Mangagamer (Previously "Hell may have frozen over?")

Here’s some spectacular moments of fail, to prove its just not a fluke: On top of not starting new sentences with a capital letter…

mistaked is not a word… plus her name isn’t Natsuki - it’s my name!

what ever should be whatever

sometimes this happens sometimes…

caps after a comma?

run on sentence… oh… and improper use of “held” - oh… And why did they call her Natsuki? I’m Nasuki!!!

Also… I don’t think the twincest shares in this title. Fraternal type too. Boo. :frowning:

Yes, for two games: … 08BFF915B4 … 05685D53E3

Apparently, you do not have to sign up or anything in order to download these games.

You know, Narg, that pic with the “sometimes” showing up as “somet’Imes” (twice, no less) is making me wonder if the translation wasn’t run through translation software first, and then “corrected”. Or, someone was doing some form of lookup and got that result for “sometimes”. It’s too weird of an error for it just to be a translator’s typo twice in a row.

How depressing, though. There was a title or two I probably might have considered, but considering the price vs. quality issue… sigh it hardly seems worth it… :frowning:

You know what really sucks? That they conned the original Japanese creators. These great eroge companies were finally convinced somehow (be it money or smooth talk), that MangaGamer would give them a “big break” for entering the English market… and yet I’m only seeing third class work here. I SERIOUSLY love those dark eroge Liquid titles, but I’m not getting 'em because I fear I’d be throwing away my money. I have no intention to “reward” a company that half asses stuff. I don’t know… maybe it’s just this one twicest game that sucks so hard… but I’m not crazy enough to waste another $30 to $80 and find out. Peach Princess would have done a better job of porting it - of that I have no doubt. Given the shoddy results: there’s this nagging feeling in the back of my mind, MangaGamer isn’t legit. I mean they might be perfectly legal… but with a product this cheaply assembled, it just reeks of scam… or in the very least a “get rich quick business scheme”.

Damn it. On the one hand, I don’t want anyone else to get burned and buy a crappy imported game from them. On the other hand, I’m very curious to know how bad/good the translation quality is for another title.

Well from what I have read… if they are legit. I will buy the games as long as they are unedited… ie no missing content (reason I dont buy xc3) and when the games get hacked so I can burn a hard copy and use/install again without worry of limit. Sorry but digital copy only and 3 activations is shit. The cost is not a problem since when I import J games its about that much anyway and this is translated… although its sloppy work its still translated.

I do wonder why they got this and not PP… could be too much up front $ that pp couldnt put up would be my guess. If they offered us a poll and said they could get this but had to charge JP prices… I think folks here would of still bought it.

I wonder if these dutch translated games are uncensored or not.

counting on fan patches for translation is hoping to win the lottery.

Yes. The mosaics are removed: all CG’s are uncensored (although this particular title uses the invisible cock thing). Very well drawn. No scenes - loli or otherwise - were removed. They at least got that much perfectly down - and its the uber quality of the uncensored material, that keeps me from screaming outright fraud.

i would only pay $80 for some good long game like fate/stay night with hollow extera added on or happiess delux the only other ones would be yami no koe last reason i would buy a h-game for that much is if it had a gold disc
but it is goog to see another company releasing uncensored h-games

Uh, wow. I go away for one day, a bombshell gets dropped. That’s … amazing. Even if the quality really does suck THAT poorly, if this is legit then this is a big deal (that’s a pretty big ‘if’ though). In fact, even if this is NOT legit, it’s still big news, because if they really did accurately translate so many titles, from so many different companies, all via some kind of dodgy fan translation outfit, that’s still huge.

We will find out easily enough if it is some kind of scam. If Circus is indeed going to have a panel at AX, then at the latest I would expect we’d hear them denounce this at AX. If not before!

The translation quality is a serious issue. Very serious issue, if it really is this poor across all titles. The DRM is another serious issue. But this is an initial batch, many times companies make mistakes with initial batches and iron things out later.

I guess, the best thing to do is wait and see.

From what I’ve seen, it isn’t really a translation/interpretation issue as it is an editing/typographical issue. I’ll be a lot more contructive and a lot less emotional than Narg.

Judging from the demos, the scripts are coherent and readable. If you compare the script from a typical SNK game to one of Manga Gamer’s games, Manga Gamer’s script is a lot easier to understand because it doesn’t have the nonsensical “Engrish” style translation errors. I’ll give them credit for that, because when I was downloading the demos, I was expecting SNK-glish to be prevalent. However, I’ve noticed a number of little typographical errors (primarily in the spacing department) scattered here and there in their scripts. Some of it seems to stem from the fonts they’re using, as they sometimes either make the letters overtly spread out or merged together. Other times, it may be that the editors forgot to put a period at the end of a sentence or put a space between words.

I can understand what’s going on in the games they’ve made and enjoy them throughly, but they’ll need to pay more attention to the little details in the script (and release some patches) to improve their presentation. If you’ve played Harvest Moon, Maple Story or Wonderland Online, you’ll probably know what to expect.

Well, I’ll at least play the Circus games and try to endure any Engrish that shows up. Considering I played through MinDead Blood, Gore Screaming Show, and Gun Katan using an online translator, I think I can endure the grammar problems.
Still, like Narg says, I think this should be brought up to them at the convention, and also e-mailed to them. If this is just a case of ‘first batch’ problems, then if the company is informed perhaps this can be fixed.

