Lightning Warrior Raidy: The Thread (no spoilers please)

Lightning Warrior Raidy is now officially GOLD and off to the duplicators for printing! Not only that - we’ve managed to secure the rights to the sequel, Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~. We’re really excited about both of these titles, and I’m here to answer any questions you may have about either.

In some related good news, we’re planning to have Raidy available for purchase via download roughly two weeks after its package release (planned for early April), so those unable to buy the package version for whatever reason won’t have long to wait (we’re working to get Snow Sakura up for download purchase as well, and it should also be out in April).

So: Lightning Warrior Raidy! Questions? Comments? We’ll field them as well as we can.

Here are some questions about the translation of LWR:

1.) Was the translation of LWR more difficult than translations of usual visual novels you guys do ? (because of some combat text…etc…)

2.) Does LWR have various difficulty settings ? How is the difficulty of the game in general ? Is it challenging ?

3.) How much time would you roughly need to beat it ? (I dont mind if its short, as long as I’m having fun playing it)

Apart from that I’d like to congratulate you for having finished on LWR and for having been able to license the sequel.
I, for my part cant wait to play this game.

(Also I cant wait to exchange my progress on the game and various strategies with other guys here in the forum. :wink: )

(Claps his hands)
Good work, congrats.
Can’t wait till I get my hands,claws,tentacles,whatever on it…

What is Raidy’s native resolution?

is ‘WOOT!’ an appropriate comment? :slight_smile:

  1. I wasn’t in charge of the main text translation for the game so I can’t speak to it personally, but work on the menus and other odds and ends was pretty straightforward. The trickiest thing was making sure terms in the main text matched with those presented in the graphics, considerably more than the usual novel-type game due to the combat and item screens that needed to be translated separately from the main text.

  2. There are no difficulty settings for Raidy; monster power doesn’t scale as Raidy gains levels, so combats that are difficult or impossible at early levels become easier the higher you gain. There are a few monsters with abilities that make the fights challenging even at very high levels, but not enough to make the game frustrating (I’m guessing Raidy will be considerably less difficult for most players than Pretty Soldier Wars was).

In some senses the most challenging aspect of the game is navigating the physical terrain of the levels, which throw some fun puzzles at you the higher you go.

  1. I’d estimate overall game play at about ten hours, give or take.

800x600. The game can optionally be run in full screen mode as well.

I’d say so! :3

#1: I like the warrior nun.

#2: Twincest.

Will get LWR 1 so PP can use the $$$ to release LWR 2. w00t!!! :mrgreen:

And of course, if 1 & 2 sell well, maybe we might see 3 in 2009 (or 2010)?

One can dream, can’t they? 8) :wink:

That’s what this thread is for. :3

Personally I hope that 1 and 2 are a success, I would enjoy working on 3 if there’s enough interest in it.

Somehow i’ve got this really strange and irraitional desire to use a vacuum cleaner on their boobs. :frowning:

Why is this game cheaper than the others ?
Is it because it costs less money to replace the men by tentacles ? :smiley:

I think I’ve heard it’s a bit short.

I think GameFAQs got Raidy and P.Waltz mixed up… … 31921.html

So for experienced RPers it will be a walk in the park, huh?

Because this is a remake of an old game. (I think this is the remake?) So the remake of the sequel is already out, and that means this is REAL old. XC1 was always cheaper than their other games even when it was new too.

Pre-ordered this when it was first announced… 8) I hope this game is fun, the art sure looks that way~

Oh … just to let you know, the LWR page says the price currently for download edition is “0.00$”…!!!
:smiley: click click awwwww, didn’t work…

I agree, but the remake of the third part (the best one, incidentally) of the PSW series is still a dream, and, worse, is “freezed” since August 2007…

I’d like to see Raidy’s official Japanese site, could someone post a link?

actually gamefaqs have Raidy down as a 2007 release since you have to consider (if you read the upcoming releases thread) that there are no confirmed release dates and most sites (like rightsruf) take a guess of the actual release date and sometimes gamefaqs (and those who contribute information to the site) will take these dates as actual dates without a second thought (unless someone corrects the information).

Raidy 1 … ?game=6248

Raidy 2 … ?game=7397

Raidy 3