Male or Female?

I love you Spartacus.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Seriously, tho, heh, you are standing next to a white house. There is a mailbox in front of you. Ahhh, the good old days before SVGA, VGA, CGA, or eve EGA. When a "color" monitor meant that you had an orange or green on black screen. And the mysterious A:\\> ruled all.

*recalls in all the wonderful ways he was eaten by a grue before he figured out what the hell a grue was.*

Dude. My usual screen name is LrdDimwit.

Where are my taxes? Don't make me adopt you, then declare you've been bad, and take away your allowance.

Originally posted by papillon:
But I was on the net before we even knew what the net was! [img][/img]

*brandishes her True Geek card, her 1200 baud modem, her hand-scribbled notes to playing the Mad Maze game on Prodigy, and the 'what do you want to be when you grow up' form from school where she wrote 'Sysop' to confuse the teachers*

You kids and your new fangled devices.
*Looking over at my Atari 400, its RS-232 peripheral port adapter, its cradle modem which is a well below 120 baud at the best of times*.

Still got the old EQ. It still works, but my broadband connection and my Win XP laptop make it look like little abacus it is.

Hey, I've got some punch-cards lieing around from when my Dad took me to work because he couldn't find a sitter for a month. I punched the cards. That's my very second program, come to think of it. [img][/img]

Heck, I remember when everything was called "H-Games". And there wasn't any English translations anywhere. [img][/img] It was great news to see a market grow up to let us appreciate these games. [img][/img] Now, I'm hoping the market continues to grow at a good pace, and we don't have to wait 15 years before the big names start localizing their products for English.

[This message has been edited by Darkstar (edited 03-15-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Well, the problem is that on bishoujo boards, half the guys have girly nicknames and girly avatars. [img][/img]

You are scaring me...

and, Commodore 64 is the oldest think i had as a "playable thing that had to be pluged somewhere on a tv"

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
You are scaring me...

You don't believe me? This board doesn't have avatars...but check out this random topic at the MegaTokyo forums: 695381

I'm willing to bet good money that at least 3/4 of those avatars belong to men. Some of the names are girly too.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-16-2005).]

yay for grues!