Lightning Warrior Raidy: The Thread (no spoilers please)

I played through the demo of LWR 1 - I guess the best way of describing the RPG part of the game, is that it does its job - it’s quite simplistic, but serves as an effective means of providing lots of well drawn female monster girls and yuri scenes. The plot is kind of the same - if the game opening is identical to the demo, it starts with you right outside the tower, and within a few minutes, you enter and begin the RPG part. From the product description, it does seem like LWR2 is a much better game (the mean was almost 20 points higher on erogamescape if I remember correctly) that fixes many of the potential downsides of LWR.

There are a few questions that I’m interested in:

Is there any guro (of the blood and gore type) in the game? (I’m guessing the answer will be no :P)

Aside from the losing to a boss endings, and the game over if you die fighting the dungeon monsters, are there any other endings?

Is it fully voiced?

Thanks :smiley:

Edit: LWR erogamescape scores - Mean 50, Median 58 (from 18 scores), LWR 2 Mean=Median=74 (from 6 scores). I’ll definitely pick this up at some stage - it does seem like LWR will be a much better game than the scores suggest, and for $24.95 you can’t really go wrong :).

I’ll buy LWR anyway, just to support more RPG style releases.
The thing is that I love the visual novel games, but there are just too many that are pretty much alike - an RPG now and then brings diversity to that.
I’d love if we ever saw another RPG that is like Knight of Xentar was: it was funny, immersive and had some replay value to find some hidden secrets.

Generally I prefer games that have a bit of gameplay mixed into the visual novel part - then the scenes and endings feel so much more rewarding.


Mostly due to the length. Raidy II is significantly bigger, hence the higher price.

I’d say so, yeah. If you use resources (potions, etc.) wisely it’s ultimately a matter of time spent gaining levels, and figuring out all of the little tricks and traps the levels throw at you to navigate them successfully.

We haven’t totally decided against this, but we don’t have any plans to pursue it at present. If/when we enter negotiations again with CD Bros. it will certainly be an option on the table.

  1. Not particularly, no.

  2. Other than the main ending when you beat the game, no.

  3. All of the important parts are voiced, but there are some unvoiced sections as well.

I perordered my copy. Look forward to playing it.
I will definitely order the LWR 2 later. But I was hoping for a harem type ending at least. :cry:

Oh well, maybe in the sequel perhaps… :slight_smile:

Yay, been looking forward to this game quite a bit. I’m very happy to hear you got Raidy 2 as well. It’s a good time to be a fan of bishoujo.

Oh please no. Please god no. There are so many other games begging to be translated that precious time should be devoted elsewhere. I don’t want to turn this into a PSW thread, so I’ll just leave you with my gamefaq’s review :roll: … 17105.html

I agree with your review, but there are some of us who want to play out the trilogy.

Unless you can recommend the anime that this is based on.


I didn’t even know there was an anime. I may not be a fan of the game, but I’ll check the anime out for sure 8).

I don’t play tabletop wargames if I can help it, but I’ve been roped into games, and I’ve seen games at conventions, and anyone taking hours to take his turn would probably be strung up. :slight_smile:

I had no interest in PSW and bought it for a friend who likes both wargames and tentacles. He complained it was too short/easy and that the game ended as soon as there was an actually interesting fight. shrug

Anyway. ANY game has people who hate it (and almost any game has people who love it). It’s generally not worth arguing over whether something is a bad game or not, just figure out whether it’s a game for you and if it’s not, move on. PSW is not for me.

I can’t wait to play this game. It seems like it’s going to be good. :smiley:

I hated PSW to be honest, and I’d be more then happy to add to the conversation on the topic, but not in a thread intended for Lightning Warrior Raidy.

Anyways, I can’t say I’m all that stoked for Raidy, for the simple fact it doesn’t look like it has much story, if any. I’ll probably still end up getting it, because my pet happens to want it, and I normally support all English release games anyhow. Raidy 2 does look better in the sense it may possibly have a story.

A point of clarification: there is no Pretty Soldier Wars anime.

Thanks for that. If you’d like to discuss PSW we’ve got lots and lots of bandwidth and disk space open on the forums to create new threads in, but I’d appreciate it if this one could be confined to discussion of the Raidy games.

Thanks guys :3

Geez people, I am sorry for causing this commotion.

Please forgive me. :frowning:

Don’t worry about it, it’s not your (or anyone’s) fault - this board is know for its crazy tangents, it’s like there’s some kind of entropic field floating over the whole thing that hypnotizes people and makes them post about stuff that has nothing to do with the thread topic, like entropic fields that force people to post about things that have nothing to do with the thread topic. ahem

Anyway, Lightning Warrior Raidy! Coming soon!

Well in any case, I haven’t played any of the Raidy games yet (obviously), but I noticed the villains/bosses make a return appearance not only in the second, but in the third game as well. It makes me wonder if the bosses are possessed in the first and you have to knock some sense into them to get them to see their ways. That’s what I thought… until I saw this from the second:

Now I’m just confused :P.

p.s. On the record, I love and played a number of RTS games (Tactics Ogre, FF Tactics, Vandal Hearts, Medieval TW) and yea I even played and loved Hearts of Iron 2. That still doesn’t mean I should like PSW though :P.

Yea, but BattleTech was released back in 1994 so this is understandable. RTS games, however, have evolved, but PSW is still stuck in the past. I don’t think it’s bad reviewing to mention the lack of spells or counter-attacks.

I’m actually of two minds about this game. On one hand I like Zyx (generally) and adore fantasy themes, on the other I don’t particularly care for yuri. I’ll probably end up getting them to support the industry, but still something to think about.

There is less yuri than you think.

I won’t spoil the precise relationship that evolves with some of the bosses through the three games (to the extent that I know it), but I’ll say that as far as I know you never actually have to fight them in games after the first (in the third it seems that they become your party members, in fact).

This is certainly true. I would describe the game as “containing yuri themes” (the same way that it contains “bondage themes”), but not as “yuri game” by a long shot.

Saw the press release on Good publicity Peter, reaching out to the masses. Is this the first time JAST and G-Collections has sent press releases to adult industry news media?

Nice article, but did I read that right? The sequel is nearly complete?
Does that mean we’ll be seeing it sooner than I thought?