Male or Female?

Originally posted by Benoit:
Error: grammar conflict

Eh, it's not necessary to point out every grammar error someone makes, especially if the person clearly isn't trying particularly hard to be grammatically correct. The way you're badgering Lamuness about his grammar seems almost insulting. I wouldn't bother pointing out errors if they seem more like typos than actual gaps in the person's knowledge of English.

Originally posted by Benoit:

[quote] in my case... Male, faithful to what god gave me

You want to stress that you aren't transexual, right?

Exactly, there is a saying here that says
`Hecho y Derecho`... [img][/img] [img][/img]

The grammar isn’t a typo. It’s a lack of attention to what you are writing.

These kinds of grammar errors itch me, so I note it.

Originally posted by Benoit:
These kinds of grammar errors itch me.

read my response in the other forum regarding the EXACT SENTENCE, mr grammar hypocrite

i dont care if you have a personal problem with me (since there are other people who are typing worse than me and i dont see you bitching at them, and for the moment i am the only one being targetted on), but what is clear is that other people on the BBS are annoyed by your actions.

i hereby (and officially) ask you to seriously consider refraining from acting like this from now on, or i will have to considering posing harsher actions on you (aka suspending your account or banning).

this bbs is for everyone and it (or the world for that matter) DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU. i do not want to see anyone feeling annoyed that their posts are being spell/grammar-checked constantly by some big-brother.

Is it just me…or has this matter just snowballed?

well it has been bugging me for quite a bit, and i been receiving a few complaints so now might be a good time to give benoit a fair warning

benoit didn’t do anything pure evil like italicus did, but i dont want to see any thread becoming some sort of a grammar session, which will for sure bring the atmosphere of the bbs down to chaos. that’s my main concern. i am not too concerned about him picking on me personally all the time, but if it comes in the expense of the enjoyment of other users and the atmosphere of the bbs, then i am.

i know a few people have stopped reading this bbs recently due to various reasons, and as the mod of the bbs i should do something to maintain order here; that’s my job.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 02-18-2005).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
The grammar isn't a typo. It's a lack of attention to what you are writing.

These kinds of grammar errors itch me, so I note it.

Believe me, my friend, when i tell u this:
i'm not concerned about your itches at all, i'm already FULL of your hypocrites-acid-comments, u can says the same thing with nice words, cant you? if you cant, then YOU are the one that should re-consider his writting and way of life (any many other things) because if you cant be nice never-EVER in your life, then you DO have a problem...
I'll tel u again, i DONT care what you say, but you are getting quite annoying recently...

You are too full of yourself Benoit...

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki
Is it just me...or has this matter just snowballed?

Indeed, my friend, indeed....
Quite annoying...

"The reason we think the flowers on the precipice are beautiful, is because we are standing on the precipice as well.
Do not fear, because we are like the flowers,

We did not step off."

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 02-18-2005).]

Wow, I didn’t realize that there was so much latent hostility brewing behind the scenes…

In defense of Benoit, I don’t think he’s ever actually trying to be hostile or offensive, though his comments sometimes come off like that. He’s just a very blunt, direct sort of person who doesn’t like beating around the bush. He says what’s on his mind. On one hand, I see that as an admirable quality. But I’ve found it can also get one into trouble, as a good deal of societal interaction necessitates saying things that others want to hear, rather than what one means or wants to say. That said, I do think Benoit needs to consider more carefully how people will react before he posts something that might be considered rude or inflammatory.

my apologies to benoit. i pressed the edit button instead of the reply button and kinda errmmm…killed what benoit said, and my cache is renewed and i cant get back what was written before. but what i am about to write is directed to benoit anyways.

>because I do have 99% perfect grammar and spelling.

then i dont think you should go pick on people unless you have 100% perfect grammar and spelling. you are not perfect either; nobody in the world is. in a way you are just being elitist, and not everybody likes to be picked on and criticized all the time.

>You took what happened in the Gun Shield SAKIGAKE RIP thread out of proportion.

actually i wasn’t so concerned about what happened in the sakigake thread (since it’s more or less a personal complaint and doesnt really affect other users on the bbs but i think you really should gather up your thoughts/info before bursting out like that). i am sure i have warned you a few times before regarding your attitude, although i was a bit lenient and wasn’t mean enough to warn you publicly on the bbs like now. i guess you never took my concerns seriously enough back then, but i think you should at this time.

>Those other people who type worse than you are not English natives.

news flash: i am not an english native either. i have never admitted that i have 100% fluent english before.

>You, on the other hand, know how to type properly, yet you don’t.

like papillon said on the other thread, a bbs is not a place for formal writing. if you want me to write professionally i actually can, but with this bbs being a casual place (to some extent anyways), i dont see an absolute need to.

>I’m getting quite annoyed at people thinking like this, because it’s not true.

i am not implying that you should give in totally to society and everybody else, but i personally think that you should at least try to accept others before you want people to accept you, and you are clearly not doing so here. this bbs is for EVERYONE, not just yourself alone. i am sure most bbs on the net do not encourage unwanted criticism anyways, especially if it’s not even about the topic of discussion (like spelling and grammar).

>I can’t recall posting something anything remotely offensive except those grammar-noting posts.

there we go.

