Lost in the world of Hentai

yoyo LTNS ppl, oki im a lil upset that sum of my fav games aint in english (check out the gals in studio E.GO!‘s games) is PP gonna do other games besides will’s??? or do we have to fansub em??

me would pay nethin to see ego’s or nekoneko’ an a few other companies games in english

yup me been busy and have 40 odd cd h-games (i wonder why the crap games r in english but the good 1’s aint)

pai pai

p.s How ya all doin now a days?

Everything I say here is of personal opinion and not that of peapri’s

I was told that peapri tried to reach out to other companies but many refused. Some have no interest because the english market to them appears to be ugh what’s the correct term…“polluted” with the word “hentai”. Some companies, while they do have some interest, have no power to do it at all because they simply do have the financial resources to invest in the english market. Keep in mind that the Japanese economy has been crappy for past decade. If it was a few years ago it might be better and some companies may actually invest in the english market.

As for studio ego games…well I won’t criticize the games this time (happy, SB? :P), but what I would like to say is that the more popular the company is the less likely they will port their stuff in english, and this is from the perspective of the famous artists. They will have to have their stuff uncensored…and how do you think the original japanese fans will react when their favorite artists uncensor their stuff for outside market but not the Japanese version? ya ya we all know about the censorship law but think from the artist’s perspective, dignity and reputation…

As others have discovered already, fansubbing games and anime are two entirly different things and most (about 99%, it seems) gtive it up after a while. Bt I do know of a group of people who’re trying to transalte Studio E-Go’s Men At Work 2, but it remains to see if they are successful or not.

And as for other games by PP… What Lamuness said is true, but there is the fact that G-collections hasappeared, which means
that there is a ray of hope of seeing more games besides those of PP’s.

Hmm, did yu forget to mention Hobibox Europe? They’ve got a new parent company, or so it seems, and according to what they say on their front page, it is a quite famous company too.

Must…restrain…urge…to post large demand for Kanon. Urge to post large rant rising…

To be honest…yes, Hobibox Europe may have gotten support from Age, but they work way too slow to get any of their titles out…I wonder if it has to do with how Italians work (sorry for any discrimination but Italians are known for taking their time with everything)…so honestly I am not putting too much hopes up for Hobibox Europe…and plus I don’t like them too much anyways…

not to diss peapri or anyone else, but g-collections seems to pump em out at an impressive rate, however that might have something to do with the fact that they translate… test… release… then after its released, make a mosiac patch…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
As for studio ego games....well I won't criticize the games this time (happy, SB? :P), but what I would like to say is that the more popular the company is the less likely they will port their stuff in english, and this is from the perspective of the famous artists. They will have to have their stuff uncensored...and how do you think the original japanese fans will react when their favorite artists uncensor their stuff for outside market but not the Japanese version? ya ya we all know about the censorship law but think from the artist's perspective, dignity and reputation...

I wondering if all the U.S. companies involved with bishoujo games are interested in the process of uncensoring the artists work. Also, was the release of the censored Critical Point game a test for the market and PP?

I think my main question would be, how many people are intereset in censored bishoujo games?

These are the types of questions flowing through my mind. Personally, the mosaics don't matter to me. I just want more bishoujo games with english text.

Yep, the release of the mosaiced version of Critical Point was something of a test. There is games made by Will that it might not be possible to “uncensor”, because that the original CG’s to the game are lost. Thus, PP wanted to see how mucg success a mosaiced game might have. According to my Dokusen poll, most people could buy a mosaiced game if there was no alternative, but they wouldn’t necressiary be happy about it. But like you, most people consider it most important that the game is in english, not if it is mosaiced or not…

Me, I don’t care much about the mosaics, the most important is the story.

I can prolly see why the jap. companies dont translate there games reason is most of them are “sit an ur ass clickin the mouse readin text” style with no interaction with the chars or story lines

the more intresting games follow the style of some of the games below

all are either rpg or slg which envolves interaction to the story an chars an based on what u do desides the outcome of the next event in the game. Even tho they in japanese i still get fun out of the game (voice kinda helps in makein it fun)

as a few ppl said the mosaics are not all the important to worry about,

I recon that PP should take up G-C’s idea an get games out then a patch 4 the cg

me would also like to see a few more RPGs /SLGs done cuz me gettin bored of the usual stuff

btw ne know what type LMM is is it adv/rpg or adv/slg? or


LMM is an ADV/SIM(or SGL).

