”

If Raidy attacks her without knowing her weakness "Its as if it didn’t even connect…

And after Raidy is captured and on Floor 8:

“Oh no! THey took my armor and weapons and even my items!”

While in Tis’s shop "The candles in my ass and mupssy… They’re so hot…

While entering Fonfon’s shop Raidy says two lines but they are blank with only pairs of quote marks.

And while talking to Fonfon the narrator says “Fonfon looks raidy up and down.”

A few lines later Fonfon says “Right… Time ti chain you up, Raidy.”

While visiting Folles “H, hwy, wait! Isn’t that a…”

And after coming back for an enema Folles says “When you did it to me, I though, I’ll do it to her one day.”

The next line “And now here we are. I still can’t believe it” (missing a period at the end)

When touching herself in front of the living door “It grows gradually moister, as wel as hotter.”

A few lines later “Raidy’s body goes into convulsions. Then if drops onto the stone floor, exhausted.”

When watching the golem rape Sudia “The girl on the golem’s shoulde ris watching the scene and laughing.”

On floor 7:

When watching the Woman Eater attack the girl “I don’t want to watchi this any longer.”

After talking with her after saving her “I don’t remember abything like that.”

Perhaps there is less voice per scene, but the game itself is much bigger. I imagine there’s more voice total in Raidy 2 than Raidy 1. I don’t recall if the JP version had a full-screen option, though they usually do. I always play at native resolution however, because I prefer a small but crisper image to a larger but blurrier image. That, and I can’t use AGTH when the game is full-screen. :stuck_out_tongue: I do remember the voice sounding off in the JP version though.

In any case, the game is definitely better than its predecessor. Extras are nice and all, but the game is ultimately what you’re putting down the money for. My main gripe with this sequel was the loss of loli-ness in Raidy’s character design compared to the former game. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it was just me who was hearing something wrong with the vocals. I completely agree they sound awkward. Also the lack of vocals is disappointing, but there are probably twice as many of them in this game as shiki said.

I didn’t even notice you could not play full screen until I tried. Not that I would. I like window mode.

I do however like the map system and the town idea is interesting…but unless there is more than one this will be a moot point. It seems lacking at the moment and I kind of miss the potion thing.

Also can I say one thing about the monsters. Damn those thieves. I keep getting robbed and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. They attack first! ’

In regards to raidy losing loli-ness she aged by something like two years didn’t she? This would be normal (although I do like the previous raidy better in terms of design).

I don’t know about the English version, but in the Japanese version when the game was installed two links were added to the Start menu - one for starting the game in window mode and one for full screen mode.

It was the same for the English version of Raidy I, I think (different links for full screen and windowed).

Maybe you need to provide a commandline argument to start the game in fullscreen, then, and a shortcut wasn’t created by the English installer for this.

Like this? (3:53 of the video to be exact) … akalabeth/

I also noticed this, and honestly, it’s quite annoying. In the future I’m definitely not going to preorder anything. I’ll wait and reserve judgment until I’ve seen this kind of feedback. Honestly, I probably still would have gotten it, but I know there are a few I’ve gotten that I would not have if they had such an obvious flaw as this.

As for a command line argument, the Raidy 1 shortcuts were pointing to separate executables, RaidyUS.exe for windowed and RaidyUSfs.exe for the fullscreen.

This is definitely a localization problem, as I’m quite sure the Japanese version did not have this issue.