Little My Maid Demo available now!

Just a heads-up to everyone that the LMM playable demo is posted on my website for anyone who wants to sample this awesome game…I’ve played the demo and I am positively drooling now for this game to be ready

I have bought some extra bandwidth so hopefully my site can handle it, but if you get a ‘bandwidth exceeded message’ just try again tomorrow…you might also want to consider a small tiny donation of a buck or two to help me with the cost…not necessary, not required, just a suggestion

man, you don’t need to pay extra for bandwidth; that’s a bit too generous of you

everybody start worshipping her (if not donating goats and lemons and money)

I downloaded the demo and it plays fine on Windows XP. Save and load also work correctly. It looks like a great game. I did notice a few errors in the opening dialog. [This isn’t a criticism of anyone’s effort. It’s just that I used to do a lot of editing in a former job. ]

I’m just a prep-student, a student whose finished high school and is ready to go onto to college.
Even my girlfriend who encouraged me to keep up my studied, hasn’t called in several months.
I thought I was […] along with her, but I slipped and fell to a level below her.
This is a suitable place for a person like me, whose lost all sense of direction.

Yes, there are a lot of errors in this text. Hopefully it hadn’t gone through full proofreading because it’s just a demo… or all of us who offered (and begged) to be allowed to work on these projects will be pretty sulky.

If you get overwhelmed by bandwidth requests, I can try hosting a copy on the service I use for distributing my own game demos - let me know. (Depends on how much, but I can certainly give a few gig of transfer without trouble.)

[This message has been edited by papillon (edited 05-26-2004).]

I don’t mean to be offensive, but it seems to me that Peach Princess could use a grammar and spelling guru to check the English.

…Me? I have been thinking a lot about translating games in general and being the person correcting typos, but then the story will be spoiled for me.

I just played the demo, and it was great! Thank you, Peach Princess! And thank you, LadyPhoenix, for providing the demo.

I already feel sorry for Ohji (the main character)…

I played the demo it is awesome, thanks for having it on your site ladyphoenix and thank you Peach Princess for having a demo.

Yeah there are a few times spelling and tense seem off, tihs instead of this, or has going instead of is going, and something that might not be a mistake but sounds odd The dinner was very gorgeous instead of perhaps The dinner looked delicious or The dinner was delicious. Minor things like that, but nothing huge that takes away from the enjoyment of the demo.

Yeah now I am even more excited about this game, I love how the characters lips move in this demo, awesome.

Thanks again Peach Princess and thank you too ladyphoenix for having it on your site.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-26-2004).]

Meh I’ll just wait for the release. I already know I’m gonna have to get it anyway to keep my streak going Hopefully the grammar errors you guys were reporting will be fixed when the game goes gold.

But it’s sweet of you Ladypheonix to host the demo

nah we will just make it “better” and incorporate more engrish in the final version…

Or if you really want to cut corners then you could just run all the text files through babble fish. Nobody would know.

Ladyp, Thanks for hosting the demo, really appreciate it!

Thankee, Ladyphoenix. I will make sure to play the demo today - yesterday I cracked La Pucelle ^______^

::goes to work::

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Or if you really want to cut corners then you could just run all the text files through babble fish. Nobody would know.

I actually thought with some of the lines like The dinner was very gorgeous (and other similar ones) it had gone through something clsoe to Babble Fish. Though the rest of it made a lot more sense then anything Babble Fish has ever turned out.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-27-2004).]

: :plays demo::



Thhou, when doeth thith gaaahme chum ooout?

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 05-27-2004).]

Okay, now I played the demo. Very nice. I already had LMM preordered but I still wanted to check it out. The mouth movement isn’t on par with Tokimeki Memorial 3, but then again, Will Japan has only a small fraction of the money that Konami has to play with. They maids are cute! I want the keychains! I think that during the first almost rape scene, the guy’s dick that Mari has in her hand looks like some mysterious purple log of some sort. You should have left the mosaic on for that one!

we said there are facial movements, but we never said lipsync…

It’s the first time I have actually seen the lips move so even off sync I am impressed, doesn’t take much does it? Anyway, it seems like a game that will be very enjoyable and worth the the wait.

Haven’t been able to download it yet Oh, well, even if I don’t suceed in doing it this weekend, there’s only one week left until the summer break…

LMM demo is available… Anyway, I played japanese LMM and overall it was great game. I can’t wait the US LMM.

My presence here is exceptional, but…
I talked to Lamuness about it some time ago, so…
The LMM playable demo is mirrored on my site. I have unlimited bandwidth, so feel free to download it as you want to.
OTOH, I don’t have a front homepage, so, ladyphoenix-sama, feel free to add the link as a mirror on your site.

“What is love if not painful and tragic? It’s just boring.”
- Elaine Barlow -

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 05-29-2004).]