Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

The thing is Narg… even the Japanese walkthroughs differ from each other. Compare and

The key choices are:

You’ll notice they don’t happen at the same order in the Japanese walkthroughs. For example, in the first walkthrough, the first key choice shown is ???/??? while the first key choice shown in the second walkthrough is ???/???. This was why I was confused when I was making it. The game didn’t match the walkthroughs, and the walkthroughs didn’t match each other.

Hm. I’ll pickup the Japanese version and personally see what the deal is. I know that Foolmaker and Gamer’s Square are reliable sources for walkthru’s - however they are also dependent on variables like patches or release variants. It could be possible that a second “fixed version” of the ero was released without fanfare. Has happened before. I’ll dump an inquiry on the relevant 2chan boards. They’d know.

Anyone brave enough to waste their money to find out if they fixed it? :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope MangaGamer shapes up to be professional quality… At this point I have interest in Da Capo, Edelweiss, and Suika; but if it ends up being of sub-proofed quality, I’ll just have to stay on the sidelines…

@Shavelle - I don’t regret spending flippin’ nearly 400$ for Utawarerumono (PC game + PS2 game [for voices] + anime + music cds). Because I totally fell for this one.

It’s been months since I finished Utawarerumono PC… And I’m still completely nuts about the story, the music and its characters everytime it’s brought up randomly. It must be one of the best out there…
Because if there really are more games like this or better, I’m in deep trouble. [But please tell me about them :O]

I hope you love it! My personal suggestion if you haven’t seen the anime, play Utawarerumono without voices first. Then revisit it later getting a whole new experience with voices…

I’d like to find out if they fixed their translations, but I don’t like dark games, so Liquid titles are out for me, especially at 30 euro.


Just got an email that they’ve patched Which Girl Should I Choose? I’m going to download it and see the results. If this game is fixed, then they’ve earn my forgiveness, and I will get that Liquid title.

I’m eager to hear how much improvement the patch has on the mess.

I just put the patch in on my game, a couple of things:

The readme says:

That didn’t happen to me at all.
it also went in perfectly so it DID NOT ask for a reactivation ( i was worried it would )

Also heres the dates that the files were edited for anyone interested:
25/08/2007 11:42AM

18/07/2008 10:05PM

I’m glad that they are at least attempting to fix the games.

The game starts up a fair bit faster.

The capital ‘I’ issue looks to be fixed.

So the patch is just to fix the capitalization of the word “I”?

Not to sure as of yet.

I have noticed another change.

When characters kissed and such, and sound effects were heard it would say something like:
[sound of Natsuki and Koharu Kissing]

Now it actually has the sound effects written instead of the bracketed text above.

spelling mistakes:
Hinata’s story
they started a sentence with ‘tried’ it should be ‘Natsuki tried’
And they spelled ‘From’ and ‘Forom’

Ms.Natsuki’s story
“I was studying a little… … Her you go.”
There is also difference in hard ans soft water.
“We got to get it looked at my momy!”
“I have never even had a girl friend in my life.”

Just finished the last bit of Miss Hinata’s story. The ending took about 3 seconds to load, it used to load almost instantly.

I loaded some saves from earlier. It seems that any part where text was altered cannot be skipped until re-read.

It sounds like they’re getting better. If things keep going this way, I’ll be able to buy Suika with confidence (I’m waiting for DCPC before I get DaCapo.)

it’s the exact same problem as the trial version.

I have the following:
My sex slave is a classmate ( Pre-release )
Tasty Shafts ( Pre-release )

Which girl should i choose ( Release version + patch )
Edelweiss ( Release version )

So if you have any questions about them, just ask.

I read this despite the typos and grammar errors. You really don’t get it, do you? I’m in a special situation to analyze this argument, because I’ll make a confession: I used to pirate software. I pirated a lot of hentai games in my early days. It’s how I first discovered them. Now, did this make the company lose profits? At that moment of time, no, because I was underage at the time, and couldn’t have legally bought the software.

However, in the present day, I’ve purchased a lot of the games that I had downloaded, which I had enjoyed. Do I feel guilty about downloading the games in the first place? Well, if I hadn’t, I never would have found out how much I enjoy them, and I likely never would have actually purchased them. It works both ways, you see. You can’t say for certain how many sales you’ve lost, or how many customers you’ve gained, due to things like this.

DRM and such isn’t going to help your product, it’s going to piss off customers.

Example: Let’s say I bought the newest hentai game, “Kitty kawaii milk addicts” or whatever. Now, being the cautious man I am, I don’t want to damage the original disc, so I try to make a backup CD with my CD Burner. What’s this? Oh noes, the disc is protected and I’ve just burned myself a nice drink coaster! Now I have to research the game to find the protection, use a program like Alcohol 120% to defeat the protection and copy the disc, all so I can make a perfectly legal copy for MYSELF. In the meantime, the crackers who enjoy challenges have already dedicated themselves to defeating your system and posting the wares on the most popular sites. So you’ve alienated your customers and attracted more pirates because of the “challenge”.

Thanks for the reviews and updates everyone. Glad to hear that they’re actually listening to the fans and, more importantly, trying to do better (and fixing their prior mistakes). Going to wait and see if things improve even more, but their buyability score went from rock-bottom to “distinct possibility”.

I guess breaking in a new b-game company is a little like breaking in a sex slave… you know, they’re very willful at the start and have a mind of their own, but eventually, with enough encouragement, they come around to the right way of thinking. :wink:

It’s exciting to see we have a new company that’ll be localizing some top-notch games like Da Capo, and that their translations are improving. Now they just need to fix their Engrishy website to reflect the improvement in translation quality…as it is the website doesn’t even appear legitimate.

Lol… Lipp beat me to it. :slight_smile:

Anyways, while the patch fixes some typo and spelling issues, they are still heavily present. Before I would have given then a 50% grade for translation quality. Given the patch, I’d say it bumped up to 65% or something. Still failing, but a higher mark of failing. That they’re trying is good. I still think they should try harder, before I buy another title from them - but that’s just me.

Two quick examples: They fixed the first punctuation error in this sentence, but still got “whatever” spelled wrong. I also think that that comma should be a period, as “What’s up?” starts a new train of thought.

Before Patch

After Patch

If you use your old save - i.e. from the prepatch game - it can cause weird errors to pop up here and there. For me, it caused some backgrounds to not load. If you start a new game however, this issue does not pop up. Below an example of that. It also shows another sample of the additional fixes they did to the text (and errors that stayed):

Before Patch

After Patch (using a prepatch save)

Typos and spelling errors are still too common – just not as glaring or slap in the face. Before it seemed like a text issue would popup every second or third sentence and were genuinely annoying. Now its down to every fifth or six sentence (relatively speaking). Having the patch is 200% better than not having it.

It should appease some of the more tolerant and forgiving people out there.

It IS good that they’re trying. But it’s bad that it just looks like grammar fixes, like they handed it off for another round of proofreading. Both of those examples are simple punctuation/capitalization corrections, the wording is unchanged. Are there any spots where the actual wording itself was updated? If what others have said is accurate, it needs to be sent back to have the translation brushed up, no proofreader can fix that.

Sounds like they may have worked more to improve the translation of their newest game than they’ve worked to fix their past mistakes–which isn’t terribly suprising. Although, even in the first sample picture tenchifew posted…

“She’ll probably come to my room even if I didn’t order her to. That may be fun too…”

Seems like it should either be “She’d probably come to my room even if I didn’t order her to. That would be fun too…” or “She’ll probably come to my room even if I don’t order her to. That may be fun too…”

Well for some of their cheaper games it might, however some of them coming up are going to be 40 to 50 euros…and given the exchange rate…i’d not pay that much for a game with that many spelling errors.

In all honesty, with the games priced at 40-50 euros, it’s more their DRM that’s putting me off then the potential for lack in editing and bad translation. Granted it’s still a huge issue, but when it comes down to it, if the company can’t stay afloat and goes under, you’ve lost an 80$+ game.