
oh darn i was called ignorant! i better defend my honor and make an overdramatic post now!

It’s not a matter of whether or not you agree, because your opinion isn’t the issue. You’ve never been an underage girl, you may or may not actually know any underage girls, and you certainly haven’t studied the psychological well-being of underage girls. What you think has no relationship to what actual girls feel.

What you think may be perfectly reasonable, but part of the whole point here is that kids generally aren’t perfectly reasonable. Kid brains are strange things! I remember developing deep fears of black-and-white movies and of a certain TV show involving flying beach ball aliens - which sounds totally innocuous but was somehow, to me as a small girl, incredibly disturbing. Logic can’t necessarily be applied, because kids just aren’t logical, reasoning beings.

Is it possible for an underage person to truly desire sex? Yes. Does that mean underage people should be allowed to ‘give consent’? No, not really. Kids are trained by society to do what adults tell them, even if they don’t want to, even if it hurts. Parents, teachers, doctors, dentists - lots of people are able to tell a child “Do this, because it’s good for you.” Or even “Do this, because it will make me happy.” Kids have a hard time making decisions because in most of their lives, they’re not allowed to. Children may not even be allowed to decide what to wear and what to eat. They’re shuffled around by adults who “know better”. That’s part of what the teenage years are about - rebelling, sometimes just for the sake of rebellion, and learning to make your own choices. Learning that your parents aren’t always right, and learning that actions have consequences. Screwing up a few times, sometimes painfully, and deciding what’s best for yourself.

Which is why the legal system is supposed to treat juveniles differently from adults. They haven’t quite ‘got it’ yet. They’re still working on making the connections in their brain… learning to plan ahead, learning to make risk assessments, learning to judge whether one thing is better than another, learning whether a moment’s pleasure is worth the trouble that may come with it. They HAVE to screw up a few times in order to learn that there are negative sides to bad decisions.

A kid can see an adult drinking alcohol and comprehend that this is a drink that makes the adult happy. A kid may not see all the potential problems that can come from misuse of alcohol. A teenager may not either, but when the teenager steals a case of beer, drinks it all, and gets very sick, they can start to figure it out. :slight_smile:

I was pretty sure you were just joking about the abortion viewpoint before. Looks like I was wrong. I never took your words out of context.

Your words, not mine. The way you wrote the above statement, it reads as if abortion and protection are tools to utilize for underage girls, so it’s okay to have sexual relationships with them.

This is highly flawed logic. By your same logic, it’s okay to rape people because they can terminate any resulting pregnancy.

Holy jumping weasel critters on a hot cross bun, you both are taking this way too far. I’ve already said I have no problem with lolis. I also have no problem with abortion. I mean, I’m a liberal for crying out loud, and you’re treating me like I said I want to ban abortions or something.

My ONLY point was that abortion is not a valid reason to justify any sexual behavior. That’s all. Now, can we please for the love of frood just drop it and GET BACK ON TOPIC? Maybe?

indeed . It is supposed to be about a book :neutral:

Let’s keep it civil my dear online friends. Too many threads around here have been “locked” due to nasty exchanges. :frowning:

Narg will bring the love back with loli twincest. :mrgreen:

Ah… now isn’t that better? 8)

Your argument can be used to support the idea that an eight year old ought to be allowed to join the army, or sign binding contracts, or vote. Unless you agree that these things are also a good idea, your position needs to be reevaluated.

In general, the rules are set the way they are, because there is no other way they could be arranged. What age-of-consent is intended to prevent is people who are not emotionally mature from being cruelly manipulated and abused by people who are. It’s not intended to prevent a precocious 10 year old from falling in love, assuming someone can be mature enough at that age to be described that way.

Unfortunately, the only way to implement maturity-checks in law would be to issue sex licenses, the same way drivers’ licenses are issued. This is not ever going to fly anywhere in the entire world; the very idea is terrifying and repellent. So the laws instead are fixed on age, with escape hatches to cover for instance a 15 and 17 yr old in a relationship.

This age limit is totally arbitrary, and indeed varies, so you can feel free to argue that it’s too high or too low. But it serves a VERY useful purpose. The world is full of people who will take anything they can get away with, filthy reprehensible liars who care only for themselves. Children are by and large incapable of defending themselves against such people.

