Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

DRM does not really bother me. Someone will eventually come up with a crack if they go under. I am pretty confident that there are many hackers out there who will come up to the challenge.

In the meantime I 'll purchase whatever games they have that are interesting to me. The translations are getting better, and hopefully the number errors and spelling errors are going down. As long as the effort is being done to fix their problems, I’ll continue to support them.

I’m with Dalburnan on this. Spending ~80-100 USD on a game from a startup company with an uncertain future is quite a bit to ask. I would prefer not to have to break the law in order to play a game I payed for already if they go under.

DRM: The dead horse you never get tired of beating.

I don’t wanna go into it, because it’s a gray area, but if you make a backup of all the game files after activating it, your safe. Play around with it. You’ll see.

Interesting. I may be buying from them again once they fix their translation and editing issues after all…

that also includes the registry as well. As i don’t have the game i’m not sure what it changes, but it clearly would have to edit something there.

I think that depends upon your level of tolerance… based upon what’s been said, if you can handle the occasional typo, can deal with the problem of word spacing being wacky (is this an all-the-time problem, or only occasional?? anyone?) then it might be bearable for you.

Of course, there’s also the price vs. bearability factor too, since these games aren’t exactly “cheap”… Really, it all depends upon your tolerance for this sort of thing. I’m fairly tolerant myself, but at that price tag… I’m very hesitant to start investing.

I guess they still haven’t fixed the demos, either, from the sound of it, so it’s not like you can get any indication of the quality based upon them… which kinda defeats the prupose of even HAVING a demo, doesn’t it?

I haven’t yet purchased one of their games (yet), but I’ve lurked this entire thread and similar MG debates on other forums, so I’ll try to answer. From what I understand, when you download the game it’s in a .zip file. You can install the game from the .zip file FIVE times (it used to be three, but it’s now five). When you install the game you need to login with your account, meaning to be safe you might want to be at your friend’s house to install the game for him, unless you’re comfortable giving him your account info. An internet connection is obviously required. Once the game is activated you’re good to go and you don’t need the Internet anymore.

So what I would do is, if you want to share the price, agree to bring the .zip file to his house, install it for him, and remind him he can NOT move or modify the game’s files. Your friend also can’t reinstall his OS. Violating any of this means you’ll have to reinstall the game for him.

They are improving little by little, now they list the games as japanese dating sim games and have a meganekko (can’t go wrong with meganekkos) talking about Bishoujo games.

I guess I’ll just take the good ole’ wait and see attitude and hope for the best :slight_smile:

This is on the front page of Manga Gamer now

Proof Readers Wanted!
A lot of new titles are coming.
We need your help! Contact

I emailed them about it. They said you don’t get to choose a title/genre, but you get paid. I didn’t get any details though.

  1. you don’t need to login into you account, when you run the title for the first time it will ask you for the activation code, then it will connect to the server… and you are set to go.

  2. what you described above is the bone that I have with “word of mouth advertisement” that JAST is (was?) taking. As far as I know, when you tell your friend about a b-game, your next action is to give him/her “your” copy to try.

As for using a download manager [posts from few pages back], the downloadthemall did work (thanks Narg ), but it seem that the plug-in (version 1.0.3 at the time of posting) have an issue with reading the cookie with Firefox 3. Downgrading to Firefox 2 (based on Narg’s screen shots) solved the problem. I’ve contact them regarding the support for a download manager, but they seem not to know what a download manager is!*

  • sorry for not giving my feedback sooner, but I lost my internet connection hours after finishing my download (literally) and only got it back few days ago [thankfully the game didn’t need an internet connection after being activate].

** before someone flam them for not knowing what a download manager is, how many of you know what is a spreadsheet application? (in other words, people might know the name of a known product like Microsoft Excel, but have no idea what the product is, in this case, Microsoft Excel is a well known spreadsheet application).

The thing that worries me about the DRM is look at Funtranslations they only charged $10 for their english translation patches but they used activation and now don’t seem to be around anymore. So those who purchased the games and need to re-activate somehow are now out of luck. Now MG could become the same things but for a much heftier price and that makes people leery when it comes to the DRM portion of the game.

I have never heard of this ‘funtranslations’ and Google finds a bunch of “expired domain” cybersquatters.

I suppose that was the point, though. :slight_smile:

If anyone has noticed, Mangagamer has changed their release schedule for a few games. Most of the games have moved up a month or more. I’m going to list the most popular ones below.

Shera My Witch- September 15
Da Capo- October 15
Suika A.S- December 1

That’s a good sign. They’ll probably go through the new wave of proofreaders first.

I hope that Peapri too updates the “Upcoming Releases” thread :wink:


Hmmm… PP has been rather quiet since the Expo. What are you guys scheming? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve actually been thinking the same thing for awhile now.

now manga gamer needs to pick big name titles like some key stuff or the shuffle trilogy

Da Capo is about as big a big name title as it gets, being that it and its sequel both got TV adaptations, and they have released … what, ten fandiscs in Japan?