Lightning Warrior Raidy (TIPS AND SPOILERS HERE)

Oh come on a lil common sense would show that Magenta would be the “red” option with Cyan being available as well =P Hence their clues xD Albeit not really a complex one but a clue isn’t necessarily something that should spit out the answer =3

@Doug: Yeah i got it after seeing Ignosco’s hint xD Now i’m gonna go run through the j version of Raidy 2 again to stave off going nuts waiting fer the Eng version xD

As for your tips yeah no.1 is definitely the most important a good guide to know whether your ready or not for the next stage is the boss fight. If you used too much of the the Thunderslash/or missed a lot/or boss was severely out damaging you by 2 to 1 w/o using spells… then chances are your definitely NOT ready for the next lvl…

Also learn to harvest pots… don’t be afraid to go back down a stage to gather pots before moving forward. Technically the only major time you will need pots is on the later floors when the monsteers start spamming spells. Even then only 1-3 pots use depending on your pot types should be enough to recover if your the proper level.

@Shingo: Yeah btw out of curiosity why was the Dullahan name changed to Medusa? =3 Was it a cultural reference thing? or standard not enough space per character issue? ^^

… to tell you the truth, I have absolutely no idea why this is.

It was a choice made by our translator that I missed during QC, I’m not sure why he made the choice (or why I missed it). ??? durahan doesn’t look much like Medusa to me. ^^;;

We’ll make sure to double and triple-check the monster names for Raidy II.

@Shingo: Hahahah xD Fair enough ^^ Nothing too lethal I say! It was just a small lil mistranslation that got me curious coz Medusa just didn’t seem to match the monster to begin with xD And after seeing the original Jap name got me thinking :smiley:

That’s where the statue was (5th floor).

All done. Darn. Now what am I going to do.

Another nice game, guys. Thanks.

Stupid Microsoft Orcs.

It’s an optional scene on the 2nd floor (in a hidden room).

I enjoyed playing Raidy. I think it’s best seen as a retro-RPG, with updated graphics - if viewed as an original RPG from 2005, it wouldn’t come off very well with the uniform wall textures, treasure chests that can’t be seen on the dungeon floor, simple combat model etc. But as it stands, LWR has a strong retro feel, and it was good fun to sit down with some graph paper and map out the floors as I went through them. (Also, thanks for the walkthrough Shingo - I just wanted to check if there was a 6th floor item I’d missed, but I guess it’s just an empty space like the 5th armour and weapon slots).

The G-Collections game that has the most in common with LWR, is Pretty Soldier Wars. Both have many of the same weaknesses, although a lot of these probably stem from them being remakes of earlier games, including relatively simple gameplay elements, lack of a detailed plot and character development, and short ero-scenes. I would suggest Raidy is the better game, as it is more ‘unified’ - with the overall plot, gameplay and characters designed to provide lots of naked monster girls etc. On the other hand, PSW is about 90% combat, a bit of plot, and some exceptionally short ero-scenes with minimal variety, to the point where it could have easily been an all-ages game. I would recommend Raidy over PSW, (unless you’re mainly interested in the better developed and more challenging gameplay in the latter).

It looks Raidy 2 will be a big improvement over the original so I’m looking forward to that :).

I have an Problem with the Boss on the 4th Stage. I don’t know how to beat her. i checked the whole map etc but always when i get into Boss Room there is always Game Over without fight (Raidy start the Lightning Attack and Boss blocks it). Try it over 15 Times now :frowning:

At least its a nice Game :smiley:

Without giving too much away, the item you need is actually found on the third floor.

Just a little nudge in the right direction should do it, I think.

the Golden Cross? i still look at every Square dindt find anything else

The answer is at the beginning of this thread. (3rd post)

Oh sry, read the whole Thread but overread it xD

I’ve been creating the perfect map for the game. So far I’ve done the first two levels.