Oh, and furthermore – A minor is a minor. A great many things cannot be consented to by a minor, for EXACTLY the same reasons that sexual activity is restricted. So in order for the minor to ‘consent’, he/she would need parental consent. Even if the age-of-consent rules were to be relaxed, they would be relaxed only to the point where parental consent would be required. Good luck getting it :slight_smile:

As for the side debate … A great many people on this board seem to be under the impression that if something is illegal, it MUST THEREFORE be immoral. You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous, is never get involved in a land war in Asia – :wink:

Seriously. The entire premise of this discussion is whether or not something OUGHT TO BE illegal. Arguing “this is illegal, therefore it must be unethical, which means it should be illegal” makes no sense whatsoever. Law is created from nothing, by a bunch of people who sit in a room, have committees, and take votes, based on what they think morality ought to be. Since the law is written by men and administered by men, it will inevitably be wrong at times.

In this particular case, the assertion was that the laws barring sexual contact with minors are unjustified. Arguing that this or that is illegal, is entirely irrelevant.

So there was this thread right, and Narg posted loli twincest in it so people would be happy… but for some reason, people kept ignoring that.

Narg was really puzzled… :expressionless:

Don’t worry Narg, I love your loli’s and your twins and your loli twincest. I would never ignore it.

Hah 8) , loli twincest is cute, but you need Raw Power to put a brake on flamewars :lol: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Got any loli twincest titles that don’t have a penis getting in the way? :slight_smile:

(I’m always disappointed when someone posts a loli title and I discover there are icky boys in it. For some reason I find loli-yuri really darned cute, even though I’m not at all into loli if there are penises involved.)

because penis’s are icky and masculine. while lolis have cuteness and innocence :stuck_out_tongue: although within the past year my loli fetish has faded little by little. wonder if i’m dying

Nope, those icky penises are ubiquitous.
I do not know how many girls share your cute fetish, but probably self-production would be the fastest solution to see the h-game of your dreams :wink: .

You’re dying of Loli withdrawal, start pestering Payne-sama for a dose :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .

man i spent the weekend trying to fix an used laptop and what do i see? thank god narg managed to salvage the thread from being locked :stuck_out_tongue:

anyhow, i dont want to beat dead horses but as a mod i will have to. just like jack of tears said, shingo as well as myself have been very concerned about the recent repeating hostile, immature and unnecessary childish fights and name calling that is happening lately on the bbs. i know people here dont really read the rules or just ignore them so i am going to say it here again.

since we sell games that are for 18+ mature adults only, this BBS is intended for such audiences as well. as such, we expect that all participants will act and behave maturely and responsibly like an adult. at the same time, we do not welcome any childish or rude behavior as mentioned above.

also, a bbs participant’s seniority (ie, the number of posts made) does not give them any special privileges. a recently joined member’s opinion, as long as its made in a responsible and mature and prudent manner, will always be respected. at the same time, a longtime member will not be immune from being banned if they keep on being rude to other members. basically i will treat everybody the same, regardless of posts made. if they break the rules, especially for really unnecessary acts such as name calling, we will warn them and will eventually ban them. case in point - benoit. he has been around pretty much ever since peapri has started, but ultimately we still banned him for repeated hostile behavior towards other members.

MrBiggens, shingo has already given you a couple of warnings (including a final one before a ban, which was given on march31 2008) in the past for hostile and immature personal attacks, and you have again repeated your actions on 2 threads pretty much at the same time. therefore, your account is now banned repeating and unnecessary hostile behavior towards other members. in the meantime i urge you to think about your recent behavior because only until such behavior is improved will you be welcomed back by the bbs community. if you want any clarification on this matter please feel free to contact us at

and now back to your regular lolita program.

you could have spiced your post up a bit with a loli pic :slight_smile:

Hum… I need a Yuri game now:)

I’m sorry, I was still trying to find coherent words after viewing the previous images. I suggest you post more to snap me out of a catatonic state.

i find it impressive but they are a little old for me do you have any younger pics -that AREN’T toddlercon?

now now now. please go back to the original topic discussion or i will close this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

So yeah, it was a quite a good book to read. Had some humor and suspense etc. Kept me reading.

Hah! This has gone so far off topic that when I read that I thought, “What the hell is this guy talking about?”

Is the protagonist as much of a chump in the book as he is in the movie?

And, you know, I couldn’t feel sorry for his wife - you should never read someone’s diary unless you want to find out the worst, then you have no one to blame but yourself.