Lost in the world of Hentai

Originally posted by Unicorn:
O.K., I'll try to confirm:
Will/Ruf: Confirmed
SIM: Confirmed
good story: Eeeehm. Houston, we have a problem! In fact, I always got the same ending, so I could not confirm the interaction betweeen my choices, the SIM and the story...
good characters: same problem, as withthe goos story. As far as I have played, I would prefer the TCI-characters
multi-perspective: Only got the perspective of Ayukawa Kyouichi. If I understood the manual correctly, it's the only character, I may control...
about 16 endings: exactly 16 slots exist in the gallery of endings
takes about 8 hours to play through: ... if you are fluent in japanese and do not skip the text passages, that you already know ...

Thanks for that [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Hmm, but Dave E did say that you could play as all the characters... maybe you misread the manual? and besides, Dave E did paly a lot on Dopkusen, or so it seems, but you have put Dokusen "on ice" for a while since you said that you wanted to wait before going further in the game, so...?

Perhaps you do need to be mean a couple of times, but we'll see... Dave E said that it was the meters, in combination with the choices you do that decides towards which ending you're moving... Hmm, tell us more about it when you have played the game a couple more of times [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Right, there should always be the opinion of beating your enemy up, especially if that enemy is a total bastard [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

I am not sure how much and in depth Dave E played Doukusen…but I know for a fact that he knows very little Japanese (less than myself relatively) so how much he understands I have questions about…He may have gotten the info from Will and paraphrased it, I don’t know.

And I don’t have the game myself so I can’t speak too much about Dokusen myself. Sorry…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I am not sure how much and in depth Dave E played Doukusen...but I know for a fact that he knows very little Japanese (less than myself relatively) so how much he understands I have questions about...

Well, according to his own info, he had at least most of the endings reached, which is much more, than I can say of my successes in Dokusen.
My info about Ayukawa being the one-and-only character is based on a paragraph in the mannual, that I might have gotten completely wrong, or the game wants to make it a surprise, when the viewpoint changes to another character. One thing, I know for sure: there is no option to directly "switch to another person" as in "EVE Burst Error" or "Adam - the double factor".

Because the girls are the victims, that become trained, I'd doubt very much, it would be possible to get into their roles, what leaves only Himegami as the other person, you possibly might play later on, if (and that is my problem) you are succesful enough in the first phase, playing as Ayukawa.

If that's really the way, it should work, I'd much more prefer to continue losing as Ayukawa, than become that **** Himegami.

Hmm, dav eE said that to paly as anothe rcharacter, you first have to get one or more specific endings and perhaps unlock certian events, perhaps muc like in Snow Drop, or other gmaes where you might have to unlock a specific ending before you can do smething (I’ve been told that in kango, you can get all the girls in a path that is unlocked once you’ve gotten all the other girls endings - dokusen might be like that too).

I can undertand that you wouln’t want to play as Himegami - but also remember that when playing as him, you could turn something bad into something good (according to Dave E again) .

Dave said that you could play as the girls - but if you do, it is more of an ADV, since you can’t train Kyouichi or Himegami,a nd you only get to make some choices that determites which ending you’re heading towards. I guess that that might be why it is labeled as an ADV/SIM.

I see.

Thanks a lot. I have not read the Dokusen-Thread in whole, so most of these infos were really new for me.

Hmmm. It’s dangerous, if I try to play Himegami. I might reach the point, that I get the urge to smash any mirror, I look into, after that…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I see.

Thanks a lot. I have not read the Dokusen-Thread in whole, so most of these infos were really new for me.

Hmmm. It's dangerous, if I try to play Himegami. I might reach the point, that I get the urge to smash any mirror, I look into, after that... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Heh, I was the one who posted the most in the
Dokusen thread, so I remember much of what was said in that thread [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Take the risk. I don't think you'll smash the mirrir anyway, and if you do... Well, you'll be unlucky for 7 years int hat case (Hmm, reminds me of that time when I smashed a mirror with my own skull by mistake ^^;; [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. anyway, good luck on unlocking the many endings and paths! *envious*

ughuuu~~~~ dies due to pure boredom

i hav so many jap games an most r pointless to play 90 odd games few in english :confused:

ne of u guys/gals reccomend a new-ish game to play???

oh an do u know if http://www.getchu.com ship to the uk???