I read the minimum level suggested to beat the boss. I’m trying do be as low level as possible when I get through each level.
I beat the L1 boss at 5th level, but couldn’t touch a L2 monster until I reached 6th level and then it was tough. At 7th level I was able to comfortably beat every monster on L2. It was a tough fight, but I beat the Sorceress at 8th level. Unfortunately, now I’m way too low level to survive fighting the monsters on L3.

So now I have to kill time until I get high enough level to face those monsters. :frowning:

It took me until 12th level to be a good match for the level 3 monsters and to beat Tiss. Mucho wandering around level 2. :frowning:

On Level 4, it took me until 15th level to be able to stand up to the monsters there. (I’m in level 4 now and have an excellent map of the three lower levels).

Very much, thank you! I thought I had checked all that area for secret doors, but I obviously missed it. This tip really helped me out!

You know, it’s a stuff like that that made me just systematically go through the color codes. Well, that and I loved seeing Death and Dragon’s defeated pictures. Those two made every extra fight worth it!

BTW— I’m missing the CG Picture(s) on Page 2, Top Row, Column 4 (exact middle). I am also missing the Scene Row 3 Column 4 (exact middle). Any and all help appreciated! Thanks!

Lose to the final boss.

Well here is a systematic method to beat the game (that i used anyway. painfully tedious at times for a game this short IMO)

For the first part, the most difficult thing about the game is the fact that you are already in immediate danger in the beginning of the game. In fact, save the minute you get into the dungeon. Now the reason is simple, if you run into a weretiger, you are almost always dead. Now what you SHOULD be paying attention to is the wererats. Yes, kill them first. They are weak and are the best enemy to kill. You can also fight werebats too since for the most part, both suck but the werebat drains your MP… not that you actually need it here anyway. after you reach level 3, the weretigers should not be much of a threat anymore and you can deal with them at your leisure. I reccommend going to the boss at level 5. That way, you can easily take her down with a few well placed fried chicken blasts. When you reach level 6 or 7 here, (do not try to level here any later, it is painstakingly time consuming) head to the next floor. Now here, you really don’t have to care much for potions since for the most part, you should already be surviving with more than 1/2 HP and the level up should already cover the HP you lost from the battles before.

Now the second floor, you should have already noticed the level up in the power of the enemies. But once you have leveled up and gotten the armor, forget the stupid minotaurs because they don’t really do much to you anymore. Instead, pay attention to the Chimeras because THEY do the real damage. MMhmmm… Thats right. Recover (WTH were they thinking?) does a standard amount of damage and at higher levels, the minotaurs may not pose a threat but THESE STILL DO. But getting potions should still be easy and they should only be used to heal after you took a few blasts from these guys. But remember to stock up on potions because the next two levels will be a living hell. Anyway though, The boss is nothing to be screaming about here either. Really you should only be worrying about Spell and even that doesn’t hurt a lot. You should be killing her faster than before anyway. But MAKE SURE TO BE ABOVE LEVEL 13 BEFORE YOU LEAVE!

Now the third floor, by now I should note that you have a minimum HP requirement of 120-150 after every battle. Why? Because the Lamia AND the Cerberus have set damage attacks so if you fight either of them, you are in for a hurt. Also, they also stationed one of the worst weapons in the game on this stage. That’s right, the bastard sword. If you are not above level 15, you will be missing with the sword almost 90% of the time. If you found the sword, don’t use it unless you are confident that you either have enough potions to survive any onslaught, or are high enough level to use the sword effectively. If not, why the heck are you still carrying it around? Important though, the boss here is moderately strong but again no great shakes. Just folow the same old routine and you should win.