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I wondering if all the U.S. companies involved with bishoujo games are interested in the process of uncensoring the artists work. Also, was the release of the censored Critical Point game a test for the market and PP?

I think my main question would be, how many people are intereset in censored bishoujo games?

These are the types of questions flowing through my mind. Personally, the mosaics don't matter to me. I just want more bishoujo games with english text.

The Japanese companies do all the uncensored work; peapri doesn't take part in this process at all

yes, CP limited edition was like a test, which kinda proved to be not so successful (as I predicted)...like, who would buy the censored version when there is an uncensored version out there?

Yes, many here may be able to live with mosaics since we are used to the games, but the poor reality is, the majority of the people here in general don't like stuff censored and that's a fact...maybe because people here have been used to living in a "free" country and assumes everything is such...

and please, don't make me start bitching at studio ego games again...

Originally posted by Lamuness:
The Japanese companies do all the uncensored work; peapri doesn't take part in this process at all

I thought PP did...hmm why bother uncensorin em???

yes, CP limited edition was like a test, which kinda proved to be not so successful (as I predicted)...like, who would buy the censored version when there is an uncensored version out there?

It would have done better if you did not mension the uncensored version try a few other games w/o sayin ur doin a uncensored ver an see how it goes

Yes, many here may be able to live with mosaics since we are used to the games, but the poor reality is, the majority of the people here in general don't like stuff censored and that's a fact...maybe because people here have been used to living in a "free" country and assumes everything is such...

I recon they should wake up an smell the roses since when was there a "free" country, still if they know that there is one type is out an see a better quality item of the same type is natural to go 4 the better item is it not?? cant really complain how other ppl live there lives even if there high up in the clouds.

how bout doin a few games with ONLY the translation an nuttin else hmmm it might work the japanese flog 100k titles in a day so what diff does it make? if censored or not? it save time and money

and please, don't make me start bitching at studio ego games again...

huh? what u mean "bitch" at e.go games they that bad???? if ne1 complains about there censorin tell em to shove it there is nuttin u can do about how other companies/countries laws work unless ur gonna drop a few nukes on them

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
LMM is an ADV/SIM(or SGL).

>D 1337 i'll be playin that 4 months like i was with Wind Of Ebenbourg an My Fair Angel

......HOLY BALLS i typed all that?? wow


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
I thought PP did...hmm why bother uncensorin em???

Becuase tha tthe fans/customer sof Peach Princess wants them "uncensored". You know, there's this old saying "The customer is god", and I'd bet that it was created out of the principe that if you don't do as the customers wish, you lose them and their cash and won't be able to do very well as a company. If PP started to release only games with mosaics, they might lose a third of their customers. It's as simmple as that. But the real test of whenever mosaics would work very well here or or not has yet to come, or so I think; CP offered an unmosaiced version as an alternative, and most took that alternative, but what if there was a VERY good game and no alternative? Most people can stand the mosaics, but does in general not like them.

Like many people here I do not really care about mosaics. I played Kango with mosaics and it was fine (I got the patch after).

If keeping the mosaics would get us more games I would agree immediatly.

Maybe there could be a poll or something about this.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Becuase tha tthe fans/customer sof Peach Princess wants them "uncensored". You know, there's this old saying "The customer is god", and I'd bet that it was created out of the principe that if you don't do as the customers wish, you lose them and their cash and won't be able to do very well as a company. If PP started to release only games with mosaics, they might lose a third of their customers. It's as simmple as that. But the real test of whenever mosaics would work very well here or or not has yet to come, or so I think; CP offered an unmosaiced version as an alternative, and most took that alternative, but what if there was a VERY good game and no alternative? Most people can stand the mosaics, but does in general not like them.

i agree with the statement "The customer is god" well here u have customers and possible customers an we are requesting/suggesting what could make the company even better than it is now there is a demand 4 better titles, and if that means leavin the mosaics in the games then so be it IMHO i think the ppl that want the mosaics removed are greedy they are lucky to even get the titles in english dont u agree? maybe when the industry is a lot bigger should u consentrate on the removeal of the mosaics ATM iv only seen two companies doing english trans of games thats PP an G-Collections and nither company is floggin games at a desent pace, by the time the english game is out its already old an out of date by 3-6months which is a shame take for example LMM that was floatin round in '99-'00 its now '02 the eng ver still aint out.

i think i know why the industry is so slow at picking up with the few companies about there dragging there feet at gettin titles out it may pick up quicker if the titles were translated -> tested -> on the shelf if it sells make a downloadable patch and stay consentrated on the newest titles

it kinda falls on the same line as selling pc systems if u have 6-12month old equipement its hard to sell it same with games if its 1 or more yrs old u it will become hard to sell unless its a VERY good/popular title


Originally posted by Stephan:
Maybe there could be a poll or something about this.

Hmm, you are a "young" member here, right? Then let me tell you this story about the Dokusen poll... About 6 months ago, there was a lot of talk about Dokusen, a game made by Will/Ruf, that is a SIM, has a good story, good characters, multi-perspective and about 16 endings, and takes about 8 hours to play through (accoring to our souce at that time anyway, but Uincorn could confirm it). Kumiko, who was webmaster at that time, said that PP had bene thinking of releasing this game in the future, but there is/was doubts about it; The original game CG's had been lost, so there would be impossible to "uncensor" the game, which, as Kumiko said, could scare away some customers. So, I made a poll for Dokusen and tried to attract so many people I could there. The poll asked people in various form whenever or not they'd be OKAY with the mosaics or not. Around 300 people voted, and of those, about 80% voted that the game would be OKAY and that they'd buy it even if the mosaics had to remain.

Of couse, you can't really judge the market nor the mayority of the people who're customers of PP by just that.

Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
i agree with the statement "The customer is god" well here u have customers and possible customers an we are requesting/suggesting what could make the company even better than it is now there is a demand 4 better titles, and if that means leavin the mosaics in the games then so be it IMHO i think the ppl that want the mosaics removed are greedy they are lucky to even get the titles in english dont u agree? maybe when the industry is a lot bigger should u consentrate on the removeal of the mosaics ATM iv only seen two companies doing english trans of games thats PP an G-Collections and nither company is floggin games at a desent pace, by the time the english game is out its already old an out of date by 3-6months which is a shame take for example LMM that was floatin round in '99-'00 its now '02 the eng ver still aint out.

i think i know why the industry is so slow at picking up with the few companies about there dragging there feet at gettin titles out it may pick up quicker if the titles were translated -> tested -> on the shelf if it sells make a downloadable patch and stay consentrated on the newest titles

it kinda falls on the same line as selling pc systems if u have 6-12month old equipement its hard to sell it same with games if its 1 or more yrs old u it will become hard to sell unless its a VERY good/popular title


Hmm, as for "getting out the titles faster", in the case of G-collections... PP stared working on Snow Drop, X-change and perhaps some other titles too a year before they announced themselves as a company, so who knows for how long G-colletions may have worked on their games? Besides, G-collections is located in Japan and have more contacts among the bishoujo game companies, so they may be able to get their material quicker, as someone else here alredy pointed out.

The people who wants the mosics removed may be greedy, right, but you also have to understand them; I know of no other country where mosaics are used the wat they are in Japan, so I'm hardly surpised by the fact that people feels that they shouldn't be there. While we're trying to "educate" them on this matter of mosiacing, most people still won't like the mosaics, and thus, PP has to remove them to keep their customers...
And besides, most of the customers don't know anything about then difficulties that PP encouners when the "mosaicing business" is done; they simply think you have to remove the mosaic "just like that" but unfortunately, that is rarely the case.

Well, even if they did decide to make patchs like G-collections, I don't think that'd make the work go any faster or save money/resources in any way anywat, since you'd still have to work on the "unmosaiced" pictures, and then the work on creating a patch... Nah, too much bother, or so I think.

Well, technically, ALL games that Peach Princess release is old... By Japanese standards, that's it. LMM was released somewhere around 1998-2002, and the same is true for all, or almost all of PP's games, Just like most newer anime series are about 1 year old when they reach the US, so is the case of the bishoujo games that Crowd/Will releases. Lamuness or Kumiko said before that it because that most companies wouldn't sell the right to a game that is "new" in Japan for some reason; don't ask me why, I don't know the full reasons for it... Still I'd say that if PP continues like this for some years, releasing about 3-4 titles every year, we might catch up...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, as for "getting out the titles faster", in the case of G-collections... PP stared working on Snow Drop, X-change and perhaps some other titles too a year before they announced themselves as a company, so who knows for how long G-colletions may have worked on their games? Besides, G-collections is located in Japan and have more contacts among the bishoujo game companies, so they may be able to get their material quicker, as someone else here alredy pointed out.

It doesn't really mattter where ur located it depends on how many ppl u contact and how often if u keep at the sam ppl ie contact them twice a month an talk it out each time you will get results good or bad i was once told this "if u want something to happen get on the dog & bone and make it happen otherwise nothing will"

The people who wants the mosics removed may be greedy, right, but you also have to understand them; I know of no other country where mosaics are used the wat they are in Japan, so I'm hardly surpised by the fact that people feels that they shouldn't be there. While we're trying to "educate" them on this matter of mosiacing, most people still won't like the mosaics, and thus, PP has to remove them to keep their customers...
And besides, most of the customers don't know anything about then difficulties that PP encouners when the "mosaicing business" is done; they simply think you have to remove the mosaic "just like that" but unfortunately, that is rarely the case.

I understand the fact that it aint easy to RE draw the art nothing in life is easy, but i still recon that removing the mosaics only waste time an money

Well, even if they did decide to make patchs like G-collections, I don't think that'd make the work go any faster or save money/resources in any way anywat, since you'd still have to work on the "unmosaiced" pictures, and then the work on creating a patch... Nah, too much bother, or so I think.

id say make the patches like a month later so that the ppl that want the mosaics removed can have it w/o them it give PP time to get more titles on the go an released

Well, technically, ALL games that Peach Princess release is old... By Japanese standards, that's it. LMM was released somewhere around 1998-2002, and the same is true for all, or almost all of PP's games, Just like most newer anime series are about 1 year old when they reach the US, so is the case of the bishoujo games that Crowd/Will releases. Lamuness or Kumiko said before that it because that most companies wouldn't sell the right to a game that is "new" in Japan for some reason; don't ask me why, I don't know the full reasons for it... Still I'd say that if PP continues like this for some years, releasing about 3-4 titles every year, we might catch up...

every year hmm... thats too long an so few it wont get u ne where fast an besides LMM has been goin for approx 3 yrs from what i have seen, inany case 3-4 games a year must sell $$$ to even stay in the market i dont mean get 4-5 games/mo like in japan summut like 1-2 games every 6 weeks would be enuff

all im sayin is cant they move quicker?


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
I understand the fact that it aint easy to RE draw the art nothing in life is easy, but i still recon that removing the mosaics only waste time an money

You are not the only one here who thinks like that; I and some other people here fully agree with you on the fact that it is a waste, but as the market is now, not much can be done about it; for now PP has to keep her customers happy.

every year hmm... thats too long an so few it wont get u ne where fast an besides LMM has been goin for approx 3 yrs from what i have seen, inany case 3-4 games a year must sell $$$ to even stay in the market i dont mean get 4-5 games/mo like in japan summut like 1-2 games every 6 weeks would be enuff

all im sayin is cant they move quicker?


With the resources they have now? No, I don't think so. Perhaps if they got like 10000 customers instead of the 2000-4000 customers they've got now, if they had that many customers, they could afford to hire some more people in PP, they'd be able to use their money to buy the rights to more games and so on... but as it is now, there's stilla long way to go before PP can get like 10000 customers... Most people here at these boards are trying to help Peach Princess to get that many customers so that hey're able to produce their games more quickly and impress other Japanese companies enough so that they might approach PP and offer to let them release their games and so on... But you know that it isn't an easy thing to do. Especially not since many people are idiots, if you know what I mean.