>Also, ever since Virtual-Mate, this board has degraded. I think everyone will agree on this one.

oh i agree to some extent but i dont think it’s something avoidable anyways. unholy avenger, benoit does have a point here. vmate kinda ripped this place apart due to differences in people’s views; gc in a way should thank us for taking the blow (or else it would have happened on their own bbs).

but for the most part people have cooled down with their hostile attitudes and moved on by now, although there are always exceptions. it may be true that i have exercised more of my mod authorities recently, but that’s only because i need to or things will get much worse during october with vmate. however, the only person i have banned/seriously warned is italicus; and you guys know why i did that. if i was really mean and unreasonable i would have banned more people.

finally, i would like to remind you of these past threads

everybody, including myself, has been quite understanding and lenient the whole time. however, most of us will have some sort of tolerance level, and this grammar-correcting issue has annoyed quite a few people, myself included. all i am asking you to do is to seriously refrain from picking on other people’s posts in terms of grammar and spelling (unless they are seriously obscuring what the person is trying to say, or they asked for it), and try to be a bit considerate to other people before you post in the future. that’s all.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 02-19-2005).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Quite frankly, I'm tired of this attitude.
Also, ever since Virtual-Mate, this board has degraded. I think everyone will agree on this one.

I dont quite understand what VM has to do with this disscution...

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Wow, I didn't realize that there was so much latent hostility brewing behind the scenes...

In defense of Benoit, I don't think he's ever actually trying to be hostile or offensive, though his comments sometimes come off like that. He's just a very blunt, direct sort of person who doesn't like beating around the bush. He says what's on his mind. On one hand, I see that as an admirable quality. But I've found it can also get one into trouble, as a good deal of societal interaction necessitates saying things that others want to hear, rather than what one means or wants to say. That said, I do think Benoit needs to consider more carefully how people will react before he posts something that might be considered rude or inflammatory.

i dont think society need to be told what they want to hear, that way, problems wouldn't be resolved...
I do believe, that there are ways and WAYS of telling people things... (i cant come up with the word, and i dont want to check the dictionary)

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 02-19-2005).]

Female! (like you all didn’t know anyway)

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
Female! (like you all didn't know anyway) [img][/img]

wow, that's news to me...

… why does it seem that on EVERY WEB BOARD I AM ON there is one of these silly “r u m o f?” threads? and there’s always more boys? and one of the boys starts accusing the girls of being liars? or worse, starts asking you pervy questions to try and ‘prove’ your gender?

Actually, this thread (barring the random wandering into grammar wars) is a cut above the usual.

I just wish people would get used to the idea that on the net, you don’t KNOW - and use gender-neutral pronouns. No, not ‘it’ - good old spivak! “This is Alex. E is nice. You can visit em at eir house.” Yeah, it looks bizarre and clunky if you’re not used to it, but if you hang out in communities where this is normal (generally MOOs) you get used to it and you start realising how annoying the alternative can be.

I don’t want to have to go around with a giant sign on my neck proclaiming “HEY I AM A GIRL” (And even with a girly nickname and girly avatars, on various boards, people still don’t get it.) OTOH, I don’t particularly enjoy being called ‘he’. Both of these are annoying.

Originally posted by papillon:
(And even with a girly nickname and girly avatars, on various boards, people still don't get it.)

Well, the problem is that on bishoujo boards, half the guys have girly nicknames and girly avatars. [img][/img]

I just had someone call me a ‘he’ on a board that’s at least evenly balanced and possibly predominantly female and has gender icons displayed next to the message (assuming you filled it in on your profile). I can’t win.

Originally posted by papillon:
I just had someone call me a 'he' on a board that's at least evenly balanced and possibly predominantly female *and has gender icons displayed next to the message* (assuming you filled it in on your profile). I can't win. [img][/img]

I think too many people assume this is still the heady early days of the net...

Welcome to the internet, where the men are women, the women are men, and anyone under the age of 18 is a government agent.
~A Random Signiture On A Forum

And this, btw, is why I put on my "An Open Letter Before I Go" the line "Hi. I thought that it was time to come down from the top of Mount G-Collections and talk to you guys, man-to-gender-designation-of-your-personal-choice."

But I was on the net before we even knew what the net was!

brandishes her True Geek card, her 1200 baud modem, her hand-scribbled notes to playing the Mad Maze game on Prodigy, and the ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’ form from school where she wrote ‘Sysop’ to confuse the teachers

papillon, i love you!

::hugs her favorite old Infocom text games ,and reminisces about ‘get sword’, ‘kill troll’ two-word parser on Adventure::

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
papillon, i love you! we get to see some lesbian action?

Originally posted by papillon:
But I was on the net before we even knew what the net was! [img][/img]

*brandishes her True Geek card, her 1200 baud modem, her hand-scribbled notes to playing the Mad Maze game on Prodigy, and the 'what do you want to be when you grow up' form from school where she wrote 'Sysop' to confuse the teachers*

A true female geek. Be still my beating heart. [img][/img]

*wonders when that little multi-choice selection menu is going to appear before realizing he's spent too much time at work.*

Seriously, tho, heh, you are standing next to a white house. There is a mailbox in front of you. Ahhh, the good old days before SVGA, VGA, CGA, or eve EGA. When a "color" monitor meant that you had an orange or green on black screen. And the mysterious A:\\> ruled all.

*recalls in all the wonderful ways he was eaten by a grue before he figured out what the hell a grue was.*