The fourth floor is … not as dangerous… but still is dangerous enough. Keep your HP above 200 in here at all times. The enemy you need to watch out for at first is the Salamander. By default, she is the only enemy with a set damage attack and thus makes her the strongest. But until you get the plate mail, the Sylph is also an unholy devil too. That’s because not only does she do decent damage, she has a tendency to dodge everything you throw at her, especially with a bastard sword. (yes, now do you see why i hate it so much?). The safest foe is the Undine since she, being the middleman, has neither of their benefits and as such is an easy kill. Just to note though, that is before you get the plate mail. After you do, the Sylph is your best friend. And again, if you meet a salamander, you are actually better off running. The boss here however is genuinely hard so either you fight to the fullest or level up until you can’t anymore. With 400 HP, i suggest that you you be at least level 20 because her spell attack HURTS!

The fifth floor, ah… yet another unholy devil… but you should be glad that this is the third easiest stage in the game. ^^ Now why I say this is because once you have gotten the mithril sword, this floor becomes nothing but another potion harvesting ground. Of course that is before, because for the majority of the stage, you actually have to FIND the sword first and its right near the boss. -- But anyway, the Amazon and the Grappler are your standard enemies that you can take down. But the Medusa (Dude, its Dullahan to you who know WTH it is) is friggin dangerous at this point because you really are in for a fight with them without thunder slash and they DRAIN YOUR MP! So importantly, make a mad fight for the mithril sword because this stage is hard without it. But the good thing is, no set damage attacks so you at least know what is coming to you. And laughably, you get poisoned on this stage but in this game, everyone spits on poison as the damn poison healing stuff are thrown around like hot cakes and NOBODY USES THEM anyway. Now Errant, now the best way to describe this fight is a battle of attrition. You give her a initial volley of hot fries to go and then throw just about everything you got at her. Really, the only way you can actually lose is if you just don’t use potions. Heck, this battle could be won at the same level you came in. But the next part, MAKE SURE YOU ARE ABOVE LEVEL 25!!! NO SUBSTITUTES!!!

Now the problem is the last floor. Right off the bat, they shove 3 supercharged people in your face. Keep your HP at around 240 before every battle. This is especially important in order to survive at least 2 blasts of spell while still leaving room to attack. The dragon may LOOK weak but the recover attacks really are just there to piss you off. Also, the sphinx are very dangerous so if you fight one, be prepared to spend a lot of potions. The only safe opponent is death because she really doesn’t hurt all that much and by now you should already know Glare does damage to MP that you really should not need anyway. In fact, unless you are like level 30+, just run. It isn’t worth the effort even with the Mithril armor. Here though, hog your Heavy heal potions and med MP restores. if you are at least level 25 and have like 30 of each AT LEAST, then you can win against the final boss. Now the final boss though, now HE is strong. Hard though? Not likely. I fought him at level 27 and it really wasn’t much of a fight. He tends to deal damage around 60 each turn but he actually rarely ever misses and he criticals too. Now make sure you are completely healed but do not spend the Heavy HP potions or the med MP potions. You’ll need them. instead, use up whatever else you have so that you have stuff to use. Now against Cubust, it really is just a matter of survival. Keep your HP above 180 (very important actually) and fry him with Thunder Blade. Now it is actually reccommended that you keep using thunder blade on him but I reccommend that you use hits that have a stocked MP of about 300. Say you have a base MP of 450. one blast should already sap 225 leaving the other 225. Use another pot to boost it up to 305 and then throw another at him again. The first hit should value at about 130 while the next hit should be at a little less than 75. This totals about 200 damage. Now use 2 Mp pots so that you can pull that 113 up to a 273. the next blast should do about 80 damage. keep healing and repeating the system because you can’t really afford to normal attack unless you are like level 30+.

I have, and I still haven’t got those. So what’s the special thing I’m missing?

By losing to the final boss, I was able to get the “lose to dark elf” and “lose to knight” CGs. But not those last, missing CGs. So there is something I need to do or not do.

You have to have lost to all of the previous bosses at least once before. Until you do that, the final ending will always be Cubust. You need to have lost to everyone else to get the torture ending.

Machdude, thanks 10 tons, dude! Awesome!

Are you sure you lose?