
Which movie? I’ve seen two different Lolita films, both of which were interesting in their own ways, neither of which was really true to the book - at least, to what I got out of the book.

The most recent movie played up the romantic angle a little too much - iirc, we didn’t see that he’d had an ongoing thing for little girls between the problem of his youth and meeting Lo. And that while he’d had that interest, he hadn’t really done anything wrong to that point, either. Although he may have been lying, can’t trust the narrator… :slight_smile:

I had no idea what the plot was when I read the book - I’d heard the term “Lolita” mostly in reference to Amy Fisher, and therefore had a very different idea of what the story was going to be about. It does a good job of drawing you in and allowing you to feel a qualified sympathy for the narrator… up to the point where it all goes horribly ‘wrong’.

For another interesting story involving age and power disparity in relationships, watch the movie Notes On A Scandal. It’s probably a little female-focused for some of you, but if you can avoid having kneejerk reactions to certain behaviors, it’s deeper than what most people see. Compare each relationship - how much power does each have over the other, and why? Who’s exploiting whom?

Wow, suddenly this became one of my college courses - unfortunately, I’ve got enough homework as it is, thanks. :wink:

I was not aware there were two lolita films, I may have to dig the other up one of these days … or not … I have a list of movies as long as my arm waiting to be seen and two netflix films which have been sitting in my front room for a month. My interest in pretty much any media waxes and wanes fairly regularly.

Now if they made it into an h-game … kidding … well, sort of. :smiley: