Lost in the world of Hentai

hmmm, looks like if we want games in english is to sub em ourselfs :confused: goes to huntout 10,000£ to move to japan an study japanese


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
hmmm, looks like if we want games in english is to sub em ourselfs :/ *goes to huntout 10,000£ to move to japan an study japanese*


Bingo! Yes, if you want more games and want to dive deeper in the bishoujo game amrket, you have to:

1. learn Japanese
2. get yourself a computer or a laptop with a Japanese windows (OS)
3. Buy LOTS of japanese bishoujo games of your choice, pull up a goat, sitt down and start ot play [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

If you want to do fan-translations for certain games, that's fine, but I'd advice you that you keep your hands of trying to do bishoujo game fan-subs, unless you're really skilled when it comes to that sort of thing... And you also have to know that translating a bishoujog game isn't the same as translating an anime series... But, you could begin to work for Peach Princess, they're always happy to welcome fans who'd be willing to work a little for free among them [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Kagami:
Sorry for being off-topic, but I can't help mentioning that you don't really need a Japanese OS anymore. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Non-Japanese XP works fine with Japanese games. (Unless Illusion's super-paranoid territory checking catches on or something.)

Hm, but people have mentioned several problems when using XP, right? So I throught the safest thing to do would be to reccomend a Japanese OS?

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Games written for XP rarely have problems with language and such.

Perhaps, but still... When Dave E was here, he often spoke about the "front textbox problem", or soemthing like that... apparently something in many of Will's games has something that makes it impossible to see the text in the box if you're just using Win XP...

What companies do I like? Like I said before many times, there is no set company I like…I only like particular titles. If a company makes one great game, that doesn’t mean all their games they made before, as well as all their games they make in the future, will be good/great either. As for studio ego…none of the games impressed me…sure, the graphics are very nice, and many of the titles are rpg/slg which may cater to you people more…but so what? the story is pretty…lame, some call the games retarded…ok, I’d better shut up now.

As for asking peapri go to faster (on say LMM), many factors are restricted by the how willing/inclined the japanese staff are for production. Not to sound like Kumiko/Dave E here, but the only way to get their butts to work faster is to convince them that there is a highly marketable world for bishoujo games in here.

As for mosaics, nope we (peapri) never touch them; the graphic staff of the original japanese company takes care of them. There is very few graphic-capable staff in peapri; I think I am the most capable one actually…do you want me to do the decensoring? I don’t think so, and I won’t do it either…

As for dokusen…Will Japan have lost all the hard drive data for the game so we don’t even know if it’s possible to localize the game (or if the japanese staff is willing to invest the time on it)…and not to mention that this is a brutish title too so I personally am not sure if that’s a suitable title to bring over…

As for how G-collection, I personally am not too impressed with how they work and plan stuff…having people download a patch that is like 50+megs big on a password-protected server…I wonder how much bandwidth that will waste and that will add up cumulatively as new titles are released. One day their server will burn out. So I don’t think that’s an efficient way to solve the problem. Although I do have a few concept ideas that may be more efficient and effective, I’d rather keep them to myself since they are a competitor after all ^^

As for why G-collections is able to release so many games at once; most likely they have been doing all the work “in the background” before the announce anything including the company itself. After all, they are the same group of companies who supplied the games that were at otaku publishing a few years ago. Anyhow, I would expect the production rate to be slower from now on…

Ya know guys, we dont need to make this thread a bash peapri one, (my first post in this set was not meant as a bash) i was just trying to state the differnces in how 2 companys go about releasing products, peachprincess does it most effectivly so far, and no company is really fast at it for the reasons stated, they just dont think their is a big enough audience for the games so they feel no hurry on it…

Which isnt our fault… its commie nazi’s(and i mean no offence to any groups or people by that comment) like the magazines and tv news that bash the japanese game market.

Actually, it seems G-Collections decided to pick up on a few of its mistakes and have removed the password system with thier patches, as well as releasing all future titles unsensored, or atleast ship with the patch if you want it.

Ah, fantranslation… You’ll inevitably run into a problem with this idea. Once you know enough japanese to understand and play the games, you won’t have any desire to translate it anymore. Atleast I wouldn’t. The whole reason you want to translate it is so you can understand it… Once you can understand it, there’s no need for a translation.


an interesting theory, but one i disagree with…even if you understand enough japanese to play and understand the games, unless you spend years and years and years making yourself extremely fluent in japanese to the point of being able to think in it if you so wish, you will progress through these games in japanese at an extremely slow pace compared to an english title…if you think about it, most people whose first language is english can look at a sentence in english for just a second and have a basic idea of what it says, if not have read the entirety of it and know exactly what it reads…when i go through an english bishoujo game, unless i stop to listen to and appreciate the voice actors, i go through approximately 30 or 40 text-boxes of text in a minute, and that is me going slowly and enjoying the text…but trying to understand what a japanese sentence says in my japsnese courses, even when it is simple grammar and all in romaji, takes me quite a while. obviously, i will get better as i learn more and become more proficient…

…but my main point is that until you are at the point of knowing what blocks of japanese characters say and what they mean at a glance, you will appreciate an english version ten million times more, simply because there is tons less effort required to fully understand what you are reading…i play these games to have fun, not to feel like i am in school, and if i had to constantly translate everything as i went, even if i did it fairly efficiently, i would feel like i was in school all over again, and to me that is not fun

Originally posted by Lamuness:
As for dokusen...Will Japan have lost all the hard drive data for the game so we don't even know if it's possible to localize the game (or if the japanese staff is willing to invest the time on it)...and not to mention that this is a brutish title too so I personally am not sure if that's a suitable title to bring over...

... If PP is worried about brutish games, then why do you even release games with brutish elements? Besides, Dokusen is, just like LMM and Slave Bazaar not an 100% brutish game, since it is all up to you if you choose a "dark" or "light" path. And also, it is a SIM, which would be the main reason for bringing it over in english, since many customers and fans of PP have asked for RPG's and SIMS, and "The customer is God", remember? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. In any case, I'd like to see at least one of Will's three sims here someday...

Edit: And besides that, I think Dokusen would do a lot better than for example Water Closet and perhaps Used Condom...

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-15-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... If PP is worried about brutish games, then why do you even release games with brutish elements? Besides, Dokusen is, just like LMM and Slave Bazaar not an 100% brutish game, since it is all up to you if you choose a "dark" or "light" path. And also, it is a SIM, which would be the main reason for bringing it over in english, since many customers and fans of PP have asked for RPG's and SIMS, and "The customer is God", remember? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. In any case, I'd like to see at least one of Will's three sims here someday...

Edit: And besides that, I think Dokusen would do a lot better than for example Water Closet and perhaps Used Condom...

We will see...

Yes, LMM and Slave Bazaar are not 100% brutish...but Dokusen is...emmm....actually a bit demeaning to the girls, which is one of the reasons me, Peter and the peapri staff (ie everybody except Dave E) are not so inclined to consider this title....well, at least that's my initial perspective. However, after going to AXNY and see what people want and buy, that changed my views a bit. After seeing people not too interested in SnowDrop and people seem to buy WC more (I don't know the exact numbers but that appears to be the case), it seems that people here want more "sex" than say "softcore/romance" stuff.

Anyhow, we will worry about it once we clear some titles out of our line-up; we have too many thngs to worry about now with our current stuff

Yes, we will see…

Hmm, but I do remember that from your report before, TVI was also quite popular, but then, again, TCI is more hardcore than Snow Drop, so… I think what may make people not too interested in Snow Drop might be the fact that it’s hard to reach the second part of the game; I played for a month to get two of the good endings, and since then, I’ve laid Snow Drop “on ice” until I finish Kana, then I’ll move on to finding the last 2 ending sin SD, if not XC2 gets into the way somewhere along that, of course . And you also said that Brave Soul got quite a lot of attention and tat gmae is not brutish in any way, juding from what you said to me when I asked if BS contained any brutish scenes

Then, of course, it may be as you say, that people want more hardcore than softcore/romance, and that’d mean that releasing a game like Dokusen might be a good bet. Anyway, from what I can see, you will have to select a few hardcore games after you’ve cleared some of your titles in any case, sinc most of the games Will/Crowd offers are brutish in some ways, with the exceptation of a few games, but even those games might not be that good choices anyway; for example: Maple is a very romantic game from what I’ve heard, but the fact that the girls looks quite young might scare away some people… Yuri of the Imperial Valley is a decent gmae from what I’ve heard, but it is first and formost targeted to fans of Yuri, and I’m not sure how many would buy it then (but I know that many of the Yaoi/yuri-fans in Animenations Yuri/yaoi forum would be very happy to see such a game here, and I myself would be fine with such a game). Well, it is up to you and the rest of the staff, I suppose, but when the time comes to select some new games, then try to see it to that your choices refects the desires of the customers

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-15-2002).]

chants redrum redum redum

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i play these games to have fun, not to feel like i am in school, and if i had to constantly translate everything as i went, even if i did it fairly efficiently, i would feel like i was in school all over again, and to me that is not fun

Agreed... but would you put yourself through the painstaking effort of translating just so you could edit the game so you could play it in english? If you DID put the effort in to completely understand the dialog, I doubt you would have the desire, or at least long term determination to hack the game to use the english script.


Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i play these games to have fun, not to feel like i am in school, and if i had to constantly translate everything as i went, even if i did it fairly efficiently, i would feel like i was in school all over again, and to me that is not fun

I suppose not is not a good time to mention that I thought school was great fun and fascinating?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
As for dokusen...Will Japan have lost all the hard drive data for the game so we don't even know if it's possible to localize the game

Arrrgh! If that's true, it's a TKO for any try of porting the game. I thought, they only lost the unmosaiced artworks, but not the sourcecode and text-resources...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Arrrgh! If that's true, it's a TKO for any try of porting the game. I thought, they only lost the unmosaiced artworks, but not the sourcecode and text-resources...

TKO? I don't know if it'd be impossible to port the game but it would be much harder and mean more work than Will/Ruf might be willing to do... What about Will's two other SIMS then, I wonder...?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, Dokusen is, just like LMM and Slave Bazaar not an 100% brutish game, since it is all up to you if you choose a "dark" or "light" path.

Hmmm. I still hope, LMM would be way less brutish, than Dokusen (or the part of Dokusen, I know).

You might have a point about choosing my path more on the bright side. Maybe, I should try to play it again by not forcing Tsumugi to anything (at least, as far, as I am free to do this) and doing all she wants. (Very likely, she would drop me for being a boring guy, if I do this. But I still have to try...)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Hmmm. I still hope, LMM would be way less brutish, than Dokusen (or the part of Dokusen, I know).

You might have a point about choosing my path more on the bright side. Maybe, I should try to play it again by not forcing Tsumugi to anything (at least, as far, as I am free to do this) and doing all she wants. (Very likely, she would drop me for being a boring guy, if I do this. But I still have to try...)

Oh, I don't think you have to worry about the "LMM/Slave Bazaar versus Dokusen" thing, since I think that both are less brutish than the worst dokusne can show, but I still think it was a good comparisation; in Dokusen, it seems to depend on how you treat the girls, and the same goes for LMM and SB; if you're mean to the girls, you may be walking towards the Dark Path...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Maybe, I should try to play it again by not forcing Tsumugi to anything (at least, as far, as I am free to do this) and doing all she wants. (Very likely, she would drop me for being a boring guy, if I do this. But I still have to try...)

Tried this path yesterday. Again the same ending as the result. It looks like, being nice to her is not all, I have to do. (Maybe, she thought, I neglected her by never forcing her to any sexual training...)

... and still, I am missing at some point of the story (perhaps, when he forced the contest) an option for "beat the crap out of Himegami" ...
(O.K., since Sephiroth (FF VII), I tend to be violent towards enemies, if I know, they are capable of taking any kind of mind-control over my own character)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
About 6 months ago, there was a lot of talk about Dokusen, a game made by Will/Ruf, that is a SIM, has a good story, good characters, multi-perspective and about 16 endings, and takes about 8 hours to play through (accoring to our souce at that time anyway, but Uincorn could confirm it).

O.K., I'll try to confirm:
Will/Ruf: Confirmed
SIM: Confirmed
good story: Eeeehm. Houston, we have a problem! In fact, I always got the same ending, so I could not confirm the interaction betweeen my choices, the SIM and the story...
good characters: same problem, as withthe goos story. As far as I have played, I would prefer the TCI-characters
multi-perspective: Only got the perspective of Ayukawa Kyouichi. If I understood the manual correctly, it's the only character, I may control...
about 16 endings: exactly 16 slots exist in the gallery of endings
takes about 8 hours to play through: ... if you are fluent in japanese and do not skip the text passages, that you already know ...