One question, is the dialogue translation and such for the games like Adam: The Double Factor’s? Because if it is, at least I can get a laugh out of pointing out “all your base are belong to us” kind of Engrish.

Like I said, it isn’t “Engrish” as in AYBABTU. If you can read, you’ll understand the text just fine.

It’s a matter of typos, such as misplaced spaces, lack of spacing, missing punctuation marks, etc. It isn’t something that a trip to the word processor can’t fix, so we will have to inform them of these mistakes. Under one condition though:


Yikes… those samples are bad. I probably won’t be buying any of their titles, unless they drastically improve their standards and lower some of their prices.

It’s funny that they absolutely don’t care about the “they’re all over 18” rule.

That’s not really a rule… it’s just something commonly self-enforced to avoid the inevitable shitstorm that would arise if the mainstream press heard of it. =p

Edelweiss wasn’t much better, but the person who bought seems to be at least enjoying it, despite the typo storm.

Edelweiss is a pretty good game. Good thing said person got it before the price jumped exponentially.

Well, MangaGamers are going to be at AX and JapanExpo at the same time, that makes it an expensive scam if that’s one, since that means they paid for two booths AND plane tickets for a trip to the other side of the world. That’s quite an investment, giving it more insurance about them being legit. Plus, taking a booth at AX where circus was announced as being present.
Who knows, perhaps there’s a Dutch version as well and this one has excellent Dutch? :wink:

We’re talking about the Netherlands, though, probably the laxest country of the Western world when it comes to sex.

I personally despise the overwhelming poor spelling and grammar. Considering that several of these titles cost more than the Japanese version if I got them from Palet Mail Service - without the manuals, goodies that come in the box, lack of a hard copy, and online activation (which may or may not be limited to “x” amount of installs) - paying $80 for them is almost a joke. This isn’t a cheap price tag - so why should I expect a cheap product? You’re right: the stories are readable (though at times you’ll get a WTF moment when several run-on sentences occur one after another). I kept pointing that out, but the quality control is terrible. Harvest Moon and Lunar Dragon Song weren’t this terrible. Those I can tolerate and even found amusing. At worst they had typos scattered about in a haphazard manner (partly made a game of trying to find them all), but this eroge I’ve played had a moment where EVERY OTHER SENTENCE for what would constitute as half a chapter in a novel, was errored in one form or another. It’s severely annoying. And considering that TEXT constitutes a major cornerstone of these games…

Maybe its because I already understand Japanese, that I don’t see this 3rd rate scripting as huge a blessing. Perhaps me having the option to merely get the original Japanese version and being able to enjoy it clouds my judgment. I’ll concede that. Narg does get arrogant and emotional for that. However the mistakes are not always an “oh well, get over it” type thing. They are obvious. It won’t kill you… but it makes you cringe. Over and over and over and over… I tried to ignore it at first - and after reading your post I tried going back in a less angered state and enjoy it… but I can’t. Glad it don’t cost me $80… cause damn that would have hurt…

This all said: if they patch the dictionary nightmare, then Narg would damn near buy half their library and worship them like gods - dark eroge and twincest go far with me. But for now? No. I cannot own more titles this crappy. I will not rack-up $500 of grade school quality translation work. Were I to review these titles, I’d slap at least a -20 penalty on Mechanics for the terrible word presentation.

It. Just. Hits. You. Over. And. Over.

When fanlation teams have MUCH higher standards of quality than a professional commercial entity, that doesn’t win my hard earned paycheck. They’ve lost me as a customer after one purchase. Do I hate them so much that I wouldn’t go back? No - but only if they FIX the errors. I guess we’ll see if they give a damn about it.

(Wow… I knew this was almost unheard of news, but I didn’t expect 3 pages in a day.) Anyways, I agree with you Narg, that the quality is extremely poor for the price tag and hassle that comes with it. They need to rework their editing department(If they even -have- an editor at all from the looks of it), and possibly lower their prices some. I’ll admit that we’re talking about some big names here, but that really doesn’t excuse these price tags. I just can’t help this nagging feeling that it’s somehow not legit… but considering they’ve gone to such lengths on translating so many titles, offering trials on two of them, and are showing up at two different shows with a panel at each… I suppose we’ll know once AX gets going if all of this is legit or not. I’m off today, so I think I’ll run through both their trials and see if that horrible quality is across the board in all areas. I’ll post back with results if someone else doesn’t beat me to it.

You know, for the exact same reason, I’m more forgiving of them. Because I don’t give a damn. :wink:
If they’re legit, quality can come over time. The biggest wall IMO was for the games to be licensed, high-quality can come later, as long as the result is at least understandable. I think it’s how non-Japanese proficient potential gamers would look at it. The rest would depend on the company’s reaction to feedback.

As for the price, it amounts to 8500¥, which may be indeed a bit high, since a game without taxes is about 8800¥ Рwith the box and booklet. A d/l game is at worst, what, 5000¥ = 30€?

If anyone does run into these guys at conventions and such, PLEASE nag them to get a proofreader.

Decent english-speakers are not that hard to find in .nl, and for that matter there are a lot of people who would work for extremely low rates for the joy of being involved in porting h-games.

There are a few games they could potentially bring over that I would pay the high-end price for, but only if they don’t screw it up. :slight_smile: