Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

after looking over the demo and some of the screenshots I wouldn’t say their translation as bad its simply not proof read. Looking over their relase dates though you gotta admit that they punch out games very fast probably the reason why the lack of proof reading. It reminds me of the old G-collections before it went under, fast translations though many typos. My personal taste is that I would rather have a fast, accurate translation that is not proof read and get the game months ahead instead of waiting a long time for a cleaner version. I mean I don’t expect these games to be something like the Iliad or Shakespeare (which these games are not) in terms of story or grand epic so why should I be too concerned if the use say “hold” instead of “held” or comma spliced or run on sentences. The important part is that its in english and I can understand it easier and read it faster than if I chose to test out my two years of japanese language skills. Since I like darker games, the typos matters even less.

What I don’t like is the download crap, I like a physical copy of my games be it mainstream like the new Warhawk or adult I’m not so much concerned with the DMR then it’s I don’t feel like I actually own the game unless I have a physical copy

It doesn’t look like the Edelweiss price is permanent. From their front page "10 Jul 2008 Finally, we at have started the sales of the Date Simulation Games from July 10th. Please enjoy our first pick “Edelweiss” and “Which girl should I choose?” We are offering the special opening price!! Don’t miss the chance!!! "

A couple days ago I read on their site that they were planning to release 2 games a month, which I thought was odd since they had all but 2 of their listed games scheduled to come out today at the time. That might explain why the dates changed on the others. I can’t seem to find where I had seen that now though.

I am anxiously awaiting word on how the translation may / may not have been changed …

I caved in and bought Edelweiss. The download isnt as fast as I hoped but it’s chugging along nicely. Will report in on my findings in a few hours.

Comparing HinataBokko to the screenshots posted…

I see no change at all so far
If i see anything odd, i’ll let it be known.

Punctuation errors and words left out are still around, but they aren’t as bad as people said. They may have corrected some.
Also it doesn’t seem like they put the dash after names to separate the name and Honorific, I’ve seen Natsukikun a couple of times.

They didn’t change a damn thing. Same as before. Typos and format errors are still there. I also compared file sizes and dates: they’re completely alike.

Your tolerance for them is greater than those of us who despise it. Looking at the chans, there seems to be a camp forming between those who can accept the shoddy work, and those who cannot. Flame wars actually started over it. :roll: In any case, Narg cleans his hands of MG. If this is what they’re offering in English, I’ll just stick with buying the original Japanese hard copies or Peach Princess releases. Not gonna rant and rave: I’ve already beat the dead horse in earlier posts. Nothing else I really have left to say…

The demos are a fair representation of what you’re getting, so potential buyers should base their personal opinions off those. You can’t blame them for false advertising. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s about the same for Edelweiss. Plenty of typo’s and it seems very much like a rush job to get it out the door. I doubt they changed much between the 1st and the 10th except to hold back a bunch of titles. Hopefully those are getting looked at but the damage has already been done here. I am going to make the best of what I have and try to enjoy the game.

[on topic]

  1. the page where you enter the credit card details is NOT secured… SSL is not used on that page!!!
    update, read Nerg’s post bellow 2) they do NOT support a download manager (emailed them about it, will update with their response). I am using “Free Download Manager”
  2. as pointed out above, they didn’t reduce their price… it is a “special” store opening price tag.
    [/on topic]

update, apologised in a post bellow
[off topic]
OLF, you seem to have the wrong idea. People dislike of the DRM does not make them pirates nor does it mean that they support piracy. I have a major issue with DRM (
I have lost a lot of ebooks and activated programs and games because of Vista SP1), so am I happy with DRM, the answer is “no”, am I not going to buy from MG because of the DRM, the answer is again is “no”. DRM will not be the deciding factor of buying from them, it is the type of game and quality of translation that will decide it.
[/off topic]

Oy… you’re right. I didn’t notice that yesterday. It used to be SSL secure. Something happened there on the site reopening. Someone should email 'em about that.

Don’t know what you’re talking about on this one. I used DownThemAll! and it functions perfectly. Killed my connection for 30 minutes, then restarted it. Continued like nothing happened. I also have FlashGot installed, but you shouldn’t need it for DownThemAll!

WTF!? OLF never said that! He just presented a counterargument that MG is justified in using DRM, and that people complaining about it are going overboard and need to make concessions for what MG is doing for English eroge. He never said anti-DRM = Piracy.

Just tested my Download Manager again, took pics of it, and it still works. So again: I have no idea what the heck you’re talking about on that.

Oh noes! No free 1nternetz! qq

Zero. I’m just a zero!

My neighbor doesn’t protect his wireless. lulz!

Oooo! It’s even faster now. Rawr!

Well, if the fixing-all-the-typos thing wasn’t true (always was a long shot) then that at least is good news for my wallet, if not for them.

::bleary eyes::

Off to work …

first of OLF, please accept my sincere apology I misunderstood your posts.

as for the “FreeDownloadManger” it is stand alone application and not a plug-in. So Nerg, thinks for pointing out this plug-in (MG download require that you be logged-in, which means a cookie is needed)

And you want them, that’s the part you forget. From my POV, you are hungry and thirsty men in the Sahara, praying for food and water, and refusing anything that isn’t first class and costing more than what they would be able to pay in a McDonalds if they were sitting in New York, yet whining that no one wants to bring you what you want at your unconditional demands.
Erogames in the western world is a niche, brand-new market. “New” is the word: there’s no alternative and no established market. First new consoles are buggy and expensive, first new copies of a new media system (DVD, Blue-ray, TVHD, whatever) are not that good and expensive, etc. Erogame companies want you, but you want them as well, or so you whine about the matter for as long as I know (and I think I was in this fandom years before you did, Nande). Therefore, there should be a collaborative work from both sides to make it work, implying concessions and compromises from both parts. You cannot just stay there and tell you won’t move from your position and it’s entirely up to them to adapt to you. The absolute need to cater to your customers only exists when there are alternatives to your products, not when there’s not; or that just means people don’t want your products enough.
Or you could, but then stop whining about the lack of games, or even worst, the lack of good, famous games (what D.C. is).

Indeed, and don’t you think that means you, as the people who want them to bring you their games, should change to make it happen? “If the commander fails and blame the soldiers, change the soldiers. If that happens again, change the soldiers again. If that happens yet again, change the commander.”
After many tries and over a decade, no company ever succeeded, no matter what, so perhaps the problem isn’t from the company but from the “fans”? They’re the only factor that never changed and, in fact, refuses to change. So yeah, keep your attitude but then don’t complain if, ten years from now, the situation is just the exact same.

As for the typos and mistakes, it’s unfortunate but I suggest that people use these first games are a trial of sort of MangaGamers, take advantage of the low prices (honestly, 20¬Ä is quite cheap considering the possible profit). As I wrote, games can be patched, so I suggest people to give MangaGamers the benefit of the doubt (of hasty releases), waiting to see how they’ll handle it afterwards (e.g. promising quick patches).

(For the record, I used a collective “you”; I didn’t single out Nande who is, as an aside, a good and close friend of mine)

Investing instead in learning Japanese is the best way to go, Nande~ If you did when Spec and Uni did, you’d be enjoying the games in Japanese the way they do now!

Narg, I have a stupid question, how do you add these download to the DownloadThemAll? Everytime I try to add it it just downloads the “download” page and not the file itself! (I know that you are not their support staff… but I’ll be grateful for any help I can get)

Well, let’s just hope patches are made.

Still, translation issues aside, how are the games themselves. By that I’m talking that I’m talking the story and the ero content. For instance, Narg-san, does this game contain any good twincest that would make it that it’s at least not a total loss, and how is it storywise (no I’m not expecting a great story, I just want to know if it’s story is at least okay for an obvious sex romp (note like compared to Come See Me Tonight, Bazooka Cafe, etc).

I just might get Edelweiss since I like how it looks and sounds, though I won’t be playing it until I get back to college, which would be late August, so hopefully a patch will be out for it by then. And if the whole patch thing turns out o be just a rumor, well…I’ll still play and hope to like the game (just to let people know, I played through MinDead Blood and its expansion disc, Gore Screaming Show, and Gun Katana using my limited knowledge of Japanese and an online translator for the unspoken stuff and was still able to get the overall stories and enjoy them immensely so if I can tolerate deciphering Engrish, I can deal with typoes and such). Also, since the current special price is a lot more affordable than its original price (40 bucks compared to its Himeyashop price of $98.99 plus the $21 shipping fee?) I think I’d better take advantage of that.

The twin title? It has a plot. Simplistic as hell, but not a sexfest: it tries to tell an actual story. Although it has a bit of sex in it (you screw 'em more than once), not that I’m complaining about that. No actual twincest, and they’re fraternal twins anyways. One on one sex. No harem.

On a side note, I also did some homework on Suika: it doesn’t have actual twincest either. :frowning:

But it has pancakes! :twisted:

I forgot to mention that Tasty Shafts has real twincest: brothers sharing the same gal that is. But twincest nonetheless. :wink:

If you’re looking for an ero with deep plots, Da Capo and Suikia are obviously their best titles in the current lineup - although both a quite away from release. They’re also the most expensive. As far as the dark titles go, My sex slave is a classmate is the better of the sooner two IMHO. However none of the Liquid releases they’re currently offering, are on the caliber of Black Cyc in terms of storytelling - although Liquid does have excellent titles… and they’re REALLY GREAT at laying out sex scenes: The Queen and Princess As Your Rewards will help prove that. They have free demos, so you can check 'em out to see if they’re dark or plot intensive enough for ya. :smiley:

Now you’re scaring me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have the right DownloadThemAll! (there evidently two of them according to Google)?

After the plug in is working, all you need to do is start a download. On the MG site, its the Download button under Manufacturer and Price&Qty - not the text hyperlink at the top. The program will then offer this option for the ZIP file:

Pick DownloadThemAll. Should start up.

Since they’re a legit company, they cannot do that: that would be illegal work. They have to hire someone, with a legit working contract and all.

Legit companies do it all the time. It’s called “open” beta testing. :wink:

I’m not totally sure it works the same.